Hi from Aberdeen Scotland


New member
Dec 15, 2013

I'm Flash from Aberdeen Scotland. Been called Flash since school days in 1984 :)

I Live with Chilli a domineering Greenwing Macaw, who is 7 years old and we've been together since she was a chick. Until recently we also shared our lives with Captain, a 12 year old CAG, who had been with me since he was 11 months old. Chilli recently developed asthma, and Captain's dander is the prime suspect, so he's currently living with my recent ex, in my house (it's complicated). She has a B&G Macaw and a Senegal, both of who he knows quite well, so it's all good. Living there he also benefits from access to my aviary, so it's all good - at least for him! Chilli and I live in a flat in the city, located above my workplace, it's not ideal as she doesn't have access to an aviary here, but hopefully we'll be able to address that at some point soon.

Chilli is a lovely natured bird, and wants to be with me all the time. She is out of her cage all day, only being locked in at bedtime, as she's entirely non-destructive. It wasn't always like that. Back when she was very young she once bit through a power cable. She'd attempted to get at it a few times, but I'd always managed to intercept her and shoo her away from it but, being a headstrong Macaw, she was determined to see what it was like to chew on that cable, and managed to get at it when I took my eyes off he for a split second. You know how fast birds can move when they are on a mission. I looked back just in time to see her bite through it, and before I could even scream "Nooooooo!" there was a loud bang, a huge squawk, and she was flapping round the room scared, but otherwise unscathed. That was the last time she ever vandalised something after I told her not to. She sticks exclusively to her toys now:) So the cable incident was frightening at the time, but has proven a blessing in the long-run.

I'm very particular about diet, using only human grade food stuff. Her cage is a large stainless one, and now that we don;t have access to an aviary I've fitted a some bird lights. There's also a huge perch in front of the window so she can watch the world go by whilst I'm at work.

Chilli has been harness trained since she was a chick. We used to go flying regularly, but that's not been possible this year due to the change in our circumstances.
Welcome, Flash, from sunny (and hot) Oz :)
Welcome Flash! Looking forward to seeing pictures of Chilli:)
Welcome to the forum!!!! Would love to see pictures of Flash. :)

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