I want to be ready


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Josie - blue and gold macaw
My son is in 4th grade and his teacher has asked us to bring Josie into the classroom in the spring. What can I do now to prepare her for this new situation? He and i work together when we train her...she does many of her tricks for him better than for anyone else. She will actually lay on her back on his stomach when he lays on the floor. She seems to really like kids, so I think she will be ok but I want to do what I can to prepare her so that we don't have a bad experience for the kids there. Whenever we have company at our house, I always take her out and let our friends hold or pet her. She has not had anyone she would not let touch her. Usually for kids, I will have them put there hands out and I will let her lay on her back in their hands...she gets a little silly with this, though. She usually finds a way to hang upside down from my hand and look at them from a funny angle and say a nice loud "hello" right in their face, which they love. Any suggestions would be great.

I have used my birds in similar situations. Groups like school classes, Scouts, 4-H, etc. Plus, as therapy pets in assisted living places and children's hospitals. Of course, I've only used my calmer, friendly birds. Since Josie is calm & friendly, more than half the work is done. I'd take her out where she's exposed to groups of people in a place different than home. Start off easy, and see how she reacts. Get her used to different people in unfamiliar surroundings. But, watch her carefully. If she's stressed, take her home, and try again another time. Ease her into this, and go at her own pace. Also, watch for kids being loud & scary to her. I try to watch the birds' reactions to different kids and minimize the possible bad situations. This can be a happy and rewarding thing for both the kids & the bird. As the bird guardian, and grown adult, you should always be in control of things. Good luck, and thanks for wanting to expose the kids to the wonderful world of companion birds.
I agree with Billsbirds. I would also advise you to your Macaw to pet stores that allow them. I take both my boys to Petsmart and always get a group of people to come over to watch my boys.

My Eclectus seems to enjoy this more then my GW but my GW is a one person bird. My Ekki on the other hand loves everyone and will go to everyone with no issues. Best of luck Joe

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