I Need Advice About My Quaker


New member
Dec 18, 2024
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3 year old Quaker
22 year old Sun Conure
2 (handfeeding now) Parakeets
Hi everyone! I've seen this forum for years and just thought to join it today! 🤷‍♀️
3 weeks ago, our 3 year old parakeet died. The vet said it was possibly a stroke and she was having seizures. The vet euthanized her. We're all so sad, and so is my Quaker. She has a pretty large vocabulary, and she only tolerated Parakeet, but they were semi friendly. Anyway, since the day Parakeet died and wasn't here my quaker has quit talking. She makes Parakeet chirps or quaker growls, when I say her talking stuff, she just won't. She looks very sad. Thank goodness she's still eating. And every once in a while she say half of something. So last week I got 2 baby parakeets and I include Esme' in all the feedings if she's awake, not the 2,4,6 am ones. I tell her these are her babies or let's feed the babies and I'll hold one covered in my hand and tell her to give it a kiss and she has made the sound.
I'm sorry this is so long. But do birds grieve even if they weren't crazy about the other bird?
Yes, birds have their own kind of grief. A member of their flock is gone. Giving them support and reinforcement is a must. My CAG, still periodically calls a dog who was 'tolerated'. That dog was a flock member for most of her first 8 years. The dog died nearly 10 yrs ago. The frequency of her calling has decreased. Each bird will grieve according to their personality.
Yeah! Parrots thrive on consistency. So I'm sure they "grieve" even the loss of an unloved roommate. Makes me think of the old proverb about not missing the water until the well runs dry...
Good luck!
I'm glad you joined!
Birds do grieve even if they weren't really friends with the bird that passed away. I adopted a Grey a few years after my Quaker came to live with me. The Grey was fascinated with the Quaker, but Ralph the QP was completely indifferent to her. When Scooter the CAG died from a stroke, Ralph obviously missed her. He would look towards where her cage was, and it was easy to tell that he wondered why she wasn't there anymore. It took quite a while before Ralph got used to Scooter being gone.
Yeah! Parrots thrive on consistency. So I'm sure they "grieve" even the loss of an unloved roommate. Makes me think of the old proverb about not missing the water until the well runs dry...
Good luck!
I'm glad you joined!
You know, that's so true! These baby parakeets I'm feeding have somewhat sprung her to Life! She spoke a little and gave them kisses with me covering them....😉
Yes, birds have their own kind of grief. A member of their flock is gone. Giving them support and reinforcement is a must. My CAG, still periodically calls a dog who was 'tolerated'. That dog was a flock member for most of her first 8 years. The dog died nearly 10 yrs ago. The frequency of her calling has decreased. Each bird will grieve according to their personality.
Yes, they are just like us! I think these 2 baby parakeets are going to help!
Yes, birds have their own kind of grief. A member of their flock is gone. Giving them support and reinforcement is a must. My CAG, still periodically calls a dog who was 'tolerated'. That dog was a flock member for most of her first 8 years. The dog died nearly 10 yrs ago. The frequency of her calling has decreased. Each bird will grieve according to their personality.
You know, that's so true! These baby parakeets I'm feeding have somewhat sprung her to Life! She spoke a little and gave them kisses with me covering them....😉
Thank you for the welcome!

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