Last 6 episodes of House


New member
Dec 1, 2011
I know a lot of people here watch House, so I thought I'd post a reminder that starting Monday, the last 6 episodes of the show will be on. I'm going to miss it, as there just aren't that many quality TV shows it seems.
Oh no, I didn't know it was ending. Ive been so busy with the birds I have been missing episodes. I will miss it, but I have the seasons on Dvd.
I have been sp upset by this since i heard this was the end!
House had been my favorite show for the past 4 yrs!
Now all i have is bones and parenthood. i think im getting into the finder now too lol

but dr gregory house, you will be missed...
Ever since thirteen left I haven't really been watching it, but I will be sad to see it go.

Currently with bones, criminal minds, csi's.

Might give Greys Anatomy a whirl and see how that goes. *shrug*
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Criminal Minds is my newest show, but I'm worried I've seen most of them already, and have only been watching it a couple of months now.

I never got into CSI due to the grossness, lol! I watched it a few times years ago and said, ugh, no! I get queasy easily though. I can have that trouble with Bones, too, although I watch it once in awhile.

My favorite all time show was Law and Order, but that went off 2 years ago. I still have SVU, but it's not the same without the Stabler character, and the Olivia character is leaving as well.

Also Southland is done for the season, which might be the best new show in a long time. Well, it's not that new anymore I guess! And In Plain Sight is already in it's last season and wasn't on long.

Those of us who are sick and often housebound could really do with some good television to watch, and it's hard to find that.
Very sad, I love House!!! I am naming my two new lineolated parakeet babies House and Wilson. It fits perfect for their two personalities;)
Its about time..LOL I love House but actually got bored with it.I might watch the last few though.
I used to watch all the law and order SVU but got bored with that too.
I love In Plain Sight.
My other favorite was Monk, I hated when that ended.But Psych is pretty good.
Right now we have been watching all the old episodes of Emergency on netflix.(how pathetic is that)
i'm a stay at home mom roxy so i know! once the kids are wound down i need something good on lol!
I hate when good shows go!
My husband has recently gotten me into community so i just wantched all the previous seasons on hulu. But good shows are really far and few between anymore!

Evesta: That is adorable! very creative! They are perfect bird names! my husband wanted me to name my eclectus tony montana....yeah...i dont think so lol
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I have honestly seen every single episode of the original LnO at least 5 times. I have them memorized. For 20 years it was the only show I watched every week, all the way from the first episode in 1990. So watching the reruns isn't doing it for me, lol!

I like drama shows more than comedies. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm open to them. Maybe I should look at Grey's Anatomy? Is it a show you can just start watching and it doesn't need to be in order?
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Yes, I love to read, but find it hard to do with 3 birds talking to me, lol! And cats can't read and don't want you to either! So they squeeze between you and the book, or lay down on top of it. And TV is easier if you are nauseated. Reading makes you more nauseated.
my friends love house but i came in a little late so i dont watch it too often, but the few episodes i have seen have been very good :). my favorite show is the mentalist, and i heard NCIS is good :)
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I think everyone likes The Mentalist but me. I seem to have a thing against people who think they are smarter than everyone else, lol!

NCIS isn't bad though, but I never really cared for Mark Harmon. Don't laugh, but he was the guy for the boys to imitate when I was in high school, back when the whole Miami Vice look was popular. Ann is now thinking, what? Miami Vice? Huh?
I had a feeling they were going to end it while it was still doing well and incredibly popular:11:! I do hope Hugh Laurie does something else - with that great American accent! "House" has been a phenomenon - but I survived "6 Feet Under" going under - so to speak, so I guess I'll have to get by with reruns...:17:
I liked the show and actually just got done watching "Love is Blind' a bit ago on Hulu. That might have been last week or so' episode because it was a week delay on Hulu. I don't have cable or an antenae or anything.

The characters I thought were brilliant, the stories usually good. At some point though it made me stop and think "hang on..this is always about them digging and trying various things because they can't seem to pinpoint right away what is wrong" Now I'm thinking if the same team of doctors did that on a daily basis might they not be sued for malpractice eventually??

Hugh Laurie is boss and House is brilliant. Been a good run.
I think everyone likes The Mentalist but me. I seem to have a thing against people who think they are smarter than everyone else, lol!

NCIS isn't bad though, but I never really cared for Mark Harmon. Don't laugh, but he was the guy for the boys to imitate when I was in high school, back when the whole Miami Vice look was popular. Ann is now thinking, what? Miami Vice? Huh?

lol your right, i looked it up and it sounded good :p
i usually don't like reality shows, but the celebrity apprentice is pretty good :)
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