How do online bird people become experts?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2022
New York
I Sun Conure who hatched March 23. 2004. I adopted her on May 8, 2005
I had a Quaker Parrot named Nikki who lived for 19 years
I grew up with Budgerigars named Screech, Zoar and Blue Baby
I am not talking about veterinarians or even behaviorists specifically. I see a lot of very knowledgeable online content creators out there who wonder how they got that way besides living with a lot of birds. I can't afford to live with multiple birds, so that's out. I currently only have one bird and she has been with me 19 years.

Are there any online courses (that aren't super expensive) for people like us who live with birds and want to become more knowledgeable? I am not looking to get a PhD, but I have something to say: I know a thing or two, so I can sound intelligent when I talk with other people who ask me questions. I am always still trying to learn stuff when it comes to the bird world.
Phoenix Landing courses !! They're a requirement for some rescues before you can adopt from them. I think they're all online and most are free. Also, join a bird club and learn from people who have more experience than you, from breeders to pet owners. Learn all you can. Different species, different points of view, the right and wrong way of doing things.

Having a bird for 19 years is quite an accomplishment, as most birds die before they're 10 years old due to illness or injury.

Good luck to you and your fid! :D
This is a resource that I use a lot especially with having a male Ekkie that is hormonal. He can be a bit extra at times. A lot of information on here is free, and useful. There are seminars that people can join. It helps me understand my parrots from a perspective that is more scientific vs my emotions.
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Thank you for the responses, guys. I grew up with Budgies as a child and my first bird in which I was the sole caregiver was my beautiful Quaker Parrot Nikki, who lived to 19 years old. Nikki taught me a lot about caring for birds when sick and coping with the loss of a bird. While Nikki was under my care, I adopted my now current bird - my sun conure, Sunny. Sunny is the big 20 now and I love her much more now than 19 years ago when I adopted her.

I visited the Phoenix Landing website, and it looked great. I would love to be involved with a parrot rescue, but the closest one to me is an hour away, and I am not able to drive, so taking an Uber or a taxi would be super expensive. It looks like you can be involved with the Phoenix Landing Rescue even if you are not able to volunteer there physically. I like the idea of sponsoring a bird.

I can't physically be there as I live in New York. The reduces near me don't appear to have opportunities to be involved on a virtual level

As for, I have that in my bookmarks. I love Barbar Heidenrich. I have a couple of her books.
I've been living with parrots for more than 50 years and I still don't think of myself as an expert. Much of what I know has come from experience. I've learned a lot from parrot books and from resources like the Parrot Forum. One of the first things I learned is that there are always new things to learn. My fellow members here have contributed a lot to my education. I think they can do that for you too. :)
A good resource is the Long Island Parrot Society, we have weekly Skype meetings and periodic in person ones too. We have members all over the Eastern seaboard.
Oh nice! I grew up in Bellport, now I am in Joisy and didn't know that I could join the LI parrot society.

not that I'd want to be part of a group that would have me for a member.
I don’t think I understand: are you asking how to become a pet influencer? Who are you citing as an example you wish to emulate?

I feel like you’re more asking for an indictment than anything. You ask about online experts, but eliminate the actual experts (behaviorists, Ph.Ds, etc). Which would seem to leave only poor-quality influencers most likely to perpetuate spread of misinformation. I really hope the likes of Mikey the Macaw and Caroline von Petzhold aren’t among the list of people you are citing as experts you want to emulate.

So yes, a bit of clarity on your ambitions and your influences are necessary here to better help advise you.

I hate that word by the way…expert. I distrust anyone who crowns themselves with that term. True “experts” let experience speak for itself.
Honestly I feel like the best way to learn is through experience but researching stuff on the internet (aka: reading any article parrot related) and joining communities ( like this lovely one ) online or locally with other owners will probably increase your knowledge in birds :)
I am not talking about veterinarians or even behaviorists specifically. I see a lot of very knowledgeable online content creators out there who wonder how they got that way besides living with a lot of birds. I can't afford to live with multiple birds, so that's out. I currently only have one bird and she has been with me 19 years.

Are there any online courses (that aren't super expensive) for people like us who live with birds and want to become more knowledgeable? I am not looking to get a PhD, but I have something to say: I know a thing or two, so I can sound intelligent when I talk with other people who ask me questions. I am always still trying to learn stuff when it comes to the bird world.

After so many years of living with a pet bird, you already have good gut instincts for the betterment of your pet. Unless you are making dramatic changes, just keep in touch with forums like these for updates. Why take some course? 😊 GL
Hi! I really enjoy the free weekly webinars and articles that does. They have good guest speakers who have helpful Q&A sessions 💛Lou

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