Info on the Life of a Cockatoo Owner?

Mare Miller

May 14, 2011
sierra foothills of central California
13yr. old male umbrella cockatoo,
we call him Amigo!

7yr. old Goffin cockatoo, she IS Sassy!!
Thanks Shredded Oaks! You've made me feel good about free-flighting my Amigo! It was baby steps at first, it took awhile before I was comfortable enough to allow him to roam and not feel like I had to follow him around. He has the woodpeckers in the area terrified! It really pisses him off when they get on his favorite tree. He has made a friend out there, also, a solo black raven likes to hang out with him, usually in the mornings you'll see them sitting in a tree a few feet apart, cute! He talks to her (or him), the only words he knows which is "Hi There"!, and the raven makes it's raven sounds, very curious about him. Thanks again and if I have anymore questions, I'll let you know!


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
Like it was mentioned many times, it takes a nut to own a love our Cockatoo, she was mistreated by her last two owners and we've had her for over 7 years. She have her moments but Cockatoos are still one of my favorites!!! But during the spring of this year when we acquire the Eclectus pair, all I can say is wow! I would suggest them if their diet needs are met. Mine loves to cuddle, give kisses, and very good talkers!!! But Cockatoos have that special place in my heart....

The clingy part can be fixed if you train them to be self sufficient where they can learn to entertain themselves. Mine is not clingy at all!!! The only clingy birds I have right now are babies.... :)


New member
Jun 30, 2011
Upstate New York
Nic Nic..."World's Quietest" Eleonora Cockatoo
I think, even though it may sound a little corny, Mare said it best.

While Nic Nic is the quietest cockatoo I have ever met, he can still make your ears bleed if he decides to...AND I wouldn't trade him for the world!!!

The one thing which both saddens and scares me is the fact that there are really so few people who are both prepared and willing (for the long haul) to deal with the ENTIRE package that is a Cockatoo. I hate that an owner's failure to meet the requirements of "Too ownership ultimately results in a homeless bird.

If you really do wish to have a 'Too, you should do your best to visit a parrot rescue so you can see just how many 'Toos are there. You will also be able to see the extremes in just WHY they are at a rescue. They can certainly be LOUD, DUSTY, NEEDY, and DESTRUCTIVE BIRDS.

As a cockatoo owner I do not try to discourage people in order to make myself seem like I am "special" or in an "elite class" of bird owner. I am being honest in saying that these birds are NOT for the average pet owner and require an EXTREME amount of understanding and care.
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