Just can't wait


New member
Feb 1, 2012
Winchester area, VA
Went to visit my boy again today, I have decided to call him Jasper. As usual he was nippy but I'm getting used to that. He was perching on my hand most of the time with a few visits to my lap or a cuddle on my chest. I got to feed him his lunchtime veggies which he merely picked at until I hand fed them to him. That was rather nice, his opening his beak to expect food rather than inflict a nip. I suppose he'll change a bit once he's in my house and I'm the caregiver, at least I hope so.

One of the other baby owners came in to visit his bird and Jasper watched them with great interest. The lady there said the other baby was starting to say "peek-a-boo", having learned it from Walter, the store's 9 year old B&G Macaw. Ha!

I'm hoping she's estimating high but she said it wouldn't probably be til the middle or the end of next month when he can come home. I was told by the other lady there the middle of March might be the longest. Disappointing but I know they are only doing it to make sure he's on the right track and not sent home too early.

Also while I was there he started acting odd so I figured he had to "go". I put him on one of the playstands in the visit room and left him a bit..nothing..so I took him back on my hand and sat back down with him, making sure he was not positioned right over my lap. Sure enough, within another 5 min he did his business. I told him what a good boy he was while my friend looked on in horror and disgust at the size and mess he made. LOL I don't think she'll be begging to hold him anytime soon.

The cats won't be happy because they will have to spend some time in the spare bedroom when he comes home. They will get over it.

I can't wait to have him home with me.
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Yay!! I love baby birds, but since I have my Macaw and she is very much still 'baby' I'm actually glad my two CAG are fully mature. :D We want more pictures.
Sounds like you had a great visit! I know the waiting is killer....It seems like that day will never get here, but it will... : )
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It does seem like forever, but perhaps on the good side..I want to repaint..am I better off doing it now before he comes home or later on when I can actually open windows? I was thinking maybe I could start on it now a bit at a time, keeping Tico away in a different room with the door closed. I have two bedrooms so no matter where I am painting there is a room to close him up in, get it all done and cleared before Jasper comes home. It sounds like it won't be for another month yet. Are there still harmful fumes and things after the paint is dry?


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yes! Repaint!! I am so glad I got to paint the 'bird room' last summer so i could turn my birds outside in their cages. After about 24 hours the fumes should go away. Repaint!! Be careful of your GCC though, make sure the fumes don't travel under the doorway
Definitely repaint now and then you won't have to worry about keeping the fumes away from your baby. I know how hard it is to wait, but maybe the remodeling will also help keep your mind off of it.
such a cute baby, I am on my home stretch now, or at I hope I am and I know what you mean my wait is killing me!
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Crazy isn't it? Looks like your girl is roughly a week older than Jasper so it's nice to have someone that has something in common! I look forward to your posts as well saying she's home and settling in! :D

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