I am looking for and experienced with ...


New member
Dec 26, 2020
Hi I had a brown headed parrot for 11 years whom I dearly miss. I have lived with 2 cocktatoos for 5 years. I currently have a parrotlet who is driving me crazy. Keep in mind that I loved my brown headed parrot. She is nothing like a this little parrotlet. I live in a house so tome and money are not a problem. I dont want another brown headed parrot. They scare too easily and mine had a heart attack. And I am also looking for a parrot that talks and can understand what he/she is saying. I also would like to be able to travel with my parrot. Must be even tempered like my brown headed parrot that I experienced no problems with. Parrotlets are not even tempered. Please help me decide from the following: Jardine, Meyers, Senegal, Maximilian, Ectlectus (food seems a lot of work), or Timneh African Gray ' i know these live forever but will make arrangements 40 years from now. I just want not as frail as brown headed and even tempered. I know that some parrots will never talk but I am enjoying to hear my parrotlet talking but extremely tempermental. I dont want a parrot as active and tempetmental as my parrotlot. The experience has been awesome to learn what a tempermental parrot is like. I want to potential to talk and communicate. My parrotlet knows the meaning of few words. Money is not a concern. I can afford to replace shredded toys. Oh what about a hynaith macaw?
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Since money is not a problem on your end, and you want a talking bird without being active much..... I have to say an Eclectus is better... Eclectus..... :D

My girl is very talkative, very clear to her words, and active for an eclectus. ^_^

**LOOKS AROUND for more eclectus owners :D *****

Grey is very talkative. I don't know about Grey ^_^

But the hynaith macaw is not a very clear talker I guess...

Just remember that nothing is absolute. You can get a parrot that on paper should exhibit all the qualities that you're looking for but since each is an individual, the bird you pick may not live up to those expectations. And vise versa, the supposedly toughest bird to train might turn out to be a sweetheart.

I think it's best to rescue and get to know the perspective adoptee before you decide.
Like our good friends above have said, every parrot is an individual unto themselves. Yes some species are known for certain things, example Grey's are good talkers, but a lot never say a word, ever. A great deal depends on the amount of time, effort and training you put into the parrot. A well behaved parrot in public is one that has been socialized early and often. That takes time and effort and guidance.

If there is a parrot rescue near you, try to spend time there getting to know some of the different species they might have there, and who knows, one might just pick you as its favorite person, which is always the ideal situation. And don't give up on your parrotlet, they have a lot of spunk and attitude!
Look at it this way: getting a bird is a lucky-dip. You have to take what you get. It's the relationship you form after choosing that helps decide the bird's way of being. Yes, there are differences between species, but there are also differences between sexes; between ages and stages of life; between individuals.

Some birds will come to you quiet and unassuming and then suddenly blossom into a loud, active, rushing-around toddler just when you weren't expecting them to. Others will be loud and/or aggressive, but then quiet down to an absolute sweetheart over a few weeks or months.

A few generalisations can be made, however:

1. All birds call. Some will make searingly loud flock calls every single morning and evening, some will not call at all and some will call non-stop throughout the day. You can't know what your chosen bird will do until he comes home and relaxes.

2. All birds like affection and will probably (although not always) bond strongly with you. This might mean a very satisfying relationship, or it might mean a bird which screams for you non-stop and flies to you forcefully wherever you are in the room. It might mean a bird that will not allow itself to be prised away from you.

3. Some birds speak, some don't. My bird prefers to imitate the chooks that live on the corner rather than the intelligent phrases I speak to her every day. Oh well. She's her own person, y'know? Some birds like my Alexes will make continual peeping or muttering sounds all the time and provide you with interesting background noise. Or not. Y'can't tell until birdie comes home.

Since you've got money and time and space, by all means choose the bird you think will suit you. But do try not to expect it to be anything other than itself (which might not 'gel' with what you think you want). Your best bet in terms of predictability is to adopt an older bird. Such a bird will have a history which you can learn about and provide for. His former owners can advise you on how he has been with them and on what his needs might be. No one can predict how any bird will be with you, however, because that's your call. Read up on the species you're interested in and get an idea about them, then try to volunteer at a rescue so you can experience the birds at first-hand before you decide. :)

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