So on the process of weaning my baby picked up an infection, not uncommon.
The vet I saw took gut x-rays as he has never seen a jardine before ( he is an expert and lectures all over the world) etc and claims that Jardines have a similar gut to an eccie.
So diet should include fruit, veg, high fibre, little to no fat. Some seed
Pellets are a big no, so are nuts and sunflower seeds, due to eccies low fat diet
HELP I was weaning her into fruit veg and pellets, fruit and nut, some small seeds. Standard healthy parrot diet. He claims that the reason she got sick, is that since her gut is the same as an eccie, I was feeding her the wrong diet, leading to gut infection
What do you feed your Jardines? Is this guy way off the mark with an eccie diet? She refuses to eat, and is loosing condition
as what she is used to eating is all a no no now.
He said I can't feed her pellets, no nuts, no dried fruit. Only cooked pumpkin, apple and rice, which she hated and refuses to eat
The vet I saw took gut x-rays as he has never seen a jardine before ( he is an expert and lectures all over the world) etc and claims that Jardines have a similar gut to an eccie.
So diet should include fruit, veg, high fibre, little to no fat. Some seed
Pellets are a big no, so are nuts and sunflower seeds, due to eccies low fat diet
HELP I was weaning her into fruit veg and pellets, fruit and nut, some small seeds. Standard healthy parrot diet. He claims that the reason she got sick, is that since her gut is the same as an eccie, I was feeding her the wrong diet, leading to gut infection
What do you feed your Jardines? Is this guy way off the mark with an eccie diet? She refuses to eat, and is loosing condition

He said I can't feed her pellets, no nuts, no dried fruit. Only cooked pumpkin, apple and rice, which she hated and refuses to eat