I really need some help here

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  • #102
Just for fun, here are a few clips of Eddie exploring his new cage for the first time. Sorry for low quality, I only had my old camera today and don't mind my goofy voice, it just goes weird when I talk to Eddie lol.

Eddie sure looks confident about his new happy-place.:D It is so cool that you can push it outside, everywhere, I think he feels special.:D I also hope that he will not be so stressed anymore.

When on earth is those results coming back?
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  • #105
I wish I could say that I had the results, but unfortunately no. I called up this morning and the nurse says the results have arrived. The vet was going to ring me at 2:30pm to discuss but didn't. So I called back and they told me that he was pulled into emergency surgery all afternoon. This meant that he missed all his phone consults and was running late with all his patients too, so he has been there till like 7:00 catching up, poor guy. If he finished in time, they said he would try and catch up on some phone consults, but looks like mine was not made. So not sure when I may hear from them :(, ball is in their court now. At least the results are actually back though.

Oh Ben :( <3

Come on Doc, I know you're busy, but you're driving US barmy, hate to think how Ben is!!!!!
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  • #108
lol you think its driving you guys nuts?!!?

If he wasn't such a good vet, I might be grumpy, but I'll cut him some slack ;). If it was my pets that needed emergency surgery, I would be wanting him to drop his appointments and help me out.
This sounds typical to something that will happen to me! :eek: My maiden-name is Murphy and although marrying did change my surname it sure did not change my luck!:rolleyes:
hehe! I know Ben, that's what I mean - you must be tying yourself in knots!

These things cannot be helped though as we all know. I hope hope hope he rings you with some (GOOD) news soon!
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  • #111
yea I hope so too.

Just occurred to me that I haven't shown you all the area under Eddies wing that had the vet particularly concerned. Eddie is asleep, so tomorrow I will take a photo. It might make a bit more sense for you all to be able to see exactly why we are concerned (other than the screaming and odd behaviour).

I have hardly heard anything unpleasant come out of Eddie's mouth for the last 1-2 days. The occasional squawk does occur, especially in the situations I described, however it has been just 1 or 2 screams and then silence/chatter-boxing. A few screams is fine, he is a parrot and he needs that release and needs to communicate (he has always screamed a bit, but just 'normal' amounts). I think encouraging the whistles over the last month or so is starting to pay off. If I hear him whistle, no matter where I am in the house, or if I am outside, I whistle back. This seems to reassure him that I am still around and he can relax a little. Being able to spend a few more hours a day with me seems to make him happy.......it also makes me happy. I love turning around and seeing his little eyes looking at me lol. He didn't 'speak' as much tonight while he was in his cage, instead he just talked gibberish and made lots of funny sounds lol.
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  • #113
Okay so the vet finally rang me, the results are both relieving, yet confusing. Results say that there are no diseases in the feather base, so that is good news :). We are still confused as to why his feathers are coming through in such a weired manner though. Vet says for the next 8 weeks he wants me to make sure that Eddie is getting maximum daylight hours, to encourage feather growth and he also wants me to add an iodine supplemental to his drinking water. He is ordering that for me so I can get onto it as quick as possible. So at least we can rule out some of those horrible contagious feather diseases. Still, I don't know what is wrong with my little fella :(.
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  • #114
Here is that picture I promised. Its not the best angle to see everything, he is a little squirmy today. You can see where there is definite poor feather growth under his wings. Thoughts?
Oh the sigh of relief.....

At least there's a fighting chance of something curable!

I see what you mean about Eddies wing and why the concern. I hope this is something that can be fixed!

One hurdle down, Ben x
Oh thank goodness there is nothing seriously wrong! I was so worried for your sake.

People who do not own reptiles do not know the POWER of the sun, it is critical for a healthy life for absolutely everything on earth. (Except of course nocturnal creatures). It has always worried me that caged birds do not get enough sun, especially because they were created to be outside ALL the time. "The Harderian gland, which is located in the area around the bird's eye, transmits the benefits of light to the pituitary and pineal glands, which regulate avian growth and development."

Lets pray that sunlight will help Eddie, luckily you live in a climate where he can be outside plus you have a cage that can be move around.

What a relieve!:D
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  • #119
Thanks all

Yes Linky, sunlight is important and i hope to increase his time in the sun. The vet was actually referring to the actual day length. By maximising the daylight hours, it may encourage him to generate new feathers.

I have actually been seeing improvements over the last few weeks in the feathers on his head and chest. The feathers under his wings and on his back are still thinning and changing colour though :(.
I still think that not only the day length but also the uvb will help. Sorry, my mind just works 'different'.:p

What about a second opinion Ben? I know you are happy with this vet, but a second opinion will not do harm and it will put your mind to rest, I think.

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