Introducing with a heavy heart


New member
Feb 8, 2024
Sorry to introduce myself asking for a help/suggestion
My bird is a female sunconure, aged 3 years, so far no issues.
Suddenly one day

Day 1
Poop : reddish liquid
Activeness : Guppie was tired, closing eyes , sleepy
Diet : was on normal diet (fruits, seeds)

Contacted a vet, he told it's digestion issue and is dehydrated.
Asked us to give two drops of Neopeptine and waterrich food like watermelon and coconut water
We did the same

Day 2:
Poop : Solid reddish
Activeness: Seemed to be little active
Diet : Watermelon, coconut water, A20 formula
Didn't give Neopeptine

Day 3 :
Poop : Solid green
Activeness: Seemed to be little active
Diet : Watermelon, coconut water, seeds, fruits
We thought she's okay and everything is fine.

Day 4 :
Morning we observed she was behaving weird, no strength in her legs. And was dragging it's legs, mostly walking with beak.
Video link :

We understood it's time to change vet, and taking to another vet. But here there are no avian specialized vets. So any vet we go may not be accurate.
I would want to ask if any of you faced such an issue and how can I get this rectified.

Please help.
Welcome and be welcomed. Dont feel bad, most folks join because they have an issue or problem with their parrot and are seeking advice or answers.

None of us on here are Avian Vets. So specific medical advice given by a member has to be taken with a large amount of skepticism. Yes, some have decades of experience with parrots, but no one is a legit vet.

You are 100% correct, you need to take this parrot to a Certified Avian Vet, not a dog/cat vet to just sees birds. Avian medicine is a whole 'nother world from mammal care. And you need to do this ASAP. Parrots hide illness exceptionally well, as do most prey animals - the sick ones are eaten! By the time they show outward signs of illness, they are already very sick.

Check here for Avian vets in your area:

Avian Vets by country
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Welcome and be welcomed. Dont feel bad, most folks join because they have an issue or problem with their parrot and are seeking advice or answers.

None of us on here are Avian Vets. So specific medical advice given by a member has to be taken with a large amount of skepticism. Yes, some have decades of experience with parrots, but no one is a legit vet.

You are 100% correct, you need to take this parrot to a Certified Avian Vet, not a dog/cat vet to just sees birds. Avian medicine is a whole 'nother world from mammal care. And you need to do this ASAP. Parrots hide illness exceptionally well, as do most prey animals - the sick ones are eaten! By the time they show outward signs of illness, they are already very sick.

Check here for Avian vets in your area:

Avian Vets by country
We are from India, unfortunately the list doesn't have the details of Indian avian vets
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Update on Day 5:
We found another vet not an avian specialist but who had experience with birds. He told legs are paralyzed could be due to a stroke or parasite infection. He gave few vitamins and fluids to give guppie.

He also sent the poop for lab test, results will be on Sunday.

Hopefully she gets better.
My guess is a stroke, which happens all too often in parrots, cause (to me) is unknown. Could be from a diet high in fatty seeds, but again, only a guess. I wish him well.
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Update on reports:
Vet told she has pneumonia also, and started medication for that. Told us that paralysis may reduce slowly, might take from days to months depending on the bird.

Update on reports:
Vet told she has pneumonia also, and started medication for that. Told us that paralysis may reduce slowly, might take from days to months depending on the bird.

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I'm so glad that you were able to find a vet who has experience with birds! My vet who just retired wasn't an Avian vet either, but she had decades of experience and I miss her.

It's really good that they ran tests and know what to treat for. Sending healing wishes to your sweet bird.

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