How did you meet your Amazon?


New member
May 17, 2015
Southern California
SassyByrd (DYH Amazon) JoJo (GCC) Betty (GCC) DEARLY LOVED fids lost to Ć¢ā‚¬Å“Teflon DisasterĆ¢ā‚¬ļæ½ 12/17 RIP Pickles (GC),RIP Winston (Sun), RIP Lady PLEASE TAKE 5 MINUTES &TOSS OUT ALL YOUR TEFLON NOW!
Iā€™m curious as to the stories behind your Amazon children. Was becoming an Amazon Parent, was it a well thought out plan or was it a little more ā€œcomplicatedā€ than that?

A year before SassyByrd we had 3 conures that we really loved. My poor hubby cooked an egg one morning with a Teflon pan and we lost everybody. It was so devastating. After much healing we went back to the breeders house to adopt another conure. This breeder only deals in conures and I donā€™t think we even had a conure species predecided.

Once there my hubby and I sat on the couch well the breeder introduced us to different babies. Everyone was adorable but no instant love at first sight. There were two or three other groups of people there at the same time. Well meeting the babies, I noticed a large green bird being passed around to the different couples and found this a little curious but that was about it. Most of the people would flip the green bird upside down and tickle its belly. No introduction or even much of a hello, just instant roughhousing. What must have been 5 minutes or so later I once again saw the flash of green, but this time the flash of green and I made eye contact. It was immediately clear that this little green soul was miserable being passed around and was begging to connect with someone, anyone. SassyByrd wasnā€™t even for sale. But she had no name! And was the saddest soul I had come along in a long time. Donā€™t ever tell me you canā€™t buy love! I had to offer up a ridiculous amount of change for the Sass but I knew I was literally able to change her life and the money just didnā€™t matter. So I researched Amazons well we drove home and here we are! Its been quite the ride so far!


Mar 2, 2017
YNA (Mad) Max aka Mean Max Green ~2002
Sulfur Crested ā€˜too Babybird 2015
Quite by accident

My wife has worked in animal shelters and rescues off and on since she was a teen. Someone called her for assistance with rescuing some birds. I asked her how expensive is it to keep birds? She lied to me. She said, "Bird food is cheap."

The birds in question had never been caged in the home they came from. The lady who had them was being sent to a nursing home never to return.

The 'too is quite fond of landing on my shoulder while I'm eating and begging for or stealing my food. Lord knows what sort of diet they might have been on before.

The second day they were here the amazon took a carrot from my hand and ate it. When I offered him another he bit me. At the time I didn't know any better than to react. He hates me and tries to intimidate me every chance he gets. When I change out his food and water bowls I have to give him a peanut to keep him busy. Sometimes he pretends like he's going to drop it to bite me, but he doesn't.

He loves my wife. He loves her so much that if she's holding him he will bite her to warn her if I come to close.


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Super Moderator
Parrot of the Month šŸ†
Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
My canary winged Bee Bee parrot had passed some time ago ( cause undetermined). I did a lot of research on Amazons ( I had a YNA and a Red Spectacled 'zon in ancient history, way before the internet, so info about them was paper based and horribly incorrect), and we decided that it was going to be either a Panama Amazon, or a Yellow Shoulder Amazon, both are the parrot of choice in their native ranges. A dedicated parrot shop local to us had a pair of YSA young 'uns for sale. THe owner brought the pair out to meet me. The male (Salty) was noticably larger than his sister. Both were noticably unsteady on their little feets on the counter top, and Salty wobbled over to my hand, climbed up, and didn't leave the whole time. I lowered my head to the counter top, he stared into my eyes, I stared into his eyes.... and he promptly took a dump onto my hand. I was chosen(?). I put a down payment on him, and visited himseveral more times before he came home with me, after lessons on how to formula feed him properly ( and buying all the required stuff to do it properly). At first he was not fussy on who fed or handled him, and we all took turns giving him his formula, with Salty slowly showing preference to me, then Erik, then Brett and finally my wife Geri. Scroll forward 4 years, and Salty still prefers me above all, then Erik and then Mom (Geri). Some point between then and now, Salty has taken a disticnt dislike for my youngest son Brett ( who moved out 2 years ago, not becasue of Salty, LOL).

Was I "chosen" in the classical sense by Salty? I would say no. I've had to work almost every day to gain Salty's trust and develop our bond and maintain it. It has been a labor of love 1,000% well worth any effort put in.


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month šŸ†
Oct 23, 2015
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
The stories behind my Fids can be found in the incredible journey's sub-forum but in a nut shell.

Plumas was bought from a pet shop with bot my wife and I being completely ignorant of parrot care (back in 1985).
Bingo was bought person to person out of the penny saver. 1986
Pacho was the first parrot that chose me in 1989. She was for sale at a pet shop because the owner was letting go of her. She was about 14 years old IIRC.She stepped up on my had as soon as I offered it and I just could not leave the store without her.
Luna was a rescue from SAn Diego and another forum member.

Merlin was bought very young at a bird fair in Lancaster Ca to be a companion for Luna. YES I know you should not do that but it was special circumstances.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
I had Smokey first about 1.5yrs when I went to a friends house and saw Apollo his Blue Front Amazon. I was smitten right there! I looked in the back of a Bird Talk magazine and found a breeder close to me who had baby Amazon's. Amy chose me. Followed me around the huge flight cage,stopped and listened to me as I talked to him..then followed me again as I walked around. The breeder said " you have been chosen!" Amy was about 4 months old..that was almost thirty years ago.



New member
Oct 19, 2017
Blue Fronted Amazon 35 years old
OMG such wonderful stories. Mine is a little different. I had a 7 year old OWA named Rocky. We were going away, and dropping him off at my stepson's house. On the way, everything went well. Coming home however, my husband forgot to secure the drawer, and off he went! It was February and around 20 F. We looked and looked. Put up flyers and cried. It was 1983, so before the internet. Finally, we realized that he was gone. I couldn't live without a bird, so we went to a breeder/store that had baby Amazons. They had a large playground with about 20 baby BFA's. I played with all of them, and Sam was the only one that didn't bite me. We brought him home that day.

The very next day, we get a phone call from someone in the area where we lost Rocky. He was in a tree in front of their house. This neighborhood was one of really nice people. While driving there, we saw bird cages on peoples porches trying to help us catch Rocky. I couldn't believe he was still alive!

The people allowed us to go up on their second floor balcony. I had his cage and a coffee can full of food. I shook the can and he kept looking and looking. Finally he flew over to me and I grabbed him and put him in the cage. I guess he was hungry!

So, now we had two birds! I was so glad to get Rocky back. He was healthy and showed no ill effects from his week on the lam. Him and Sam, sadly, never really got along. Since Rocky loved my father, he lived out the rest of his life with him. He passed 5 years ago at the age of 48. Sam, of course, is still around and kicking. We loved Rocky and love our Sam bird. At least we had a happy ending.

Now, I always keep Sam's wings clipped. I know a lot of people like to allow their birds free flight. I am so afraid of losing another bird, I can't bear to allow it. Since Sam is now 36, the vet says he never really learned to fly so I may as well keep him as he is. He is pretty healthy for an "0ld" bird, so I don't worry too much. I am just glad I had the opportunity to share my life with two amazing birds. They gave us so much joy!


New member
Jun 10, 2019
Colorful Colorado with colorful birds
6 budgies, 3 cockatiels, 1 amazon and two Indian ringnecks
View attachment 23027

Meet Miles, this young man is 23 years young and has been home with us for almost a week now. As some may know, my wife is a veterinary technician and miles was a frequent boarder at her work. She has known him for a while now and they created a bond, and Miles started being naughty when he would go home. A joke came up a few months ago about my wife being put in the living will to take Miles home, and the owners came to pick him up, mentioning that he needed a new home, and asked my wife. They had him all but a couple months of his youth, and it has been rough for them, but they are happy the two made a good match. Miles however is not much for men, so I've been patient with him, spoiling him with his favorite, nuts! In a very short time he has allowed me to touch his feet through the cage, and talks or chatters to me, I feel fortunate enough for that, he is my wife's bird hands down, but has been an amazing addition to our family. I love the choice in topic, and it's given me the perfect spot to formally introduce him.
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New member
May 17, 2015
Southern California
SassyByrd (DYH Amazon) JoJo (GCC) Betty (GCC) DEARLY LOVED fids lost to Ć¢ā‚¬Å“Teflon DisasterĆ¢ā‚¬ļæ½ 12/17 RIP Pickles (GC),RIP Winston (Sun), RIP Lady PLEASE TAKE 5 MINUTES &TOSS OUT ALL YOUR TEFLON NOW!
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Miles is such a CUTIE! Isn't it funny how these guys seem to connect with certain people? Don't give up though, I think food is the perfect way to an Amazon's heart! The Sass hasn't come upon much edible (and some not so edible) stuff out there that she won't happily put away like there is no tomorrow. I always announce "what" I am giving her so that she connects the word to the food choice. Now, when I say "Want Nut?", she goes into instant Baby Bird Mode and starts begging shamelessly. If I ask "Want Apple?" or something else she thinks is "just okay" that same excitement is just not there so I know she recognizes the word "nut" and tells me (through body language) that a nut is the best idea I've had all day!


New member
Jun 10, 2019
Colorful Colorado with colorful birds
6 budgies, 3 cockatiels, 1 amazon and two Indian ringnecks
He is starting to come around a little more, after a little more than a week he has exceeded my expectations with his attitude with me(n), at least I'm the only guy he will even think about tolerating right now, momma has to tell him every day that dad is a good guy, I think it helps a little.


Nov 3, 2016
Northern Nevada
Fidget - BFA, Addy - Red Lored
A friend called me one day and said they had seen an ad on craigslist by someone who had a macaw and a quaker they were getting rid of and did I want to go with them to see the quaker. I had long wanted a BFA but since I lived in an apt, no way did I have room for a macaw. But I went anyway to see the quaker with him. When we got there we walked in and the second bird wasnt a macaw, it was a BFA! Of course I had to go check him out. The owner got him out of his cage and held him close to me and he immediately climbed on my shoulder and just stared at me. The owner was shocked, said he had never done that before with anyone else. I guess I was chosen. He didnt have any toys in his cage because the owner was afraid he would hurt himself. I bought him some toys before I got him home and he has been a hard core toy junkie ever since! He was about a year and a half old and is now about 4. We've been best buds ever since. His name at the time was Booger, umm, no. So I renamed him Fidget.

A few mos ago I happened to wander through the craigslist ads for pets just to see what was there. (hadnt looked at them in a couple of mos) I saw Addy listed. Shes a Red Lored and was just a few miles away from me. I knew I didnt need or really want another bird, but was curious so I went to look at her. She was in her cage, in the middle of the owners backyard. They fed her pecans, apples and cheezits. Apparently her cage was outside all spring, summer and fall, without supervision. (even at night) Her feathers were really rough and after seeing her situation I had to take her. She came home with me that day. Its been a few mos now, she very very skittish, scared of everything. Apparently the owners prior to the ones I got her from used to hit her cage with a broomstick when she got noisy, so she is terrified and will thrash around her cage if she sees anything that vaguely resembles a stick. Its taken me 2 mos to be able to even put a toy in her cage after leaving it sitting on the table for her to inspect. She seems really sweet and will let me rub her head but thats it so far. I'm sure she will eventually step up etc, but all in her time.

Craigslist has been my fid finder!
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New member
Jun 10, 2019
Colorful Colorado with colorful birds
6 budgies, 3 cockatiels, 1 amazon and two Indian ringnecks
A friend called me one day and said they had seen an ad on craigslist by someone who had a macaw and a quaker they were getting rid of and did I want to go with them to see the quaker. I had long wanted a BFA but since I lived in an apt, no way did I have room for a macaw. But I went anyway to see the quaker with him. When we got there we walked in and the second bird wasnt a macaw, it was a BFA! Of course I had to go check him out. The owner got him out of his cage and held him close to me and he immediately climbed on my shoulder and just stared at me. The owner was shocked, said he had never done that before with anyone else. I guess I was chosen. He didnt have any toys in his cage because the owner was afraid he would hurt himself. I bought him some toys before I got him home and he has been a hard core toy junkie ever since! He was about a year and a half old and is now about 4. We've been best buds ever since. His name at the time was Booger, umm, no. So I renamed him Fidget.

A few mos ago I happened to wander through the craigslist ads for pets just to see what was there. (hadnt looked at them in a couple of mos) I saw Addy listed. Shes a Red Lored and was just a few miles away from me. I knew I didnt need or really want another bird, but was curious so I went to look at her. She was in her cage, in the middle of the owners backyard. They fed her pecans, apples and cheezits. Apparently her cage was outside all spring, summer and fall, without supervision. (even at night) Her feathers were really rough and after seeing her situation I had to take her. She came home with me that day. Its been a few mos now, she very very skittish, scared of everything. Apparently the owners prior to the ones I got her from used to hit her cage with a broomstick when she got noisy, so she is terrified and will thrash around her cage if she sees anything that vaguely resembles a stick. Its taken me 2 mos to be able to even put a toy in her cage after leaving it sitting on the table for her to inspect. She seems really sweet and will let me rub her head but thats it so far. I'm sure she will eventually step up etc, but all in her time.

Craigslist has been my fid finder!

So glad you got her out of that back yard, that's not even justifiable as a home! Early spring and even fall right now where I live would be a swift death for a parrot outside. The one bird I tried to save from it's owner on CL flipped out and started claiming she was a rehab and rescue center, after saying he would bite every time you reached in his cage, she tried to say it wasn't aggression, tried to justify a "rehoming fee" that was double what I paid for my handraised baby. There were MANY other issues, but too much to put here, long story short I offered to take him in, without funding her and she flipped! Only for me to find out she donated him to the shop owner where I purchased mine after bashing him and claiming the aggression was probably his fault!


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
I have told the story many times, but as with history, it becomes cloudy with time.
We have long been a single Amazon household and believe strongly in that choice. In addition, those that came to our home have very common histories; they are older, very ill, commonly abused and abandon by their Human family(s) like yesterday's trash.
The sad truth is that their past worked hard on them, but they all knew that here they where all loved deeply and missed just as deeply.
Before we have time to grieve their loss, we are receiving calls regarding Amazons that are in need of a forever home, a place to feel love in their end days.
Julio met those that came before him with the exception of his age. He was young, very young by any measure. But his needs, even for a Young Amazon was grave and if not us would likely pass within months.
That was six+ years ago and the power of love and great medical care has him a strong 21 year old.


Active member
Aug 24, 2019
Yellow Nape Amazon
My dream bird had always been a yellow nape amazon but I knew I could never afford one. I went to one pet store just to visit the parrots every chance I got. I'd had conures and budgies, raised and sold budgies to this store, so they knew me. I was already a member of the local bird breeders club.

A friend was buying a blue and gold macaw at that local pet store and asked me to go meet her as she was putting money down. The bird wasn't old enough to go home yet. I agreed to go with her. I was happy to go with her.

Right next to her B&G were 2 yellow nape youngsters, one was on hold for a buyer, the other was available. We looked at each other, just once. He came toward me, and with permission I asked him to step up. He climbed to my shoulder and snuggled up to my ear. We have been in love since that day.

He had just transitioned from the baby room to the floor, was still being hand fed. The store had hoped more exposure to people would help settle him as he wasn't The most friendly bird they'd ever finished.

I knew his asking price was out of my reach. I hated myself but I kept going back with my friend visiting her B&G. This was killing me!

On our fourth visit, my friend offered to buy him for me. I could work for her to pay it back.

Myka came home with me at 14 weeks of age. I finished his hand feeding. He just turned 10 this past May. I can't imagine my life without his ornery self.
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New member
Jun 10, 2019
Colorful Colorado with colorful birds
6 budgies, 3 cockatiels, 1 amazon and two Indian ringnecks
My dream bird had always been a yellow nape amazon but I knew I could never afford one. I went to one pet store just to visit the parrots every chance I got. I'd had conures and budgies, raised and sold budgies to this store, so they knew me. I was already a member of the local bird breeders club.

A friend was buying a blue and gold macaw at that local pet store and asked me to go meet her as she was putting money down. The bird wasn't old enough to go home yet. I agreed to go with her. I was happy to go with her.

Right next to her B&G were 2 yellow nape youngsters, one was on hold for a buyer, the other was available. We looked at each other, just once. He came toward me, and with permission I asked him to step up. He climbed to my shoulder and snuggled up to my ear. We have been in love since that day.

He had just transitioned from the baby room to the floor, was still being hand fed. The store had hoped more exposure to people would help settle him as he wasn't The most friendly bird they'd ever finished.

I knew his asking price was out of my reach. I hated myself but I kept going back with my friend visiting her B&G. This was killing me!

On our fourth visit, my friend offered to buy him for me. I could work for her to pay it back.

Myka came home with me at 14 weeks of age. I finished his hand feeding. He just turned 10 this past May. I can't imagine my life without his ornery self.

My sister did something similar for our indian ringnecks the day we picked up her cockatiel, I was a little short, and she gave me the remainder, I also worked off the money spent, those kind of people are a dying breed!


New member
Jan 2, 2020
Dorian landed on my head while mowing the lawn. After some screams from both of us and a me tumbling to the ground in fear, she decided to make us her new home. Haven't got bit once and all she want's to do is give kisses. My GSD have accepted her fully into our home as well.

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Supporting Member
Aug 21, 2010
San Diego, California USA, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy
Goffins: Gabby, Abby, Squeaky, Peanut, Popcorn / Citron: Alice / Eclectus: Angel /Timneh Grey: ET / Blue Fronted Amazon: Gonzo /

RIP Gandalf and Big Bird, you are missed.
Gonzo was a Mother's Day gift to my mom in 1985. With 35 years tenure, he is the senior bird in my home, but not the oldest. She originally desired a macaw, but the preferred B&G was sold and Gonzo had recently been acquired by the shop. He looks about the same as Day One!



New member
Nov 17, 2017
Northwest Illinois
Kaya Cockatoo, EJ Amazon, Pepper African Grey, Casey IRN, Glen Sun Conure
Our BFA was listed on Craigslist in 2017. We had a Parrotlet but I wanted to venture bigger.
When we arrived at the guys apartment, it was very dark inside; blackout curtains, screen projectors on 2 walls and a large tv connected to a computer on another wall. His green feathers were patched with lots of grey and the guy showed us how heā€™d take a French fry through the cage. He wasnā€™t handled the 2 years this kid had him and he wasnā€™t sure if he was 7 or 8 because he took him for a friend.
I gave my husband ā€œthe lookā€ and we bought him. Once in the car, we agreed this was a rescue!!
He is now a beautiful green and the grey is gone. He has been switched to pellets and fruits and he is best friends with an Indian Ringneck. He does talk but his favorite phrases are ā€œOh yeah, Oh baby, hide the drugsā€. I didnā€™t teach him that. We still canā€™t hold him on a hand but can on a shoulder and his feet are bowed from being in a corner of a cage too long, but he waddles around just fine. He is rarely in his cage and I KNOW he is really happy here! Not to mention spoiled.

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