Introducing the birds


Active member
Dec 30, 2016
8 little lovebirds
Hi All. I'm not technically a new member. But I've never formally introduced myself or the birds. I joined parrot forums in 2016. I made two threads regarding my lovebird, and then I ended up posting more on tail feathers forum which I joined at the same time as this forum. I returned here last year when I found tail feathers had been merged here. My name is Laila. I thought I would try to share some brief introductions to some of the birds here, as I sometimes refer to birds in other posts but I forget that all the photos I used to share were on tail feathers. I haven't posted a lot on here as I've had a difficult past few years. It felt hard and would trigger me emotionally to come on here. I did come by last year to talk about the ducks that were being cared for that lost their lives in a tragic way. I kind of disappeared after that due to things really going downhill personally and that was the main trigger. But at least whenever I refer to a named bird, their photos are here. Lovebirds were the first birds to be acquired. They will forever hold a special place in my heart as the first birds I have ever taken care of from 2016. My partner is the one who brought all the birds here, starting with the lovebirds. Those lovebirds changed my life forever in a positive way. I see them as my children. I haven't updated my profile information since I joined in 2016. But I'm not a student anymore. I'm not currently working either due to mental health. I haven't travelled in years so maybe that shouldn't be a hobby. I enjoy walking outside on sunny cold days. I usually don't go outside for walks unless I need something from the grocers though. I enjoy spending time with the lovebirds. I'd prefer more time with them. I like unwinding and watching TV shows. Different varieties. Preferably comedies, but don't mind some dramas. I like watching educational videos on YouTube as well. Mostly Self-Help ones. And there's definitely more than 8 lovebirds here. I'll get onto that now.

Asha (deceased last Tuesday September 2023), Ashu and Ashi. Born in September 2016. Arrived together November 2016. Asha and Ashu are green hybrid mashed/fischers. Ashi is a blue hybrid fishers/masked. Three days later Koko arrived to be a friend to Ashi. Koko is a blue masked lovebird. Here are some photos. A lot of these photos are a few years old. They do look much the same though. Asha is the one on curtain, and Ashu is the one with the itty-bitty eyes. All girls. Still not 100% sure about Koko, but I suspect she's a girl as they've all laid eggs before in front of me (except Koko). But eggs never hatched on Ashi and Koko's house. I watched Asha and Ashu learn how to fly in front of me. They didn't know how to. For more information on their history please see my bereavement thread about Asha. It has a lot of memories described there.



Nala and Iki arrived in February 2017. Nala is the yellow hybrid Fischer/masked lovebird. Iki is the blue masked lovebird. Iki was initially Rafiki. Thought she was a boy. But turned out to be a girl as she laid eggs when she came of age. Same with Nala. They lived together for many years, but then Nala became territorial and they haven't lived together in a few years now. They're happy by themselves and seeing each other as neighbours. Iki actually used to bully Nala a bit when they first arrived. Asha didn't like Nala at first. Then they became good neighbours. Nala still grieves for Asha. As does Ashu. Nala used to like Ashu a lot when she first arrived. She also loved every single vegetable she got. She's picky now. She came from a home where her left wing was poorly trimmed and she would do backflips when she tried to fly. It was heartbreaking to see. She tried though and her wing grew and she was able to fly. Here are some photos:
Kovu arrived a few months later in 2017. I think in May. She arrived with her friend Kiara, who passed away in 2018 due to liver issues. She was only two years old. I posted about this a lot on tail feathers. Kovu was friendly and semi-tamed from the start. Her friend Kiara was a blue masked lovebird but with more grey head. And Kovu is a yellow Fischer/masked hybrid, similar to Nala. Kovu taught everyone to not be too afraid of us humans. She loves attention and loves perching on arms. But she bites extremely hard and a thick jacket is required when playing with her. Even during the summer months. She is a happy and bubbly lovebird. Probably the most active and bubbly one. She's 7 years old, just like the above lovebirds. In her prior home, she apparently scared away a dog. Here is a photo of Kovu. A lot of the names are from the lion king movies. I am not sure why. Just felt right at the time to name them that way.
Next I have three peach faced lovebirds to share photos of. There are actually five, but I couldn't find a photo of the other two. They get quite fragile in front of the camera. Th yellow one with a red head is Astro. Arrived in November 2018. Is almost 5 years old. Her best friend was Luna, who passed away last year. Astro is doing ok though and is happy by herself and always seems to be in nest mode. The green one with read head is Araik. He is named after Kiara from 2018 (spelt backwards). He arrived with Angel, the blue one. They're almost 5 years old too. They arrived to be companions for Luna, As luna was depressed when Kiara died. They were neighbours. But being a pair, they ignored Luna, so Astro came and became Luna's best friend. Not 100% sure of gender except for Astro who's a girl as she's laid eggs. I suspect Araik is a boy, and Angel a girl. Araik is quite small. The other two peach faced lovebirds only arrived in January 2022. Someone was giving them away so my partner brought them. They should be almost two years old. Their names are Pinky and Blinky. The rare the same colours as Araik (green with red head). Here are photos:
Those are all the lovebirds.

There are also two conures here. Brought here in January 2018. They should be almost 8 years old now. A red crimson bellied one named Rico, and a green cheeked one named Nico. Rico can be really loud and annoying. Depending on the day. They were given to my partner by someone who couldn't look after them anymore. I don't know a lot about their history though. But rico can do the sound "whew whew". The sound a person might make to someone they find physically attractive (not sure how to type the sound here!). Photos:

Socrates the Indian ringneck parakeet arrived sometime in 2017. He was 10 years old, so now he's about 16 years old. He was an aviary bird most of his life. Somehow my partner managed to slightly tame him and get him to step up. He can be quite loud, as these species are. Depends on the day. He has a big crush on Kovu the lovebird. He loves her a lot and has loved her since he first saw her. Not sure why, but his prior owners said he had a girlfriend so I always wondered if the girlfriend was yellow. Here is a photo:

Percy the superb parrot came in 2019. He's about 7 years old now. He likes Socrates a lot. He has managed to mimic all of Socrate's sounds. He also makes puppy dog sounds. His prior home also consisted of a dog. Here is a photo of him:
There are more birds. I just need to find the photos of them. I was more keen on getting photos of the lovebirds up first as I tend to talk about them the most. There is also a Galah here, whom Percy above also likes. And a red rump belly parrot. Also a small flock of diamond doves and two ringneck doves. Since late last year my partner has also brought ducks here again as a wildlife carer. The journey with birds started when backboards started nesting outside. I really liked watching them raise their babies. a few months later is when the first few lovebirds arrived. I am going to be honest here. I care about everyone. But the lovebirds hold a special place in my heart. I've just had more time with them and a part of me feels sad for not having more time with them. Next time if I get the chance, I'll update the photos. I just thought I would introduce everyone incase I pop up on the forums and start talking about one or some of the birds. Thank you for letting me share their stories and photos here. And thank you for being there for me when I've posted on the bereavement area, despite me disappearing. I just want to let everyone know that it means a lot to me, even when I'm not regularly on these forums. Thank you.
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Here are some photos of the ringneck doves and diamond doves. The ringneck doves are named Mrs Dovie and Missy. Not 100% sure of their ages. They were given away to my partner. Well Mrs was. Missy came a few months later to be a friend for Mrs. Missy has a beak growing problem and it needs to be trimmed from time to time.


There are five diamond doves. All males. There used to be more but the girls kept dying. I am not sure why but I think the males were putting too much pressure on them. There are two in particular who are bullies and keep bullying even the other males. I haven't named those two, but the other three are called Mr Fluffy, Coocoo Dovie, and Mr Twin. Mr Fluffy is an original and the one whose been here the longest. Mr Twin is the one by himself surrounded by the food and water. He's currently by himself for now as he had an accident and hurt himself. I suspect one of the two bullies hurt him. He seems to be happier by himself. And he can hear the other ones when they coo all day. He needs his beak trimmed regularly as he has a crossbeak problem. They have soft sounds and it is nice to listen to. Mr Twin is named after Squeaky, a diamond dove who passed away last year. He had a unique squeaky sound. And Mr Twin looks like him a lot, so I called him Squeaky's twin, and now just Mr Twin or simply little dovie. Mr Fluffy is the one on a perch with a blanket behind him. In the photo with two, Mr Fluffy is the one in the nest box hole. The one below him should be coocoo Dovie.

Awww I love your birds! It must be a lot of work to look after so many, how do you manage it?!
OMFG you have some of the prettiest birds I've ever seen! YOU ARE SO WELCOME!!! Just keep those updates and pictures flowing! This is an all time awesome post!
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Awww I love your birds! It must be a lot of work to look after so many, how do you manage it?!
Thank you so much. It does get overwhelming looking after so many. There’s not much time for myself or to interact with all of them. It hurts my heart sometimes. I do the best I can though. Especially for the lovebirds as I had the most time with them in the beginning. Everyone is always well fed. Definitely more well fed than myself 😂
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OMFG you have some of the prettiest birds I've ever seen! YOU ARE SO WELCOME!!! Just keep those updates and pictures flowing! This is an all time awesome post!
Thank you, your comment means a lot to me. I feel the same way about them. I feel like they are my beautiful babies. There’s definitely a rainbow of colours here. Whenever i am able to get more photos I will upload them.
What a stunning flock! I, too, used to have diamond doves. I miss having them :(
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What a stunning flock! I, too, used to have diamond doves. I miss having them :(
Thank you I appreciate your reply. How many diamond doves did you have? Maybe you can get some again? I love them a lot. They make beautiful soft cooing sounds. I could never understand why the females seemed to keep passing away though.
Thank you so much. It does get overwhelming looking after so many. There’s not much time for myself or to interact with all of them. It hurts my heart sometimes. I do the best I can though. Especially for the lovebirds as I had the most time with them in the beginning. Everyone is always well fed. Definitely more well fed than myself 😂
How many birds do you currently have? I lost track in your posts.
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How many birds do you currently have? I lost track in your posts.
I lose count sometimes too. Just over 20 I believe. Some are wild though and being rehabilitated as the partner is a wildlife carer. But not the parrots or doves mentioned. I will likely post mostly about the lovebirds as I’ve had the longest time with them though.
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I managed to get a photo of Blinky and pinky today. The peach faces who I mentioned above that look similar to Araik. Pinky is the one on the right side. She was named pinky because when she first came she didn’t have a lot of feathers on her head for some reason. Possibly from prior bullying but not sure. But even her feathers on her front seem to be a slightly different colour than blinky. I think pinky is a girl because she’s displaying nesting behaviour lately. Oh and in one of those photos, you can see another lovebird in another cage climbing down. That’s kovu. She was excited that I was there taking photos.

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