How To Get a Cockatoo To Take a Bath?


New member
Nov 8, 2012
Umbrella Cockatoo
My Umbrella Cockatoo screams when I spray or sprinkle drops of water on him. He will not get on his perch in the shower because he knows what follows: downpour of water. It doesn't matter how gentle the waterfall is, he's terrified. I adopted him from some people about 2 weeks ago, no idea why he's afraid of water..

How can I get him to take a bath? I thought birds enjoyed it.
My U2 is terrified of the shower as well. It took mine awhile to accept the water bottle. He loves it now. Make sure it's misting not streams!
Try just letting him stand on the shower door, the humidity is great for him. Once he's content being there try ninja flicking some water up at him when he's not looking. Not a ton, just a little.
Try just letting him stand on the shower door, the humidity is great for him. Once he's content being there try ninja flicking some water up at him when he's not looking. Not a ton, just a little.

Perfect...just PERFECT!!!! :D Especially the ninja flicking method.
Unfortunately that's not gonna work for my Java! The moment he sees the tub he takes off.
Try a plant mister instead of a bottle mister. Try spraying yourself before spraying your too. Try turning on the shower, then dance into the bathroom with the bird while singing! Try in the sink with the water sprayer and/or with some water at the bottom. Try a container with water in it. Try a container with ice/toys inside it. Try in the tub with a few inches of water in the bottom! Try using your fingers to splash the water some.
You're cockatoo has only known you for 2 weeks... Let him settle in... Bathing can come later... He's not afraid of the water, he just afraid of the situation...
Someone may have used a spray bottle as negative reinforcement - like sprayed him hard when he screamed, or something.

Perhaps he sees the bottle & remembers the discomfort.

Make sure to keep the room's air moist, like with a humidifier.

And see how he reacts to a vacuum cleaner running in the room. Our cockatoo tries to fit his entire big ol' body into his water dish when he hears the vacuum & that seems to be something that a lot of birds do (the vacuum sounds a little like a tropical thunderstorm, which would be when a bird would naturally bathe, I have been told).

If your bird seems especially interested in his water dish when you vacuum, you might want to find a really BIG cage cup & let him decide to bathe himself.

[I tried putting a dish on the bottom of the cockatoo's cage, but he wanted no parts of it - he wanted his water dish, so I accommodated.]
I've also read that if it's really raining outside, open the window so they can hear the rain then try misting, works for some.

Good Luck
Well I'm new to this and I have only had my SHUGA a short time I mist her every day at first she screamed and now she's opening her wings and turning as I spray..she even laughs..I do this every day haven't yet taken her into the shower. Tats maybe in a few weeks for the vacuum. Yeah she screams a bit but I stop and talk to her then proceed. That seems to work with SHUGA..

Wish you lots ofe luck ..but maybe go slowly and talk as you go

God bless

Zeee and critters 3 & 1/2

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