How sensitive are birds to our emotions /moods?


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Feb 9, 2020
Manchester, uk
Albie - Pineapple Green Cheek Conure - Hatch date 14 Dec 2019 - Gotcha date - 4 March 2020
Last night, I got some very sad news, my great grandma pass away to this virus yesterday and my granddad has it so that's a death sentence as he has lung cancer, so I'm obviously upset and I'm worried for my family as my dad works on the respiratory ward and mum works in the maternity wards and will come into contact with the virus. My husband is considered to be at high risk due to 1 kidney. So yeah... Very stressed, upset and worried.

Any way, albie has been incredibly clingy with me today. Even when he flew over to spend time with hubby, he kept looking over at me and contact calling me even though I was only across the room from him.

He's been super snuggley, pushing himself in to my neck making really cute little chirpsand just being a velcro bird.

Are they as sensitive to moods and emotions as say a dog is? I mean Oliver was so intune withy moods that he was there for me before I realised I need his snuggling and. Albie is displaying that same intuitive-Ness.
Oh, Stitch... I am so, so sorry. Thank you for sharing this with us. We are a Community of people who are bird-lovers, yes, but also a Community of people. I am glad you thought of us at a time like this.
Yes, I am confident that our fids sense our moods, losses, needs... in many ways.
One amazing idea that comes to mind... They can SEE ultra-violet spectrum light. Just imagine what the world looks like to them. And when we are having strong feelings, surely our skin registers blushes, flushes and so on... maybe they pick up on something special in our appearance.
Anyway, I offer you my sincerest condolences. Thank you for sharing. I am very glad you did.
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Thank you for your condolences, Im feeling like I'm a mess right now. And with albie's change in bahavior made me think that the only thing that has changed is my mood and emotions.

Every day albie amazes me with something new that he does. I'm very lucky to have him.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

Just after Christmas 2006 my mother was in the hospital with lymphoma.She was 85 and had been battling it for nearly 10 years. I had just gotten home after visiting her out of town when I received a call from the doctor at the hospital. She would not live through the night. It was the most difficult conversation of my life.

After the call I went back to sit on the couch. I was already sleep deprived and in no condition to drive back to the hospital. Immediately Rocco came to me. He very slowly climbed up my stomach to my chest and pressed his cheek against my lips and we stayed like that for a couple of hours. I'm convinced that he was in tune with my emotions.

He was very gentle with me for the next 2 weeks. During that time he learned that he could make me laugh by gently roughhousing with my nostrils. He continues doing that to this day.

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I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

Just after Christmas 2006 my mother was in the hospital with lymphoma.She was 85 and had been battling it for nearly 10 years. I had just gotten home after visiting her out of town when I received a call from the doctor at the hospital. She would not live through the night. It was the most difficult conversation of my life.

After the call I went back to sit on the couch. I was already sleep deprived and in no condition to drive back to the hospital. Immediately Rocco came to me. He very slowly climbed up my stomach to my chest and pressed his cheek against my lips and we stayed like that for a couple of hours. I'm convinced that he was in tune with my emotions.

He was very gentle with me for the next 2 weeks. During that time he learned that he could make me laugh by gently roughhousing with my nostrils. He continues doing that to this day.


Thank you for sharing this with me. Its made me tear up when I'm already emotional. I'm sorry for your loss

They really are incredible creatures.
I'm so sorry for your loss and for your current endangerments also.

And yes they are ridiculously sensitive to our moods. Even my little far-from-tame budgies will change their behavior and comfort me when I'm sad!

And this is inexplicable to me. Even If UV has something to do with the How, I still can't understand the Why. Why should birds of all different parrot species be able to read mammalian (specifically human) emotions so well? I mean, I love that my pets can care about me. (Especially the budgies who otherwise make it very clear that I am Last on their respective lists of Very Important Birdies.) But nonetheless it's still hard to understand.
OH Stitch,I am so very sorry,you must be going through hell. My son and daughter in law work in Oncology,with the Coronavirus ward next to them......unbelievably. Im worried sick for them,they get tested every time they enter the hospital.
This must be a really bad time for you,and Im sure Albie is picking up on how you feel. These birds are amazing little creatures,and I hope you are getting comfort from Albie,hes obviously trying to give it to you. Keep sharing on here,stay
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OH Stitch,I am so very sorry,you must be going through hell. My son and daughter in law work in Oncology,with the Coronavirus ward next to them......unbelievably. Im worried sick for them,they get tested every time they enter the hospital.
This must be a really bad time for you,and Im sure Albie is picking up on how you feel. These birds are amazing little creatures,and I hope you are getting comfort from Albie,hes obviously trying to give it to you. Keep sharing on here,stay

He really is giving me comfort, he's really lovey.he has been in a really good routine where he'd take himself off to his sleep cage upstairs and call for me to close his door. Tonight he refused to even go upstairs, he wanted to stay with me. It was the first time I've had to be firm in my handling of him.
Last night, I got some very sad news, my great grandma pass away to this virus yesterday and my granddad has it so that's a death sentence as he has lung cancer, so I'm obviously upset and I'm worried for my family as my dad works on the respiratory ward and mum works in the maternity wards and will come into contact with the virus. My husband is considered to be at high risk due to 1 kidney. So yeah... Very stressed, upset and worried.

Any way, albie has been incredibly clingy with me today. Even when he flew over to spend time with hubby, he kept looking over at me and contact calling me even though I was only across the room from him.

He's been super snuggley, pushing himself in to my neck making really cute little chirps and just being a velcro bird.

Are they as sensitive to moods and emotions as say a dog is? I mean Oliver was so intune withy moods that he was there for me before I realised I need his snuggling and. Albie is displaying that same intuitive-Ness.

Sorry to hear about your loss, and very understandable your worry of other family members. These are such tense times. Certainly Albie focuses on your emotions and must be a true comfort to you.

I currently have a Budgie named Oliver, and he's not fully tamed but still a blessing to have. The majority of animals you have a close relationship with can read and respond to your emotions. I had a donkey, goats, dogs and cat, and they were all there for me and read my emotions whether I was happy or sad.
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My condolences on your granma's passing. THat really brings home how deadly this virus really is, and I hope your granda is being extra carefull.

Parrots really do react to our moods, even more than dogs and cats, well they care little as long as the food keeps coming. Form their ability to see more of the spectrum or other indications, who knows, but I think every parrot has similar experiences with theor parrots being in tune with their emotional state.

Albie is so cute he must be a comfort to your family.
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Thank you every one for your kind words and support, its greatly appreciated.

Albie is just an incredibke liitle guy and I never realised how wonderful they can actually be until I got a beautiful little parrot myself.
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How are you today Stitch, is little Albie being good still?

Albie is great and I'm doing OK. Im mentally and emotionally tired. And the added stress of this virus isn't great, but I'll managed x
My deepest condolences for the passing of your Great Grandmother. I hope your Grandfather will be spared as it does not always severely affect the lungs. May you, your parents, and husband be safe as this awful virus ravages our lives.

Birds can be incredibly empathic. They sense more than we understand and are an amazing source of comfort during troubled times. Sending you and yours warm feathered hugs.
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Thank you, albie has been great fun whilst in lock down. My husband set him off squawking very loadly just now by squawking at him. It was funny.

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