Holiday stress


Jul 18, 2022
Squiggles (about half a year old)
Black capped conure
I just picked up my half year old black capped conure Squiggles today and I was wondering if anyone could help me with this behaviour. When I picked him up the lady there said that he was doing some feather destruction on his tail. I'm getting annoyed because I can't find much on tail feather destruction. To be honest, I think he might have been doing it a bit before the holidays but I didnt notice because when we first got him he had ruffed up feathers from the box he was in (he came in air freight) and his tail was all together like it is now (since hes calmed down) - he also smells a bit weird. Ive given him a spray bath (he didnt have any at the bird place for 2weeks) and hes given himself a normal bath today. He's also calmed down TONS from when I picked him up. Im trying to get an appointment at the vet but the only one only works tuesdays and wednesdays and school is starting tomorrow. I will attach the photo of his tail from this morning (it is all normally shaped now and not sticking out but still noticeable) I also noticed the poo on his tail (his poo is also better now) which im wondering can also be due to stress?


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2020
Is Squiggles new to you or were you on vacation? Is this a young bird? The tail looks kinda short.

Sometimes when the tail gets really worn before a moult my birds have chewed on it more. I think the bird is annoyed that the feather doesn’t zip up smooth. Sometimes misting or a bath helps.


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Feb 20, 2022
Welcome to the forums!

Have you seen him chewing at his tail? I've never had a young bird but I think they can beat their tail up quite a bit while they're learning how the world works. If he has been chewing, I think you're on to the right things now that he's home - better diet, bathing, bonding, toys.

I know it can be challenging to schedule, but a vet exam now that he's home is a good idea for any new bird.

I'm catching up on the forum this morning, and he sounds like a lot of fun so far from what you've said in posts! :) I'm glad you joined!

More pictures are always welcome too ;) ;)
Last edited:


Jul 18, 2022
Squiggles (about half a year old)
Black capped conure
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  • #5
Is Squiggles new to you or were you on vacation? Is this a young bird? The tail looks kinda short.

Sometimes when the tail gets really worn before a moult my birds have chewed on it more. I think the bird is annoyed that the feather doesn’t zip up smooth. Sometimes misting or a bath helps.
Sorry I didn’t say - I’ve had him for a few months and we’ve bonded but then I went on holiday
And he is definitely moulting and is very itchy
also his tail isn’t short it’s just the angle 😂
he is definitely better now - hes Still doing it a tiny bit - but a looot less


Jul 18, 2022
Squiggles (about half a year old)
Black capped conure
  • Thread Starter
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  • #6
Welcome to the forums!

Have you seen him chewing at his tail? I've never had a young bird but I think they can beat their tail up quite a bit while they're learning how the world works. If he has been chewing, I think you're on to the right things now that he's home - better diet, bathing, bonding, toys.

I know it can be challenging to schedule, but a vet exam now that he's home is a good idea for any new bird.

I'm catching up on the forum this morning, and he sounds like a lot of fun so far from what you've said in posts! :) I'm glad you joined!

More pictures are always welcome too ;) ;)
No I’ve never actually seen him doing it and the resort Person never actually said if she’d seen him. Also once again I, sorry I just reread it And it sounds like I just got him 😂
also here’s some more pics


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