Incubation help!


New member
Jan 23, 2024
Hello everyone! Im new and happy to be here! Ive had my rescue high red conure Rosie for about 4 years. Last year i rescued another conure Louie, he is a diluted pineapple (I Believe) . I knew rosie was a girl as she came with birth certificate and proof of sex. Louie on the other hand had unknown gender, i thought for sure he was a girl because he's shown no interest in her. But to my surprise Rosie layed 2 fertile eggs! 2 days after she layed the first i just assumed it was not fertile but because we are in January i thought maybe Louie was a male so a purchased an incubator, a 2 days later another egg came. So I added that baby to the incubator and recorded my findings/dates and started shopping for all the supplies needed for the babies the moment i seen life! I'm now certain Louie is a male lol. Getting back to the point! I had the eggs laying on there side this whole time (january 14th/to present date) today i seen they need to be pointy part down so i switched them. Is this an issue? Also egg number 2
has not progressed much at all and has only had one vein that just got more prominent, today i noticed there is a dent in egg#2. Assuming the friend i had watching them while i was away dropped it. Should i euthanize the egg? I will add todays photos of egg 1 and 2. Egg 1 was laid the 14th of January 2024 and egg 2 (the one with issues was laid on the 16th of January 2024. I will also include photos of the parents to see what mutation Louie is.
How exciting this must be for you!

I personally don’t breed my birds and am not educated in that sense.

Perhaps another member who is experienced will reply.

Good luck!
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How exciting this must be for you!

I personally don’t breed my birds and am not educated in that sense.

Perhaps another member who is experienced will reply.

Good luck!
Thank you! Yes this is very exciting for me as well as my entire family. I am a single mother I have 6 beautiful children that are just so joyful for our newest family member!! We rescue all sorts of critters and my oldest son and oldest daughter are always right at my hip helping with our pets needs, chores, and responsibilities. Watching this baby grow and move is something all of us enjoy wholeheartedly. We have absolutely everything we need for this little baby! We have the tote with great ventilation, hemp bedding, hagen tropican hand feeding formula, the proper syringes and feeding spoon, scale, thermometer for making sure the food stays warm, containers for weighing, and we will use the incubator in the container for an above heat source and monitor that very closely. 💝💝🦜🦜 We cannot wait for this baby to come out and say hello to this big world! I have experience with avian life as well as many other species but raising a hatchling is new for me and I'm determined to make this the perfect experience for myself, my children and this beautiful baby conure. 💝💝🦜🦜
Hello! While I haven’t hatched pet birds, I have experience with hatching chickens and quail and the process is basically the same. The first egg looks great! The air sac is in the right place and there is nice veining. The egg isn’t hurt by being on its side so long as it gets rotated a couple times a day. If you think about it, in a nest with the parents sitting on them, the eggs are not always going to stay in just the “ right” position. Unfortunately, egg number 2 appears to have a “ blood ring” which is an indication that the egg has terminated. Sadly, this can happen for many reasons and may have nothing to do with the dent that you saw in the egg. Good luck with your baby! ❤️
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Hello! While I haven’t hatched pet birds, I have experience with hatching chickens and quail and the process is basically the same. The first egg looks great! The air sac is in the right place and there is nice veining. The egg isn’t hurt by being on its side so long as it gets rotated a couple times a day. If you think about it, in a nest with the parents sitting on them, the eggs are not always going to stay in just the “ right” position. Unfortunately, egg number 2 appears to have a “ blood ring” which is an indication that the egg has terminated. Sadly, this can happen for many reasons and may have nothing to do with the dent that you saw in the egg. Good luck with your baby! ❤️
Thank you so much for your reply! I myself have hatched chickens in the past. We have quail but the dogs and i eat the eggs lol! Ive since discarded the egg that had the bood ring as it was not progressing. The egg i have left I'm so scared for. I sit and sit and watch untill my eyes hurt for any movement. I believe i seen movement this evening. 🙏🥺 It is near impossible to get a clear photo. For the egg being 17 days old i feel it is very small.


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