Iggy pictures!


New member
Mar 14, 2007
Iggy- YCA
Hey guys, I've never posted a picture, so this will be interesting...but it was over 80 degrees here today and I showered Iggy outside and then took him for a two mile walk later, which he loved and behaved very well for (although I still wore my oven mitt...). Anyway, I took pictures of him showering, thought I would post them, since everyone else posts such awesome pictures all the time.


I know all the problems you've been having lately, so what I'm gonna say may seem real strange to you.

I love the first one, just look at the love in his eyes. He is a real beauty. He really does love his Mama. :D
I love the first one, just look at the love in his eyes. He is a real beauty. He really does love his Mama. :D

I was going to say something like that too, but mine was more like... wow, he does have a sinister look to him LOL :05:

Wow. He looks so big because all of his feathers are puffed out. How much does he weigh?

He's so pretty too! Or wait, handome. He's handsome;)
Those are wonderful pics Minzer. Iggy looks like he is just loving this misting. He does, however, look like he does have sinister eyes, but it's just the yellow in them.

You need to post BIGGER pictures (along with MORE pictures of Iggy) so that we can really see him ... if you want to know how PM either Peta or myself and we can help you out!

~ :50:
You need to post BIGGER pictures (along with MORE pictures of Iggy) so that we can really see him ... if you want to know how PM either Peta or myself and we can help you out!

tex tex tex..... click the picture you tard... they get bigger
... some mod you are *sigh* :D
tex tex tex..... click the picture you tard... they get bigger
... some mod you are *sigh* :D

OK CHI, I wasn't HATCHED YESTERDAY! :p:p I KNOW THIS! I was thinking more along the lines of making them bigger by linking them from photobucket or some other service like that ... you know, like Peta and I do and we get really big pictures in our posts!
OK CHI, I wasn't HATCHED YESTERDAY! :p:p I KNOW THIS! I was thinking more along the lines of making them bigger by linking them from photobucket or some other service like that ... you know, like Peta and I do and we get really big pictures in our posts!

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Hahahaha, you guys crack me up. Yea, he really did love his shower, I'm going to try to get him out a lot more often now that it's nice, see if that improves his mood. Everyone always comments on his eyes when they meet him, even the vets that he goes to...I would like to say it's love I see in them...but I think the constant pinning makes them more of a sinister, haha. :p

He weighs about 470 g I think, he's not too big, regular Amazon size I think.

But this morning, while feeding him breakfast, he tried to take off my hand, even after having such a good day yesterday :eek: ... ::sigh:: Luckily I was quick enough to save myself. I just hope that with more sunlight and fresh air, he might be nicer.

And yea, I guess I'm the only person on this entire forum who doesn't know how to put big pictures in the messages themselves...Even the people who just joined know how!! So any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Yeah I was going to caution you about how they become evil after they're outside, but I didn't want to burst your bubble of happiness from yesterday.

When I took Sisqo out one day last month, he had an awesome time. And now I have a nice scar on my hand from the bite he gave me the next day :confused: Yeah he was EXTREMELY hormonal.

I figure it's because of the exposure to the sun which leads to the increased hormones, growth of sexual organs, scarred up hands...

But on a good note, if you keep taking him outside, he'll probably get used to it and he won't be evil the next day anymore.

Sisqo is small compared to most Amazons I think. He only weighs 414g, but he did gain 13g between vet visits, so he's getting back up there.
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Yea, Iggy is usually really good after going outside, but maybe that's only because last time he was outside was last summer, before his hormones kicked in...whole new ball game now I guess. :(

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