Hormonal activity?

Heather Weis

New member
Nov 5, 2010
1 year old female Sun Conure
I have a 7 month old sun conure that does this strange thing, not all the time though. We'll put her on the couch with us and she'll puff up, hunch over kind of, tail feathers spread out...all while walking around rubbing her beak on the couch. Now she's done the head bobbing with this action, too. I always try to stop the head bobbing (the jack hammering on your hand or something) because she's regergitated a couple of times before I could stop her. I don't know if she's just doing some type of massive bonding with us, is it a female thing, should I be concerned...??? Anybody?

If anyone doesn't understand what I mean, I took a video of it & I could upload it. But if anyone knows what I'm talking about I'd rather not go through the trouble.

Hi Heather, it is a common belief that reguratating is a form of effection that birds show to each other, their human companions or even to imantimate objects such as their favorite toy, it sounds more like bonding than hormonal behavior :)
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I've read about the head bobbing and regergitating, that it's a bonding thing. LOVE that she thinks I want puked on, lol.
I'm unsure of when I should start worrying about egg laying. I don't want her to be an early layer, lol.

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