How's the weather?


Supporting Member
2x Parrot of the Month 🏆
Jul 28, 2019
Davao, Philippines
Phoenix - Sun conure
On my fish forum, being world wide just as this one is, this should be a fun thread.

6:29 AM 26°c another beautiful sunrise in paradise
Not exactly the nicest day in the Syracuse area in central New York State. After several very pleasant days this past week, sunshine and temperatures in the range of 65-77 F (18-25 C), its been around 47 F (8 C) all day. Rain this morning, cloudy and windy all afternoon. Heavy rain, strong winds and thunderstorms predicted for tomorrow.
On my fish forum, being world wide just as this one is, this should be a fun thread.

6:29 AM 26°c another beautiful sunrise in paradise
View attachment 58791
I imagine it is very humid in the Filipines.
Down here our weather is dry and reaches over 40c in summer. This time of year its nice, nightly temps of 10-12c and day temps of 20-22c
Not exactly the nicest day in the Syracuse area in central New York State. After several very pleasant days this past week, sunshine and temperatures in the range of 65-77 F (18-25 C), its been around 47 F (8 C) all day. Rain this morning, cloudy and windy all afternoon. Heavy rain, strong winds and thunderstorms predicted for tomorrow.
I feel like I have the same thing going on in Minnesota, USA. I always like hearing about how things are in other countries, or other parts of the USA. I am always jealous of other peoples climates, and beautiful scenery. It’s probably because I’ve always lived in the northern part of the USA.
Hot as blazes, two weeks ago I had to wear a winter coat. I almost overheated and fainted yesterday! three days ago it rained. four days ago I lost my hat in the wind. DO NOT MOVE TO IOWA UNLESS YOU LOVE CRAZY MOTHER NATURE!
I feel like I have the same thing going on in Minnesota, USA. I always like hearing about how things are in other countries, or other parts of the USA. I am always jealous of other peoples climates, and beautiful scenery. It’s probably because I’ve always lived in the northern part of the USA.

The weather at least in some parts of Minnesota often does seem to be similar to ours in central New York.

So far the nasty weather hasn't reached us and it's actually been a quiet day. Some breaks of sun through the clouds most of the day, a brief shower around 5 PM, high temperature around 57 F/14 C. The thunderstorms and strong winds could come during the night though.
Aaaaand we're getting snow. After the temps improved, mother nature goes HAHA! FOOLED YA! and gives us here in Winnipeg sleet today and snow scheduled for tomorrow.

Stop the world. I wanna get off.
Aaaaand we're getting snow. After the temps improved, mother nature goes HAHA! FOOLED YA! and gives us here in Winnipeg sleet today and snow scheduled for tomorrow.

Stop the world. I wanna get off.
I sent you our snow, couldn't keep it all to myself:)
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I am in the Philippines, 947 kilometers from the equator. The day it freezes here is the same day pigs fly.

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