I hated to do it but it was for his own good.


Active member
Jan 14, 2015
San Antonio
Cora lovebird
Sky parakeet
As far as I know I don't move in my sleep. Better safe than sorry though. As soon as I turned out the lights to go to bed Baby flew over and landed on my head.

Then he climbed down onto my shoulder. He snuggled up to my neck and promptly fell asleep. I sat there for a few minutes then I slid down to a laying position. I started to go to sleep. Then I decided to be wise and put him in his cage.
Good idea!
It's not worth the risk.
I hate it when I read about someone crushing their bird when they roll over in their sleep.

IMO birds, especially cuddly snuggly ones, should be cages when their humans are sleeping.
Good idea!
It's not worth the risk.
I hate it when I read about someone crushing their bird when they roll over in their sleep.

IMO birds, especially cuddly snuggly ones, should be cages when their humans are sleeping.
Consuela, my QP, has a perch made from PVC pipe and elbows that is taller than my pillow and my head Very rare are the times when she spends the night there, but when she does, she has a safe place.

Think and Teach not train.

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I totally get how you feel. I know that I roll over a LOT in my sleep and I know Skittles would likely climb under my arm or my pillow. Like you, it isn't worth the risk.

I do let Skittles nap with me though in the afternoon but ONLY when I'm in my recliner and thats because I can't roll over in my chair and it isn't dark. He tends to snuggle up to my neck and nap. I often just close my eyes and doze off for a bit. But I don't let him sleep in my bed at night.

Its kind of funny though, when I go into the bedroom to nap, once I get into bed he automatically goes into his sleep cage like hes copying me. Its adorable.
ditto on the cage being sleep time. I have a real problem of thrashing in my sleep, not just rolling around but throwing myself around. I would often wake up to find bedding all over the place. Now I have a weighted blanket and sleep is a lot better (no more cardio in my sleep now though!) but the blanket alone is heavy enough to crush a little bird.

Better to be safe than sorry!
It's tough but a momentary loss of vigilance is all it takes in that environment. A few days into getting him my SO napped upstairs with Mango and I had to literally pry him out from underneath the nape of her neck, and that was one of the very few times I was ever upset enough to actually write her a whole email about it. While she still insists that if either of them were uncomfortable they'd simply "wriggle" out, I'm not willing to ever test that theory, and so though we'll still "cuddle" our fids before bedtime, they always go back to their cages to sleep, no exceptions, with her putting them there before coming back to bed.

If our fluffs had bones of steel and could hold their breath for hours, sure, but since they can't, no sense chancing it.
As far as I know I don't move in my sleep. Better safe than sorry though. As soon as I turned out the lights to go to bed Baby flew over and landed on my head.

Then he climbed down onto my shoulder. He snuggled up to my neck and promptly fell asleep. I sat there for a few minutes then I slid down to a laying position. I started to go to sleep. Then I decided to be wise and put him in his cage.

I hope that every other person who reads your post thinks twice and does the same from now-on...There are far too many bird deaths from people sleeping with them, it's completely preventable. It kills me when we tell someone here not to sleep with their birds, usually because they just casually mentioned that they did in their post, and they say something like "It's okay, we've been sleeping together for years and nothing has ever happened", or "We have a system worked-out", or my favorite was "He knows my movements, so when I move one way he always moves another way"...Uhg...Next thing you know they are posting in the Bereavement forum :(

Good for you. You're first-instinct in these situations is usually the right one...I am guilty of falling asleep on the couch with Bowie on my chest; I'm watching TV and I fall asleep, not meaning to, and when I wake up he's under my chin or behind my ear, he crams himself into the smallest little spaces to sleep, I don't know how he breathes anyway...And every time I wake up and feel just nauseous because I know I could have killed him. So I recently made a rule that if I'm going to lay down on the couch and there is any chance I'm going to fall asleep, the birds all go in their cages...They hate it, but they're alive!!!

On a another note, I might kill Bowie anyway because as I'm typing this he's chewing on my new pair of Chucks...:mad:
No doubt you did the right thing, Grace. A bit of caution is better than a lifetime of regret.
Just something else worth mentioning, this also happens quite often with all kinds of other pets as well, such as Rats, Guinea Pigs, Ferrets, Bearded Dragons (happens all the time unfortunately), Iguanas, Tegus and Monitors when they're small, all kinds of Primates and other exotic animal pets such as small Monkeys, Lemurs, Bushbabies/Galagos, Hedgehogs (ouch!), and yes, people actually attempt to sleep with their tiny little Sugar Gliders while they are inside of their pouches that they keep around their necks...They are the size of a small Hamster or Mouse, and they actually sleep with them while they are inside of a pouch that could suffocate them anyway...

I saw an episode of "Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER" where a little girl's mother had been allowing her to sleep with her Guinea Pig, who was pretty large, the size of a small puppy, lol, and she went in to wake her daughter up and she didn't see the Guinea Pig on the pillow beside her daughter where she usually slept...They found her under the blankets, she had crawled under the covers and gotten trapped underneath the little girl, and she suffered a horrible fracture to her Femur, and it cost them what was I'm sure a small fortune to surgically repair the Guinea Pigs leg with pins and an external-fixitor...OUCH all the way around...
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It's because of this forum and all the accidentally killed birds threads that I put him back.

Reposting in shorter thread for better visibility. I'm 99 percent sure I don't move once I'm asleep. I still put Baby safely in his cage.
the most my sun is allowed in my bed is on weekends morning when my mum lets her out and brings her into my room to wake me up, I'm up before she opeens the door though hehe she is a loud one when excited :D also I always put her jnto her cage before I nap (even when on my sofa), it's just not safe to let her out and unsupervised, she loves to chew on stuff she is not supposed to touch, especially when noone is looking... also the way I sleep is very weird and just no place fpr a bird to be...

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