I have a Cockatiel and I want one more parrot. Few questions..


New member
Sep 3, 2007
Hey, Im new here :)

I have a hand fed cockatiel which I really love :)
And I really want to add another parrot to the family.

First, is it hard to take care of more than one parrot?
Can you give enough attention to 2 parrots?

I thought about a Sun Conure, which seems like a nice and not too complicated parrot, and its funny and beautiful :)

Do you think my cockatiel and the sun conure will get along? (My cockatiel is a female).

And what else do I have to know about taking care of two parrots?

Thanks :)


Super Moderator
Jan 12, 2007
Alberta, Canada
Popsicle the Senegal Parrot &
Pepsi the Mealy Amazon
Welcome to the Parrot Forums!!!

First, is it hard to take care of more than one parrot?
Can you give enough attention to 2 parrots?

I have 2 parrots right now. I don't have a hard time taking care of two of them but one is an older rescue and she doesn't crave a whole lot of attention. If you think you can handle a second bird then go for it. Only you really know if you can do it.

Do you think my cockatiel and the sun conure will get along?

You never know, they may and they may not. Risk you will take with getting another bird.

As for taking care of 2 birds the only thing I find different is, twice as much everything. Noise, mess, money needed, but twice as much love and fun!!!

Tex and Christy own a Sun Conure and a Green Cheek Conure. I'm sure when they come around they can give you lots of advice about owning two smaller birds togther.

If you want any advice on a good choice for a second parrot we all love to give our opinions. *cough* Senegal *cough* Sorry I'm a little biased!!!!


New member
Feb 1, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
|Cockatiels:Tara and Shylo|
Budgies:Fresca and Domino|
Senegal Parrot: Kayto|
Sorry for the long post. :D

I have four birds, two cockatiels, and two budgies. I also plan on getting a Senegal sometime soon.

First, is it hard to take care of more than one parrot?

I don't think it's any harder to take care more than one parrot. Actually i think it's a little easier. They keep each other company. Even though the budgies and cockatiels are in separate cages, they are still in the same room so they can chatter to each other. I go to school during the day, so i don't have to worrey too much about them getting bored. So i think it is some what easier.

Though like Tracy said, it is more food, more noise, more vet visits, etc. That's just part of owning a pet, any pet.

I would research a number of different species your interested in. Sun Conures are gorgeous, yet LOUD, they were my first choice. I don't know your living situation, but if you live in an apartment, or condo, or town house, or anywhere that restricts noise, i would go with something else. Tex and Christy do live in an apartment, though i think they were really fortunate with both the bird and their neighbors. I personally wouldn't take the chance if i lived in an apartment which is why i didn't pick a sun conure since when i move out i'll most likely be renting somewhere, and most rentals restrict noise.

If you live in a housing situation that restricts noise, don't worrey there are still a lot of gorgeous birds out there that are not too noisy. Green Cheek Conures, are fairly quiet, as well as a senegals, black capped conures, parrotlets, pionus, the list goes on. I think any of those birds i said above you'd have a lot of fun with.

Can you give enough attention to 2 parrots?

Well i don't think i can answer that, as it depends what situation you are in and how much free time you have.
Yes it is very possible, even if you work or go to school during the day. But if you do other activities, or if you work late then maybe you cant.
If you work at home, or don't work at all or something like that, then yes, i think you could manage 10 parrots. You just have to ask your self, how much time do i give my cockatiel, how much time do i have left over, how much time am i willing to give etc. If you get off school or work at 3 or 4 and come home and take them out then yes i think you can manage 2.

Do you think my cockatiel and the sun conure will get along? (My cockatiel is a female).
I can't say, it's a risk when getting another parrot. Though i have to say, even if they don't get along you can still manage. Just make sure you get it as a baby, hand fed and they each have their own cage and personal space and i don't think it should be problem. Specially if you introduce them well and don't force them to be together.

And what else do I have to know about taking care of two parrots?

Make sure you quarantine your new parrot. Meaning put it in another room if you can for about a month. This is just in case it is sick, you don't want your tiel getting sick either. If you live somewhere where you don't have space to quarantine you can take it to a avian vet as soon as you get it and that should be find.

Make sure when you have them out together you watch the closely. If they show any aggression towards each other then you should separate them asap, to avoid one getting hurt, or worse.

And i think thats all. :) I'm sure i've missed something that others can add on.


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First, I have alot of free time.
I come back from school on 1:30 pm, and go to sleep on about 11 pm.
Enough time I guess..

I don't have a noise problem with the neighbours, but is a sun conure really that noisy? Does it scream? If it is it can be a problem..

My cockatiel is very quiet, only whistles from time to time..

And I plan on getting another parrot next year. Right now my cockatiel is 4.5 months old, so it will be a little more than a year old when i get another parrot. Do you think it will be harder for him to get use to the new parrot at that age?

Thanks :)
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New member
Jun 18, 2007
Blue & Gold Macaw, Madison;
Yellow Naped Amazon, Rocky;
Timneh African Grey, Tyler
Welcome!!!!!! This is a really helpful forum, hope you hang around:)
Ohh yes parrots can scream:) They don't all do it all the time but some are more prone to screaming than others.

Cockatiels are wonderful birds but I think it's really a totally different ballpark when it comes to a screaming parrot. (Your quiet little Cockatiel may learn some naughty loud habits from his new friend, so get ready:D ) I had a blue crowned Conure and I was lucky because he was normally very quiet. When he wanted to though, he could let out a eardrum breaker to rival my macaw.
It also, of course, depends on the individual bird, and training you give. Sun conures are just known for their great (but loud) communication skills..

I think your best bet is to get out there and visit with many different birds. Visit bird stores. See if you can set up a visit with someone that breeds a wide variety of conures. Maybe there is a bird club nearby, a lot of times folks bring birds along to them and you can meet some adult birds to see what they are like. Even if the club doesn't allow that, you can speak with the people and they can tell you what it's like living with their flock. Bird clubs are also just a lot of fun and a great way to learn some new stuff, make some new friends.

About the time thing. You may have lots of time now, because your in school. but that could change and a conure (and your Cockatiel) are going to live for a long time. I got my birds in high school and very soon I found myself having a large flock of large birds. (2 conures, an amazon, 2 cockatoos a grey & a macaw plus an aviary full of breeding finches, canaries and one little old lovebird) It's hard to say no with abused birds but when you have too many, everyone suffers a bit from it.. hard to pay individual attention with so many individuals.

I was a recluse/hermit so I was ok, wanted to do nothing but play with them or sit at my computer. As I grew older and came out of my shell, it became more difficult. I have 3 now and it's still difficult. They get so jealous if I bring one out to play that I usually need to bring them all out at once.
I'm sure you'll be fine as long as you always remember your birds and make time for them.
I don't think the age of your Cockatiel will really matter, just be aware that your new bird will be a bit stronger with a larger beak. Don't force them to interact. After quarantine, I would place the 2 cages within sight of each other and slowly move them closer. Don't let them out together unsupervised. If you decide to let them out somewhat close to each other, make sure you are right there ready to intervene.
Whats your birds name, by the way? Good Luck!!


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Flyte, this forum IS very helpful :)

Well, there is a parrot farm not far, they have LOTS of conures, cockatoos, macaws, lorikeets and much more :) They allow to pet them, and feed the lorikeets..

About the time thing. You may have lots of time now, because your in school. but that could change

Thats not a problem. I have a 10 years old brother who loves parrots too :)
If in the future (5-4 years) I wont have enough free time, my brother can help with that.. He'll be old enough for that


New member
Feb 1, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
|Cockatiels:Tara and Shylo|
Budgies:Fresca and Domino|
Senegal Parrot: Kayto|
First, I have alot of free time.
I come back from school on 1:30 pm, and go to sleep on about 11 pm.
Enough time I guess..

I don't have a noise problem with the neighbours, but is a sun conure really that noisy? Does it scream? If it is it can be a problem..

My cockatiel is very quiet, only whistles from time to time..

And I plan on getting another parrot next year. Right now my cockatiel is 4.5 months old, so it will be a little more than a year old when i get another parrot. Do you think it will be harder for him to get use to the new parrot at that age?

Thanks :)

Yes both Sun Conures, and Blue Crowned Conures are loud and known to scream. If you are still living at home, you really have to think what situation you might be in a few years down the road, or 10 years down the road. I think most people when they first move out end up renting, most rentals do not like a lot sound, specially pets. I'm not saying ALL do scream, but you can't tell when your picking out your baby. I personally would not take the chance if noise is going to be an issue. You can train them but you have to understand all birds are loud lol.

If you like the conure family, there are a lot of other conures that are just as playful and nice as the sun conures. For example the Green Cheek conure, or the Painted Conure or even the Nanday Conure.

It's not so much the age of your cockatiel now, or in year or whenever im talking about, its how od your new little parrot will be when you get it. Like are you planning on adopting, or getting a from breeder as baby. I personally would get one as a baby, that way they are easier to train, which leads fewer, to no problems in the future.

It's whatever you decide. Sun conure are gorgeous and great birds. Whichever bird you decide to get we will be behind you 100% and will be ready to help whenever possible.


New member
Feb 1, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
|Cockatiels:Tara and Shylo|
Budgies:Fresca and Domino|
Senegal Parrot: Kayto|
Flyte, this forum IS very helpful :)

Well, there is a parrot farm not far, they have LOTS of conures, cockatoos, macaws, lorikeets and much more :) They allow to pet them, and feed the lorikeets..

Thats not a problem. I have a 10 years old brother who loves parrots too :)
If in the future (5-4 years) I wont have enough free time, my brother can help with that.. He'll be old enough for that

That's great that you have family to lean back on. I also am fortunate enough to have a mother who is willing to take care of my birds whenever possible, even when i move out.

I think you'd be great with whatever bird you get.

You should also try and visit that parrot farm, it will give you a feel as to what different parrots can be like.


Bird poop and baby poop
Dec 26, 2006
New Hampshire USA
15 year-old Sun Conure: Hamlet &
14 year-old Green-Cheeked Conure: Mac
Welcome to the Forums Kobi45!!

... but is a sun conure really that noisy? Does it scream?

Really this is my favorite question to answer ... does Hamlet scream ... HAHAHAHA :18::18: YES! Yes he does! But you know what, he screams because I am not doing something for him ... because I am not listening to him, he'll squawk because he wants something, then, if he doesn't get it ... He yells for it ... an UPSET sunny will scream, and a very happy Sunny will scream too, a content sunny, is a playful, cuddly, loyal curious and very demanding but will not scream - a conure screams because his/her needs aren't being met ...

You may have lots of time now, because your in school. but that could change and a conure (and your Cockatiel) are going to live for a long time.

Average life span of a sun conure, 25 years ... something to think about ... where will you be in 25 years? Welp, hopefully you will be there with your best friend in the whole-wide world.

As for time demands during the day ... a sunny is a 2 to 4 hour face-to-face attention type of bird. They need your undivided attention for at least 2 hours (4 is better) so be prepared ...

... I think most people when they first move out end up renting, most rentals do not like a lot sound, specially pets. I'm not saying ALL do scream, but you can't tell when your picking out your baby. I personally would not take the chance if noise is going to be an issue. You can train them but you have to understand all birds are loud lol ...

Actually, most rentals in the US do not consider "birds" as pets ... birds usually are grouped with fish/hamsters and other "caged animals" ... infact, in my complex if I had a dog or a cat I would have to pay an additional $50 a month for my pets ... but because Hamlet and Mac are caged appropriately (and I deem what is appropriate not my lease) they don't cost me any extra ...

As for the noise, neither the people above us, nor the person next to us can hear either of the birds (probably due to the firewall that is code enforced on all buildings) ... we have been really lucky in this area ...

If you like the conure family, there are a lot of other conures that are just as playful and nice as the sun conures. For example the Green Cheek conure, or the Painted Conure or even the Nanday Conure.

I would agree with the statement that a GCC is quieter than a Sun, I have both, but Mac does scream too ... and it can be almost as loud as Hamlet's call ...

Nandays on the other had, I know, are louder than suns, and their call is more piercing than the suns are ... it's more of a shriek than anything else ... it goes right through you ...

Conures are WONDERFUL BIRDS ... and I think everyone should have one, but you have to understand one thing, they can be loud ... but if you know what you are doing and understand how to take care of all of the needs of your birds you will have two times a day of 5 - 10 minutes of screaming from your sunny ...

he will call to you in the morning, right around sun-up and when ever you come home from being away ... and personally, I don't think it's bad at all!

Love them little conures!

Again, welcome to the forums ...

~ :50:


New member
Aug 16, 2007
Keupi - a Senegal.
TexDot, the 'loudness' issue with conures - sorry, makes me smile - and oh are conures fun!!

You can't change a fid - with two (or more) it's a double (multiple) delight most times (especially when they start serenading you - together, off key, but they're so proud). But sometimes they just don't get along - but they can peacefully cohabit.

The key is you - it's tough but you need to be 'alpha' flock member at all times. At the same time, you need to respect the fact that your cockatiel has turf and territory and that turf and territory is your 'tiels. You also need to make sure that your next bird has a turf and territory that is that bird's. With that said, they may cross naturally to each other's space, but how are you going to handle that fight over the food bowl in a one fid's space?

A lot of people have a flock of fids of different species that are friends with each other. But there are everyday issues of 'that's my toy/dish/person' which can get nasty, if there isn't a 'alpha' flock (you) member to control it - fairly - with the individual personalities and needs understood.

I've had a flock before (and what could also be a petting zoo at times) but, predominantly by his needs I have one fid (physical stuff). That fid, tonight, is having a really unsettled night - night frights - I get him calm but something has him freaked and I can't figure it out. It maybe due to weather (big drop in temp overnight plus heavy rain - off and on - he's never good with that).

I guess my point is that I would love to have another fid at times, but I can't give my best to Keupi nor that new one with the care Keupi needs. I won't lie -- there are times when I'm walking by/around a shop and see a feathered darling that captures me, but that Keupster - halo hanging off the horns - I couldn't ask for more.

You're asking the right questions, but it comes down to you. As you know it's going to be a year before you may/may not, why not focus on that darling little tiel? Name?? Pictures????? (You have pictures right? This forum is snapshot heaven.)


New member
Aug 24, 2007
Washington state
1cockatoo Chewy 2 cockatiels Male=eli female-=LittleFoot
I have th ree birds and I find hat it is hard to equally share myself with all of them. I want to hold Chewy all the time and it's hard to pay much attention to my tiels.

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