Look who's talking!!!!!!


New member
May 31, 2015
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North Carolina
Crimson-Bellied Conure - Bodhi - Ramsey- Labradoodle
Was playing with Bodhi this morning, and asked him to stick em up and he repeated "stick em up"!!!!!!!!!

Know conures are not big talkers and I thought he wouldn't talk at all and didn't mind. However, now that he is.......I am SOOOOO excited!!!!!!

Any suggestions of any technique's to get him to say more words?:32:
That's awesome! I'd love to hear him if you could get it on video:)
My birds seem to pick up what I say the most to them (and the things I don't want them to say!).
Just keep talking to him, repetition has really worked with mine.
It seems like any bird that starts talking just takes off from there on their own. If they got it, they got it.

Repetition is key for the things you want him to say but don't give up if he does not say what you want. He will pick more up.
I've watched YouTube videos because I swear my gcc is talking... But I don't have an ear that can understand their voice. Pretty much any video I see I truly can't understand the bird. The voice is just too mechanical I guess.
My poor Loki is probably making himself hoarse and his mom has no idea what he's saying! My amazon has a few words she says so clearly and then a LOT of mumbling. Lol
Yayyyy! Congratulations! I know how exciting it is to have a talker.

Our green cheek conure, Franklin has developed a rather broad vocabulary. We bought him when he was just 9 weeks old.

MOST of the time when he's talking, he does it under his paper in his cage...so I guess in some respects you can say he's a "closet talker" but clear as anything when he's on a roll!

He says things like...Frankieeeeee, Frank the Tank, Pretty pretty pretty boy, pretty boy, Pretty Frankie, kisssss, give kiss! Hello...any much more I can't think of off the top of my head right now. He also does a lot of conure chatter which I find absolutely adorable.

Occasionally still...he will haul off and bite me for no apparent reason...and when he does, I gasp and say...Bad birds bite! Good birds give kisses! And I absolutely HAVE to get a video of it, because as I say that to him, he chews me out in conure chatter (because it was all my fault he bit me you know) and within his conure chatter he lowers his head to my hand and firmly states...GIVE KISS! Then gently touches his beak to my hand to show me..."give kiss" hahahaha...of course I say, but you didn't give kiss, you bit mommy..ouch..and he will again touch me with his beak and grumble...GIVE KISS.

Yep, he has always melted my heart.

Keep talking to him and Bodhi will pick up more than you can imagine. Try and listen to him at night just before he goes to sleep as well...that's when I first discovered just how much vocabulary Franklin had picked up.

Keep us posted!

Whatever you do, don't take him to the bank with you. Just sayin.
That's awesome! I'd love to hear him if you could get it on video:)
My birds seem to pick up what I say the most to them (and the things I don't want them to say!).
Just keep talking to him, repetition has really worked with mine.

I have been trying to get it on video to send to my daughter, who just went off to college. Of course, when I get the camera....he starts acting silly and does everything but what I want him to!
Yay! My Jojo is also a talker. But we get into a game where I also mimic him. He has a lot of wild bird sounds that I have found myself mimicking birds when I'm outside. I swear it seems like they are responding to me and I get into a dialogue with them
That's exciting when you hear them talk for the first time!

I noticed that some things they pick up, and other things you can say a million times and they just don't want to say it. I sometimes wonder what it is about the sounds of certain words that a particular individual likes.

My mom has a talking Princess of Wales, and she tells me that despite her trying to teach him, Patches hasn't learned anything new in years. Then one time when I was there, I used a timer on my phone, and the ringtone was a "sonar" sound. Patches heard it ONCE, and was repeating it within a half hour.

Raven is the only bird I have who will repeat after me. I've been trying to teach him "Raven is a funny guy!" Because he is lol. He doesn't seem interested in it regardless of how often I say it. I'll keep trying, but it's maybe too many syllables for him?

Now that you know Bodhi is inclined to be a talker, just keep talking to him a lot and he's bound to keep picking up new words.

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