is my kakariki sick


New member
Dec 4, 2011
Cockatiel, Golden Mantled Rosela, Kakariki
hello everyone this is my first real post so please go easy :p , I have a kakariki about 3 years old now, until recently he used to make a goat type bleet, he still does this but it's very quiet you realy have to listen for it......i'm wondering is this a sign of something else wrong with him

he is still very active, running around eating, drinking etc but I would just like to put my own mind at rest

thanks in advance
i would say go to a vet to be certain, birds canbe very convincing with hiding illness
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Is it just the sound that has you worried?

Do you hear it often when he breathes, or is it a voluntary sound?

it is a voluntary sound, he used to make it all the time but recently you realy have to listen for it, i suppose the best way of describing him now would be a human with a sore throat or tonsilitise
I would probably take him to the vet, even for my own piece of mind. A bird losing it's voice can be a sign of illness.

Not long ago I had a weird one with my Nanday conure. She was acting perfectly normal but had weakness in her feet. We never really knew what caused it but the vet treated her for a Vitamin E/Selenium deficiency and an infection. Neither really seemed all that likely as I keep everything very clean and Vitamin E is in her pellets and in whole grains. But, it was probably one of those because treatment made her better.

The vet told me she was ok because I caught it quickly. I said, well, I know my animals very well, and we've been together for 11.5 years now.

So, yes, even if the bird is eating or playing, anything different should be investigated. Had I ignored the weakness in my bird's feet it's possible she could be paralyzed or severely handicapped now.
how old is he, maybe its like a call he made when he was young and now hes growing out of it? good luck hope i helped :)
If you are worried about the level of sound it makes me want to ask if he makes any other sounds/calls that you could compare the "goat" sound to. Is each noise softer, or are you just referencing this specific sound/call? If this is the only sound he generally makes and you have nothing else to compare it to I would definately reccomend a trip to the vet.
I know exactly the sound your talking about. They really don't make too loud of noise, pretty quiet peeps. When a Kakariki don't feel good, you can tell right away! If your that worried, have a avian vet to check on him so you'll have a peace of mind.
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Thanks for all your advice folks, I will be taking the little fella to the vets soon & i'll keep you all posted about the results :)

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