Instead of just eggs, I got the rabbit instead


New member
Aug 15, 2013
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Avery, a GCC born on March 5th, 2013 & Shiko, a blue IRN born on February 25th, 2014
Considering it's Easter weekend, I thought it would be appropriate to announce that I adopted a rabbit into my life :) I've been looking into them for awhile, and because I'm unable to get dogs and quite frankly I have little interest in cats, I thought a rabbit would be the perfect addition. We're not sure of his age because he was surrendered to the pet store he was bought from, and neither of them took the liberty to recall that information. They know he's approximately a year in age and that he has been neutered. He's the biggest sweet heart I've ever met with soooo much energy, and I have a hard time seeing how anyone could ever give this cutie up.

So without further adieu, meet Radagast! :)

His favourite spots are in front of the cages, and poor little territorial Avery is having none of it

When he finally relaxes he looks so content :)

Falling asleep after being loved on

The birds looking down with curiosity (and in Avery's case, jealousy!)

Ohh Chantal!! Radagast is absolutely adorable! He looks so soft, and his body laid out like that is just precious :D! Congratulations on your Easter bunny!

Looks like a big rabbit, about how much does he weigh? Maybe he's average size for a standard sized one, sorry for my ignorance on bunnies..
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GORGEOUS rabbit Chantal!!!!
Welcome Radagast! Chantal, he's a beautiful bunny! Love the photo of Avery glaring at your new family member. Maybe Avery's jealousy will be temporary.
Is he litter box trained??? The male rabbits will mark! Their urine is horrible....I used to have rabbits years ago until I became highly allergic to them....
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Thanks, Melissa! He's a wonderful addition.

And I know, Julie! When I first saw him and held him, I thought he weighed way more. But we weighed him, and he's only about 4.5 pounds! Still a bit overweight I think based on the information I've found, their ideal weight should be around 4 lbs apparently. But he certainly looks huge, yup! He's a Mini Rex based on his fur type and his whiskers, and from what I gather he's a blue one at that. He's been pretty sweet and lovely, though today I did get a nice growl from him after I had to vacuum up a hay mess and I needed him to move. I accidentally shocked him because he's extra staticky and right on the butt, too!
Lol, poor bunny getting shocked on the butt! That's a nice 'welcome' to the family! Oh so he is a mini? I guess the standard ones get pretty huge.

Again, he is just an adorable little doll! :) I bet he's as soft as he looks!
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He is litter box trained and neutered Mike, so we've had no issues with him marking. He had one accident outside of the cage, but it wasn't marking from what I understand. There was a young male rabbit at the pet store and boy oh boy did he like to spray and mark! You could see the dried urine on his enclosure. Their urine is most definitely offensive, and I'm so glad we have a high quality air purifier in the room. Plus we made sure that the litter bedding we got him had some aspect of odour reduction... or so it claims, haha.

And yes Allee, she is most definitely jealous! It lasted a few days as I got him on Monday, and she was certainly angry with me for awhile there. But now she just demands cuddles again and if I provide she's all happy, haha! Shiko is more inquisitive. He tried to preen him, and Radagast obliged until he went for the eyeball. After that I've tried to keep them away from each other.

If anything the biggest issue is all my animals are obsessed with me and want to be on me at the same time... it's like being Snow White, but without the sing-song novelties and happens to involve the birds pooping on you, too. I bet she didn't have to deal with that!
Wow, that's so awesome! Can I pm you? I'm thinking about adopting a rabbit too (especially when there are gonna be tons of them after Easter). I never had a rabbit before and just wonder how much different is it from cat or dog. :D
Congrats! He is so cute, I love his grey blue fur! Is he a rex? :)
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Wow, that's so awesome! Can I pm you? I'm thinking about adopting a rabbit too (especially when there are gonna be tons of them after Easter). I never had a rabbit before and just wonder how much different is it from cat or dog. :D

Of course! I actually got a lot of wonderful advice from Melissa (Sunset_Chaser), and it helped a lot because I'm relatively new to them as well. They're very different from a dog, but I'd say almost on par with a cat in quite a few ways. The fact that they're a prey animal rather than a predatory animal makes the most difference for sure. They're also sensitive creatures like birds are, so if you can manage birds I feel like you can manage a rabbit, haha!

Congrats! He is so cute, I love his grey blue fur! Is he a rex? :)

Thanks! Yes, he's a rex :) he's such a cutie pie and he is SO soft, I love his fur! I especially love that he has just one white sock - oops, had to add in that word... Shiko was attacking the keyboard and I must've forgotten that word!

He's a cutie! You get brownie points for the name [emoji5]

bahaha, thanks Karen! Me and my boyfriend were trying to be clever. He originally thought Gandalf because he's grey with a "remnant" of white, but I was like nah, that's not creative enough. So we decided Radagast would be the perfect name, and that other clever folks would enjoy the name as much as we do :D
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Aw! Rex bunnies are so amazing! I have a rex mix, so his fur is furry and velvety and extremely soft! The one white sock is perfect against the grey!!
Is he litter box trained??? The male rabbits will mark! Their urine is horrible....I used to have rabbits years ago until I became highly allergic to them....

Lol...I had angora's and was given what I thought was 2 thing you know I had bunnies coming out of my ears.....They multiply so fast it isn't funny! And yeah the urine is a bit foul.

They are adorable Lil' things though.
Many congrats on super adorable Radagast, Chantal! :D (What an awesome name!!!)

Several years ago my neighbors across the street found 'this' in their yard:

They were hooting and hollering, deathly afraid. (No, I'm not kidding) I wish I would have been able to keep him, but due to hubby's allergies I couldn't. :( We made posters, posted about him on the internet, etc, but his owners never came forward. It was speculated that he was 'released' on purpose. :(

So without further adieu, meet Radagast! :)

When he finally relaxes he looks so content :)

Falling asleep after being loved on
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Awww, what a little cutie! It's such a shame that people welcome animals into their home without thinking of the responsibilities involved :( That's kind of why I decided on Radagast rather than the other two rabbits. One was about a month and a half, the other only 4 or 5 months old. Chances are they'd get adopted right away because they'd only been in the store for a few days... Radagast was there for a month and a half and no one wanted anything to do with him because he was "old". And why on earth would anyone be afraid of a rabbit?!

Hawk, oh my gosh, haha! That would've been a ridiculous surprise. I'm glad Radagast is already neutered... he won't be providing me with any grandbunnies even if he tried :p

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