Knock on wood...


New member
Mar 2, 2007
Grand Rapids, MI
Iniko - 3 year old Timneh Grey
My Grey, Iniko, stopped plucking a couple of weeks ago and hasn't done it since. He looks amazing!!!! I don't know what changed, but I'm not complaining. He's been a plucker since he was about a year and a half old. He's turning 6 this June 26th and and he's full of feathers. I didn't change his diet or anything, so I actually have no idea what happened.
Congrats, let's see some pictures!
Denis: I have a Timneh female about 8 months old now. They are darker grey and somewhat smaller with a maroon tail unlike their counterpart that is lighter grey and larger. The tail on the congo is stunning. She is very sweet and not loud at all. I love her size as she fits right on my arm/hand and I did not need a large cage. Also they are a little less pricy than the congos.
I am new to this but made the decision to choose a timneh over a congo because after reading all kinds of info. they said that a tag is less likley to pluck and is more likely to be such a one person bird. Mine is 4 months old so we shall see... :) She will go to my son ( 25 years old) who does not live with me no problem and my husband with a bit of reservation.
Hi Greyman
Great to hear no more plucking.
They look wonderful when full of feathers.
Perhaps you are spending more time with him, they love attention.
Small changes, which we don't even realize, make a big difference to a bird.
Bye for now
Hi, I am Brenda3170. I just rescued a little timneh last night,(I'm pretty sure it is a timneh), I have a congo that I've had for 6 years. The timneh is plucked over most of his body, any advice I could get to get this little guy back on track would be great.
Thank You
Brenda, congrats on your rescue, and I would love to give your specific situation individual attention. Perhaps if you started a NEW thread in the Congo and Timneh forum you would get more replies ... we are a great group of people, we don't bite (we just test our boundaries with our beaks) and would love to help you out ... people just won't see your question in here ...

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