Jardine diet, HELP needed birdie loosing condition


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Feb 19, 2019
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So on the process of weaning my baby picked up an infection, not uncommon.

The vet I saw took gut x-rays as he has never seen a jardine before ( he is an expert and lectures all over the world) etc and claims that Jardines have a similar gut to an eccie.
So diet should include fruit, veg, high fibre, little to no fat. Some seed
Pellets are a big no, so are nuts and sunflower seeds, due to eccies low fat diet

HELP I was weaning her into fruit veg and pellets, fruit and nut, some small seeds. Standard healthy parrot diet. He claims that the reason she got sick, is that since her gut is the same as an eccie, I was feeding her the wrong diet, leading to gut infection

What do you feed your Jardines? Is this guy way off the mark with an eccie diet? She refuses to eat, and is loosing condition :( as what she is used to eating is all a no no now.
He said I can't feed her pellets, no nuts, no dried fruit. Only cooked pumpkin, apple and rice, which she hated and refuses to eat
I don’t really know much about jardines, but try blending the fruit the bet told you to give her, or eat it in front of her.
Mambo was refusing to eat everything until I tried it, or until I’ve cut it to smaller pieces... just try something like this... let’s wait for an “expert” in jardines to help you!

Jose :)
So on the process of weaning my baby picked up an infection, not uncommon.

The vet I saw took gut x-rays as he has never seen a jardine before ( he is an expert and lectures all over the world) etc and claims that Jardines have a similar gut to an eccie.
So diet should include fruit, veg, high fibre, little to no fat. Some seed
Pellets are a big no, so are nuts and sunflower seeds, due to eccies low fat diet

HELP I was weaning her into fruit veg and pellets, fruit and nut, some small seeds. Standard healthy parrot diet. He claims that the reason she got sick, is that since her gut is the same as an eccie, I was feeding her the wrong diet, leading to gut infection

What do you feed your Jardines? Is this guy way off the mark with an eccie diet? She refuses to eat, and is loosing condition :( as what she is used to eating is all a no no now.
He said I can't feed her pellets, no nuts, no dried fruit. Only cooked pumpkin, apple and rice, which she hated and refuses to eat

If you can go to the Electus Forum, there's a new post that starts off New Owner Needs Help under that post you will see a very well written, and thought out response by chris-md as chris explains the electus diet to a new owner. I didn't feel it was right for me to copy chris's post and move it to this forum, as it's not my post to begin with. Chris was very detailed, and thought the response out well, Chris also I believe owns or is owned by an Electus named "Parker" if you need more information than chris's post provides, perhaps you can send Chris-md a private message. I'm sure if Chris seen this post chris would share that info with you, but in chris absence I'll gladly direct you to this post. Hope this helps you and your baby out.
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I don’t really know much about jardines, but try blending the fruit the bet told you to give her, or eat it in front of her.
Mambo was refusing to eat everything until I tried it, or until I’ve cut it to smaller pieces... just try something like this... let’s wait for an “expert” in jardines to help you!

Jose :)

Thanks Jose, I'll try that, at the moment it is pretty chunky. I'll try the blending. I tried eating some of that with her and then giving it to her by hand. She kinda just sucks on it then drops it as if to say yes I've done it lol. Where as if it's smaller or blended she can just have small amounts
@casper223 @scott yeah that's awesome thanks. I'll have a good read of that and what he recommends!
the vet is 100% wrong.

Jardines are NOT like Eclectus parrots and will do just fine on a mainly pellet diet (with added veggies and such).

You can also check with the person you got the unweaned baby from? They will surely tell you the same thing.
the vet is 100% wrong.

Jardines are NOT like Eclectus parrots and will do just fine on a mainly pellet diet (with added veggies and such).

You can also check with the person you got the unweaned baby from? They will surely tell you the same thing.
I agree, I feel the vet is wrong, and your parrot us loosing condition because of that. I'd also say use probiotics, add to food not water, you can give yogurts to a small amount like a half teaspoon a day since just ended antibiotics, then go to once or twice a week, you might need a vet check to make sure you don't have a yeast overgrowth now, common after antibiotics, abd as a young bird.
Also , not uncommon for birds to loose weight during weaning. Make sure you are weaning by abundance, you offer all foods but keep hand feeding the baby formula, let them start refusing it, let them decide what feedings they want dropped. I'd say cut way back on the fruit to, all that fruit is to much sugar and throws off the gut Flora, Leeds to yeast overgrowth. Probiotics are your friend :) can we see a picture? Does your baby perch well? Does he still need supplemental heat? What was the age again? Do you have hand rearing experience? You do have to be careful. There is a good thread so got an unweaned baby, read that I'll try and see if I can attach it, it might be a bit harsh of a thread but has real good info
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Hi Laura, while I don’t agree or disagree regarding the vets recommendation (I have no idea), it is important to note the Ekkie diet is actually suitable for most birds - it’s just veggies, grains and fruit, in that order. Most people who feed fresh food diets keep that order anyways. . The Ekkie diet emphasizes that Nothing fortified should be fed, that’s about it. An Ekkie diet would not cause a non-Ekkie to decline in health.
Hi Chris,
I disagree in regards to a young bird that needs protein and some fats in their diet. And to much fruit does grow more yeast with all that sugar. My online learning the breeders tend to give eggs, and some fats, more so than the diets I read if here with no protein in them. But as I have no hands on with the tricky Ekkies diet. But I do know growing babies need protein. I see this was started last month.......I hope the baby is ok......
Off topic for this Jardine parrot baby... But a good site for Ekkies diet, note the mentioned less fruit more veggies, and protein for molting and growth
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