I have a watch Parrottlets

Bird Mann

Sep 27, 2023
Maple Ridge BC
I care for and manage a bonded pair of Parrotlets.
Hi there, a few years ago, I took in a bonded pair of parent raised Parrotlets.
I've had birds before but not Parrotlets. They are located in a room with walls of glass
looking out to our yard which is forest - cedars , ferns, lots of bird life, and other wildlife.
It's taken me awhile to pick up on their body language and vocalizations. Yesterday
I heard my boy - his name morphed to 'Opie' make this high pitched alarm like call it sounded
serious. So I went and looked and there was a Mama bear and her cubs coming into their (haha)
garden area. This morning same call, and there were the bears.
I used to show and breed Ch. Bichon Frise dogs, and miss their alarm barks. Well now I have watch parrots. They've gone from wild parent raised birds to giving me kisses sweet chirps and flittering wing lifts, the squeaks and wing lift 'talk' is heart melting! The male also mimicks me, we have a lot of fun with sounds, his impression of the classic 'raspberry' is hilarious. ( I never expected him to mimick) I had a profusely talking English budgie in the past. Parottlet voices are rediculously funny!
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Hi there, a few years ago, I took in a bonded pair of parent raised Parrotlets.
I've had birds before but not Parrotlets. They are located in a room with walls of glass
looking out to our yard which is forest - cedars , ferns, lots of bird life, and other wildlife.
It's taken me awhile to pick up on their body language and vocalizations. Yesterday
I heard my boy - his name morphed to 'Opie' make this high pitched alarm like call it sounded
serious. So I went and looked and there was a Mama bear and her cubs coming into their (haha)
garden area. This morning same call, and there were the bears.
I used to show and breed Ch. Bichon Frise dogs, and miss their alarm barks. Well now I have watch parrots. They've gone from wild parent raised birds to giving me kisses sweet chirps and flittering wing lifts, the squeaks and wing lift 'talk' is heart melting! The male also mimicks me, we have a lot of fun with sounds, his impression of the classic 'raspberry' is hilarious. ( I never expected him to mimick) I had a profusely talking English budgie in the past. Parottlet voices are rediculously funny!
Post pictures!
Hi there, a few years ago, I took in a bonded pair of parent raised Parrotlets.
I've had birds before but not Parrotlets. They are located in a room with walls of glass
looking out to our yard which is forest - cedars , ferns, lots of bird life, and other wildlife.
It's taken me awhile to pick up on their body language and vocalizations. Yesterday
I heard my boy - his name morphed to 'Opie' make this high pitched alarm like call it sounded
serious. So I went and looked and there was a Mama bear and her cubs coming into their (haha)
garden area. This morning same call, and there were the bears.
I used to show and breed Ch. Bichon Frise dogs, and miss their alarm barks. Well now I have watch parrots. They've gone from wild parent raised birds to giving me kisses sweet chirps and flittering wing lifts, the squeaks and wing lift 'talk' is heart melting! The male also mimicks me, we have a lot of fun with sounds, his impression of the classic 'raspberry' is hilarious. ( I never expected him to mimick) I had a profusely talking English budgie in the past. Parottlet voices are rediculously funny!
Welcome to the forums, @Bird Mann, it's good to have you and your feather babies aboard! I've never had a parrotlet but from what I hear they can be pretty feisty, doesn't surprise me one bit that yours muscled up to a bear!! Would love to see some pics too whenever you can 😍
I want to get either a parrotlet or a cockatoo when i move out of my parents place. It sounds like you and the birbs will be hppy together:))
I want to get either a parrotlet or a cockatoo when i move out of my parents place. It sounds like you and the birbs will be hppy together:))
I know how tempting it is because I did it years ago and regretted it, but I caution you not to get seduced by an adorable, cuddly cockatoo as your first bird after getting your own place. They are VERY sensitive high maintenance birds and they live a very long time. Imagine having to make all your life decisions for 40 or more years based on a cockatoo's needs. Too noisy for most apartments, too needy to be left alone for hours while you work or go to school. Prone to plucking if their needs aren't met. They may decide they hate your significant other or a child you may have.
There are so many better choices like green cheeks, quakers, cockatiels, budgies, and parrotlets.
Maybe after you've gotten settled with life and all you have ahead of yourself a cockatoo would make sense.
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Post pictures!
It would be me with a hose soaking a bears bottom end to get them to
move on haha. These are older pics when we used to put up suet. I went out and got my suet cage back from her. The third shot is two feet away from the window wall I am standing beside their cage. We get them all the time. Here are a few screen grabs from some of our video
I know every time now there is a bear(s) thanks to my Parrotlets!
the last shot, that bear spent the night curled up under a tree not 10 feet from the birds, I saw him in the morning when I lifted the blinds, we watched as he got up stretched, took a poo and then drank our bird bath and moved on...he was big probably over 500lb.


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It would be me with a hose soaking a bears bottom end to get them to
move on haha. These are older pics when we used to put up suet. I went out and got my suet cage back from her. The third shot is two feet away from the window wall I am standing beside their cage. We get them all the time. Here are a few screen grabs from some of our video
I know every time now there is a bear(s) thanks to my Parrotlets!
It would be me with a hose soaking a bears bottom end to get them to
move on haha. These are older pics when we used to put up suet. I went out and got my suet cage back from her. The third shot is two feet away from the window wall I am standing beside their cage. We get them all the time. Here are a few screen grabs from some of our video
I know every time now there is a bear(s) thanks to my Parrotlets!
the last shot, that bear spent the night curled up under a tree not 10 feet from the birds, I saw him in the morning when I lifted the blinds, we watched as he got up stretched, took a poo and then drank our bird bath and moved on...he was big probably over 500lb.
I want to get either a parrotlet or a cockatoo when i move out of my parents place. It sounds like you and the birbs will be hppy together:))
Thank you, we get along very well it's a big committment to care for them. I cannot believe to tiny little birds can make such a big mess! I am getting to know my broom and dust pan very well.
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Take the time to listen for their many 'calls' and you will find a vast about of events happening! Remember to verbally reward them!
Thanks, it really is amazing how complex their language is. They are complex, inquisitive and scary smart! I am having a great time with them.
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Take the time to listen for their many 'calls' and you will find a vast about of events happening! Remember to verbally reward them!
Can I ask a question? I think you may be able to answer, when I approach their cage, and I am close, my boy Opie makes a sound like a Dolphin clicking, you know like a 'Flipper' sound. He only does it once. Is this a greeting? or is it possessive warning? He does not seem put out, he makes of couple of sweet chirps after but I don't want to be missing a warning if that is what it is. He'll do this when resting cuddling with his mate, but not always. He usually zooms over to my face and gives kisses when not cuddling or resting. It's a neat sound and fairly new. Thanks!
My long experience is with Amazons, but there is overlap within the World of Parrots!

What precisely your's is saying, I have no reference. But, any communication is 'good' communication! And, when it is targeted toward you, and especially when first showing-up; highly likely it is a greeting!

When I want my Double Yellow-Head Amazon to step-up I begin talking about a step-up a fair distance from where ever he is at. Commonly, by the time I have my finger nearing position, he has his foot-up.

The big, hot three Amazon's have a clear Hormonal Season and well developed communication is critically important. When they are suffering the chemical effects and have zero want for any interaction, they will with a combination of Body Language and Verbal Communication relay that to their Human! Fail the 'warning' can be very painful!

Enjoy your Parrots and their communication! Our Amazon's wild kingdom ( backyard ) see's a wide cross-section of life, but up to now, no Bears, yet!
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My long experience is with Amazons, but there is overlap within the World of Parrots!

What precisely your's is saying, I have no reference. But, any communication is 'good' communication! And, when it is targeted toward you, and especially when first showing-up; highly likely it is a greeting!

When I want my Double Yellow-Head Amazon to step-up I begin talking about a step-up a fair distance from where ever he is at. Commonly, by the time I have my finger nearing position, he has his foot-up.

The big, hot three Amazon's have a clear Hormonal Season and well developed communication is critically important. When they are suffering the chemical effects and have zero want for any interaction, they will with a combination of Body Language and Verbal Communication relay that to their Human! Fail the 'warning' can be very painful!

Enjoy your Parrots and their communication! Our Amazon's wild kingdom ( backyard ) see's a wide cross-section of life, but up to now, no Bears, yet!
Thank you so much., yes we have different species :) but from what
I have read they are alike in many ways as you say :) Hormonal season OH YES. I call it Pon Farr from 60's Star Trek. I've learned to deal with that and luckily my boy has a mate. I take a back seat during this time making sure they eat well.
Thanks :) or the information processing info that is very
helpful to know. I will expect more from them.
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Can I ask a question? I think you may be able to answer, when I approach their cage, and I am close, my boy Opie makes a sound like a Dolphin clicking, you know like a 'Flipper' sound. He only does it once. Is this a greeting? or is it possessive warning? He does not seem put out, he makes of couple of sweet chirps after but I don't want to be missing a warning if that is what it is. He'll do this when resting cuddling with his mate, but not always. He usually zooms over to my face and gives kisses when not cuddling or resting. It's a neat sound and fairly new. Thanks!
Hey late answer here. My Parrotlet makes all kinds of little clicks at me-especially after I've covered her cage for the night if I walk by. I think of it as her "reaching out" noise and I make some kissy noises to "reach back" and so she knows it's me. So I would think this is more of a greeting coming from yours too. So sweet.
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Hey late answer here. My Parrotlet makes all kinds of little clicks at me-especially after I've covered her cage for the night if I walk by. I think of it as her "reaching out" noise and I make some kissy noises to "reach back" and so she knows it's me. So I would think this is more of a greeting coming from yours too. So sweet.
HI there, and thanks for the answer! you know what I mean by the clicking sounds that's great! I was hoping it was a positive thing and not a leave me alone thing so this is great news. I am really trying to learn and their communications are incredibly intricate and varied! It's just like a dolphin clicking but parrotlet sized. It's so nice to chat with another Plett owner.
I adore my two, all the effort has been worth it. Give your birdie a head scritch for me and congratulations on Parrot of the month :)

HI there, and thanks for the answer! you know what I mean by the clicking sounds that's great! I was hoping it was a positive thing and not a leave me alone thing so this is great news. I am really trying to learn and their communications are incredibly intricate and varied! It's just like a dolphin clicking but parrotlet sized. It's so nice to chat with another Plett owner.
I adore my two, all the effort has been worth it. Give your birdie a head scritch for me and congratulations on Parrot of the month :)

YES it does sound like a dolphin clicking! And I feel confident that if a parrotlet's message was GO AWAY you would know it 😂

And thanks for the congrats. I don't even know what parrot of the month is and I've been MIA here for a while so that was fun to see when I logged in this morning

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