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Feb 5, 2020
Tialu: (M, 5/20/12 - present) Patagonian Conure
Hello everyone! Just joined the other day. I'm Rain and my bird's name is Tialu (tee-ah-loo) - he's a 7 y/o Patagonian Conure. I've had him since he was old enough to leave his flock (aka his kind breeder and her lovely family, human and animal alike). He's a good bird.. though admittedly we are not as bonded as we could be. In the beginning years things were fine. But some years back I ended up developing various illnesses to where it was hard to have the energy to do anything asides from rest in my room whether it be due to mental struggles or pain, both, etc. I'd still care for him, of course.. feeding, cleaning, providing toys and occasionally letting him out to play. Just not nearly as much playing and bonding as I would have liked. Despite that he's still been such a sweetie, though he has grown more timid with me compared to the past..

I still struggle with illness, to some degree worse than before, but I've been trying really hard to do better for him despite my situation. Recently updated his lighting and toy setup and am trying to relearn parrot topics for a fresh start. I try to bring him out at least every evening for some bonding time and I would like to work on training him once he's ready, as well. I've been watching parrot channels on youtube (mainly "wingsNpaws" and "BirdTricks") and with some browser searching I came across this forum, as well. I wish I had thought to look for something like this sooner, really. So I look forward to speaking with everyone and learning good things here! :grey:

P.S. The bird emojis are very cute, lol.
Welcome aboard the good ship Parrot Forums. We have a member with a 35 year old Patagonian conure who is just gonna LOVE you and Tialu! Recommended reading is “The Rickeybird Scrapbook” which you’ll find under “Incredible Journeys for Birdlovers”, it’s a hoot and a half! There’s also a Patagonian Conure Tutorial which I believe is under the topic of Conures.

There is a wealth of wisdom to be found among our members and they’re only too happy to share their experience and knowledge. It’s great to have you and Tialu here with us :)

It is always so great to see one of the Rickeybird's cousins. Here is his Scrapbook...


I am SOOOOOO glad you found us!!!!!

When you get a moment... do you know for sure if it's a boy? My avian vet has studied these guys and tells me it makes a difference. Does he like hot peppers... jalapenos, for example? Most of these dry-tundra-evolved birds absolutely crave them. If ever you have questions, please call on me. And if you'd like, I can ask my vet a question for you: he is wonderful and loves Patagonians.

Again, welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thank you all for the kind responses and info! I'm ecstatic to know there's another member with a Patty companion! I don't often hear of people having one so I got really excited once I found out, lol.

Galeria: Yes, the breeder had him sexed and sent me the certificate. :^} And he does love peppers! I can't remember if I've tried jalapeños specifically with him, honestly, but sometimes I'll do red peppers.. he especially likes the dried ones, he likes the slight crisp to them, lol. I appreciate the help! I'll read the tutorial first (to lessen the chance that I bug you with a question that's already covered in there, LOL) and then will definitely message you if I have any questions. :^D

Thank you all for the kind responses and info! I'm ecstatic to know there's another member with a Patty companion! I don't often hear of people having one so I got really excited once I found out, lol.

Galeria: Yes, the breeder had him sexed and sent me the certificate. :^} And he does love peppers! I can't remember if I've tried jalapeños specifically with him, honestly, but sometimes I'll do red peppers.. he especially likes the dried ones, he likes the slight crisp to them, lol. I appreciate the help! I'll read the tutorial first (to lessen the chance that I bug you with a question that's already covered in there, LOL) and then will definitely message you if I have any questions. :^D

You are so welcome. I automatically fall in love with any Patagonian... yes, they're few and far between. I'm so glad you (two) are here.
Welcome welcome! How delightful to hear of another Patty-mom! I'm a fan of the Rickeybird scrapbook also.. sounds like Tialu is surely more angel then devil though. ;) I look forward to hearing more about him.
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Scott: Oh definitely! Animals have such a therapeutic effect on me. At least, usually. It's rare that they don't ease my emotional struggles at least a little.. just yesterday I avoided a mental breakdown with the help of mom's dogs. My mood was still pretty rough the rest of the night but I was spared the deeper upset that probably would have left me feeling physically ill after. [emoji33]

Galeria: Patagonian Conures really are such characters! I love their voices, too.. always so squeaky and cute. Even if Tialu is being a little crabby he sounds cute. [emoji38]

Squeek: I'm at about page 57 in the scrapbook so far but it sounds like my Tialu is a little more angelic, yes, lol! He can definitely be devious, too, though! He hasn't done so in a while but sometimes he would nibble my finger just a tiiiny bit too hard on purpose so I'd react, then he'd exclaim, "Ow!" and then laugh, lol.

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Scott: Oh definitely! Animals have such a therapeutic effect on me. At least, usually. It's rare that they don't ease my emotional struggles at least a little.. just yesterday I avoided a mental breakdown with the help of mom's dogs. My mood was still pretty rough the rest of the night but I was spared the deeper upset that probably would have left me feeling physically ill after. [emoji33]

Galeria: Patagonian Conures really are such characters! I love their voices, too.. always so squeaky and cute. Even if Tialu is being a little crabby he sounds cute. [emoji38]

Squeek: I'm at about page 57 in the scrapbook so far but it sounds like my Tialu is a little more angelic, yes, lol! He can definitely be devious, too, though! He hasn't done so in a while but sometimes he would nibble my finger just a tiiiny bit too hard on purpose so I'd react, then he'd exclaim, "Ow!" and then laugh, lol.

Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk

Speaking of the Scrapbook, here's an official "heads up" and "hiya" to the newest Patagonian on the Forums... Tialu! Everybody, thanks for greeting and supporting one of the Rickeybird's cousins! Tialu, and Rain... welcome!!!!

Now it's officially official!

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