Loki, my Nanday


New member
Nov 22, 2014
South Carolina
Nanday Conure
So a few weeks ago I took Loki, a young unnamed breeder Nanday from an owner who bought him from the previous owner who didn't want him because he didn't have a mate for him. He was kept in deplorable conditions, and is understandably aggressive. At less than 2 years old he's been through at least 3 homes not including mine and kept outside in small cages that were stacked like crates on top of each other (with nothing but wire floors, from what I've been told).

His cage aggression is extreme and his biting severe. He just hates people. And I get it, because being moved around so much so young with no training and neglected (possibly abusive) situations.

The first two days weren't so bad. He came out a little, interacted a bit, and went back in his cage of his own accord. I couldn't touch him, but other than the first slow, careful attemp met with aggressive biting I didn't try.

Every day after this was worse, where just feeding and watering him meant getting bit, once hard enough to break the skin. I leave his cage open all day while I'm home and go about my business. I talk to him, and I sing when I clean. Sometimes he'd climb to the edge of his cage, but never came out (except once, to steal food from me, details later). Heaven forbid I try to stick train him... that was disastrous.

Yesterday and today I guess I'd consider breakthrough moments. He flew out, directly to me, and sat with me in my chair on my chest, moving to my arm sometimes, and up to my shoulder. If I get up and walk around he stays on me, but I still can't touch him. I'm just trying to be patient and let him get used to me, and given what he's been through I'm not expecting too much. That being said I've really fallen in love with him, his irritates squawks and sweet chirps when I'm just going about my business or talking to him are nice. He swears a lot because of his previous owners, but that seems to have decreased recently in favor of him saying his name. He likes when I play music and dance (he doesn't dance himself until I'm doing it, almost like he's afraid of being embarrassed until he sees how awful I dance).

I haven't found treats he likes that I'm willing to feed him. He won't eat fruits I give him, any veggies I've offered have been wasted, and bird treats from the store were a waste of money too. Earlier I mentioned he stole food. He stole Doritos from me, squawking with glee afterwards. I'm no expert, but since I know they're not good for me I'm not giving them to him either (in spite of how funny it was at the time).

I want to work on training, but as he viciously attacks foreign objects (sticks are the worst thing in the world) and I can't seem to find any treats he likes, I'm at a bit of a loss. I'm happy with the little progress I'm making, maybe he'll start to trust me more when he realizes I'm not going anywhere. I am at a loss on how to train him though. Every source of contact has to be on his terms, or met with vicious attack (even feeding and watering, the jerk)!

Any tips would be welcomed!


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He is beautiful! I am sure in time he will be your bestie. My conure is a recovering junk food junkie too. I'm trying to be patient with him but it's so hard getting him to eat healthy!
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Thanks. :)

His neck feathers (back of the neck) are pretty roughly shredded, but I think they're growing out slowly. He's my baby.
What a handsome man! I'd agree with LeaKP, time is what you both need. With that time together it will be easy to figure out what he is motivated by to help with training.
Sounds like you have made such progress - on well done on looking after that little bird; in time he will realise how lucky he is to have found you... In terms of food, have you tried birdy bread - good for them, and tasty! you can bake a whole trayful of mini muffins and freeze to keep for each day, economical.
I got my Nanday Rio back in September and my story is almost similar to yours. The girl that had him said she got him from a breeder. It wasn't actually one of their birds that they bred but one their son bought and didn't want. So he gave it to his parents the "breeders" and the girl I got him from bought him from them. So I'm Rios fourth home as well. When I went to pick him up he was outside in a ferret cage with cedar chips at the bottom that had a huge fire ant hill on the bottom. His food was infested with bugs and he was drinking out of a coffee cup with fire ants alive/dead floating in it. Needless to say I brought him home and he got all new things.
The first week after bringing him home I left him in the cage and only clean and changed his food and water. He is in the family room so he could see and hear us all the time. I would talk to him everyday throughout the day.
On the second week I started to let him out of his cage but he wouldn't come anywhere near me and always flew away. He hates sticks just like Loki and he would scream at me and fly off if I came near him. After about a week of just letting him free fly he finally flew on me and let me have him step up on my finger.
So now almost three and a half months after bringing him home the first thing he does is fly on me when I open the door. He still isn't cuddly which I'm okay with. I still can't touch or pet him unless he rubs himself against me. He knows step up and gets on my finger whenever I try and I know he loves me in his own way and the only way he probably can at this point in his life and I hope it only keeps getting better. I really love him and he has a great personality. I don't know all that he's had to go through in his life and that's what I tell myself when he's being a butthead and insists on breaking skin and making me bleed lol.
So my advice to you is just let him go by his own pace and show him as much love as you possibly can. Rio doesn't love anything more than sunflower seeds so you can try those as treats every once in a while. I wouldn't work on training until he can do step up without a hitch and he's a bit less nippy. In the picture you posted Loki also has pin feathers so that could be making him a little more irritable. And if you have anymore questions feel free to contact me on here anytime!
Btw Loki is a very handsome guy!!!!

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