Looking for new home for Cockatoo


New member
Apr 13, 2011
West Georgia
Sulpher Crested Cockatoo
Hello all, My name is Jonette and I am owned by a 25yr old Alexandrine, named (not by me) Alex of course! I'm sure most of you know that anytime you're a parrot owner, people you know who have birds or bird questions always come to you. I have an acquaintance that knew we had a bird who had a sulpher crested cockatoo (hope thats spelled right). She was the bird's 3rd owner and the bird's only 15yr old! Anyway, the bird is with me now. I won't go into details now but the bird has not had a happy life to say the least. The bird HATES me!! She tolerates my husband, who is not a 'bird person'. He just doesn't have any experience with large birds, my Alex is MY bird and lets everyone know it!

I am trying to figure out the best way to get this bird a permanent home with an EXPERIENCED bird ownder who will try to keep her for as much of her life as possible. I know she's relatively young in parrot years, but I really want her to have as little bouncing around as possible. She has adapted to her life of neglect very well, sadly enough. She doesn't pluck, but she is a screamer when left alone sometimes. Other than that, her only real 'behavior flaw' is that she will throw her food when you walk near her if she wants attention. I think that these months with us, having my husband actually hold her and interact with her, has made her realize the possibilities of loving and trusting a human and she wants more!!

I live in West Metro Atlanta and will not ship her anywhere. Please understand that. She will have to picked up. I do not want to sell her, just find her a new home. She does have a large cage, though I'm not sure it's big enough for her. My Alex's cage is twice the size of hers.

I've attached two pics of her.
Thank you!


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I sure hope so. I feel so bad for her and I know if she could just be with someone who knew how to handle her, she'd be a loving companion. She has NEVER been held before. But my husband and brother can walk right up to her and she'll step up and dance, kiss em, 'preen' them, it's so sweet. She needs to be with someone who will love her forever!! Tried to talk hubbie into trying more with her, but he works SO MUCH and is rarely home during daylight hours so it just won't work out. She deserves more than an hour a day of interation. I've tried repeatedly and have the scars to prove it :D!!! She just simply hates me! And it's more stress on her the more I try, so I gave up trying to hold her and just settle for interaction while she's safely in her cage.
I wish I knew of someone in your area who was interested in a 'too.

I think cockatoos take a very special person to care for them - that's why this one has already been in 3 other homes. They are beautiful and intelligent, but I know that I'm not cut out to be a cockatoo parront. I wish I was, but I've learned otherwise.

Good luck, I hope you find the right family.
I just found this forum trying to find a better diet for a cockatoo I just adopted. Like your bird shes been through a few homes before I bought her, she was a plucker and has done so much damage that she may never be fully covered but shes not plucked after the first day of her being here. I am home or some one is home 90% of the day and shes only in the cage at night or when no one is at home.
She like yours screams when left alone so we have made adjustments to our household so thats not a stress factor unless we actually leave the house. We live in the middle of 100 acres and own 5 so no neighbors to worry about complaining either.
I would love to hear more about your Cockatoo and would be willing to adopt her and provide references. I know Im new here but if you google my screan name you can see I am a well established person on another forum.
We are small scale dairy goat farmers so most of anything will have to do with goats :)
Do yourself a favor, post an ad on Craigslist in your area and also Ebay classifieds. I'm sure you will get a ton of responses especially if you list it as FREE. The problem is, finding it a GOOD home. This is where a home inspection comes in.
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Thanks for reply. Our computer crashed so I sent you a private message with my direct contact info if you're still interested. Call or email for more info. Look forward to talking. Thanks again! Jonette
i recommend you find a rescue. there are plenty. You said you live in Atlanta.... so I do not see why Florida parrot rescue cannot assist. I know they are full as i just spoke with the director but given the circumstances I do not believe they turn any birds away anyhow. They are a GREAT rescue and ONLY adopt to the BEST! Home visits and much more are done even after the bird is placed. You should Google Florida Parrot Rescue and it will come up and email them. Hope this helps! They are an amazing group.

FYI If you do not want your bird bounced around then dont put it on EBAY or Craigslist... that is just a horrible way to place a bird with the "right" family. If you do go that route make sure you get vet references and proof they have large parrot experience.
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i recommend you find a rescue. there are plenty. You said you live in Atlanta.... so I do not see why Florida parrot rescue cannot assist. I know they are full as i just spoke with the director but given the circumstances I do not believe they turn any birds away anyhow. They are a GREAT rescue and ONLY adopt to the BEST! Home visits and much more are done even after the bird is placed. You should Google Florida Parrot Rescue and it will come up and email them. Hope this helps! They are an amazing group.

FYI If you do not want your bird bounced around then dont put it on EBAY or Craigslist... that is just a horrible way to place a bird with the "right" family. If you do go that route make sure you get vet references and proof they have large parrot experience.

That;s not always the case. I got my Tiki from Craigslist and wouldn't hesitate to do it again. To me, it's the SELLERS responsibility to make sure that THEIR bird goes to a good and not just trying to re-coop their investment. I find it harder to trust the seller on Craigslist than the buyer. I have come across tons of birds that are living in deplorable conditions, have been left in their cages for months if not years and went from a tame well socialized bird to a bitey, squawky bird that doesn't trust anyone and has been so unsocialized, that it would take months if not years to bring them back and some may not ever be pets again. But yet, the owner acts like the bird is their stock portfolio and wants just about what a new baby from a breeder would cost rather then thinking of the bird rather than filling their pockets.

So I do beg to differ, Craigslist serves a purpose like all classieds do. If not for them, there would no doubt be a lot more birds hitting rescue centers. As far as Florida Parrot Rescue, They might want to relax their adoption restrictions or rules a little. If so they might re-home more birds then what they do. Their re-homing fees aren't too far off from what I see on Craigslist ever day. Heck, I even sent them two emails with my back ground info if they were in need of a good foster home and have yet to get a response or even a THANK YOU! My wife and I are both retired, own our own home, only have one animal that we spoil rotten, but I guess we don't measure up.:53:
Im sorry to hear you have yet to hear a response. Their prices come with cages and are fine prices. The lower prices is for bird alone which are good prices for the bird/etc in my opinion when it comes to the rehab and etc that the bird requires or required... there is a "NEW" lady doing the acceptance of fosters and etc.. So you may want to try again. It took them a while to get to me but i kept resending the email as im sure they get many... They did get to me and I was accepted as a foster. Do i currently foster for them now... no. I just moved this past weekend.. I need to settle in and have this darn baby so im less stressed or in less pain.. LOL

Yes CL has its perks but dont be suprised if your ad gets flagged a hundred times.Florida Space Coast and Orlando section people flag free ad's just as much as they flag ad's with a price. CL is a joke most of the time with their rules. It also attracts MANY weirdos. Best of luck with CL...
I would be very strick with who you rehome the bird to. Sometimes that's what it takes to find the bird or animal a forever home. Keep in mind... I've done animal rescue for 7 yrs I know... SO i understand why the FPR has prices and regulations the way they have it. At least you know for a fact the bird is going to someone who is experienced and with someone who will either "keep" the bird forever or rehome the bird to their Forever home.

God bless and I wish you the best of luck with finding your bird a forever home. It's not easy by any means. :)
what i was thinking about is what if you talk to a local bird rescue and ask them to help find a home but you will be a foster? they do that for dogs why not birds. or you could find a local parrot shop that you trust to find a good home or just keep posting on bird forms. i wouldnt trust anyone but yourself and a bird rescue to find a really good home, but i did find my bird on craigslist and i love him to death hes great. i would take your cockatoo but im in ohio and im not aloud to have anymore pets :( so keep looking! also you could contact local breeders to see if they know anyone they trust that might want to adopt your cockatoo :)
Hi Jonette,
I am looking for a cockatoo to free flight with my male umbrella, but alas, we live in central California. My husband and I live on 160 acres, in the foothills above Fresno, CA and our bird was not happy, at all, in his cage. We got a bigger cage so he could be outside on our deck during the day, then that didn't seem big enough. We put a ramp from his cage to the oak tree next to the deck in hopes he would love us enough to stay close. Guess what, he still loves us, has totally modified all the trees in the area, (and our wood deck), the hawks and ravens are scared to death of him, but he comes in at evening time for his oatmeal, bananas, apples, seeds and cuddles before bedtime. We put him in his house cage at night. I wish we lived closer, I think your bird would love us.
I Live in Atlanta and Have not only a lot of experience with birds but also practice the Sitar 8 hours a day and will there for the Bird almost all day. I have had as I said a lot of experience with Large Parrots and Birds oaf al types. Please call me if you still have Her at 678-997-5850 (I feel safe giving my number on a Bird Forum for some reason)

I hope you found a good home for it of not.
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I Live in Atlanta and Have not only a lot of experience with birds but also practice the Sitar 8 hours a day and will there for the Bird almost all day. I have had as I said a lot of experience with Large Parrots and Birds oaf al types. Please call me if you still have Her at 678-997-5850 (I feel safe giving my number on a Bird Forum for some reason)

I hope you found a good home for it of not.

Cannon_farms posted that they adopted him already.

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