Lost Moustache Parakeet in Los Angeles/Encino Area!!!


New member
Aug 20, 2016
State College, PA
Senegal Parrot named "Kane"; Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conure named "Bowie"; Blue Quaker Parrot named "Lita Ford"; Cockatiel named "Duff"; 8 American/English Budgie Hybrids; Ringneck Dove named "Dylan"
Hey guys, spread the word and keep your eyes open if you live or know anyone who lives in the greater Los Angeles, CA area, a woman who is a YouTube parrot vlogger that I talk to lost her very young Moustache Parakeet about a week ago. He got loose and took-off from her home in the Encino/Tarzana area about a week ago. He's just a baby and she is losing her mind with grief...and so is the rest of her flock, which is large, and apparently have become very bonded to him, especially one Cockatoo in-particular.

I've told her to post him as being lost on Parrot911, ParrotAlert, and her local Craigslist pages. She's done the local Craigslist pages, hopefully she'll see my message to her and post on the other sites, I don't think she's aware of them as of right now...I also told her to call every local Vet Office, Shelter, Rescue, and Pet/Bird Shop to let them know and give them her info, in-case someone brings him in...There aren't a lot of Moustache Parakeets, so hopefully he'll show-up soon...He is banded...
I’ve been watching her for a year or two and I feel so bad. As stated above she has a rescue cockatoo that was bonded very closely to him and she started plucking a lot worse than normal and isn’t eating. The story made it on the news yesterday, and to answer the above she has been posting on all those sites. Let’s hope the mustache parakeet named picasso comes back home to them.
Please help bring Picasso home!
Also, he is not just a baby... he's like 7 years old.
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Thanks Classy, I feel better knowing she finally posted on Parrot911, I had checked the site and saw nothing, and it being the best place to post a lost bird I was hoping she would get that done...I also told her to start calling all the local Vet Offices, Rescues, and also any local Pet Shops and Bird Shops, as it's not at all unusual for people who find a parrot to take them to their local Pet Shop because they don't know how to take care of them, don't have a cage, etc. So it's very important that all the local Pet and Bird Shops are aware that she lost her bird and have her personal info, so that they know who the bird belongs to if someone brings it in...I've heard of several shops who will hold the bird for a week, then they just put it out for sale...I've also heard of several people who have notified their local Pet and Bird shops that they have lost their bird, and then someone comes in asking about what food or what size cage is best for that particular species of parrot, and then they know that the person has found one outside and is just deciding to keep it...And with a Moustache Parakeet, being an uncommon pet parrot, if someone suddenly walks into a Vet Office with one or goes into a Pet Shop asking for a cage for one, that's going to send-up red-flags...

It's so sad, bad enough that she is devastated, and then her Cockatoo that is closely-bonded to him start plucking like crazy and totally stops eating...I heard her say that she was thinking about clipping all of her birds so that she doesn't have to worry about this happening to any others...that's the extreme stress talking, I hope, anyway...It was just a freak accident that could happen to anyone...

I'm just hoping that because it's such an uncommon species of parrot and you don't see many of them at all that someone will spot him and at least be able to tell her the general location he's in...The problem with the Los Angeles area is it is surrounded by deserts, mountains, and huge dry-lake beds on all sides, and with him being gone for a week already, he could be anywhere...Hopefully someone has found him already and they are trying to find his owner, I always worry that the largest obstacles in the way of a lost bird finding it's owner are unscrupulous people who don't care about the bird or the owner and only see dollar signs...
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Please help bring Picasso home!

Lao he is not just a baby... he's like 7 years old.

I didn't realize this, I thought he was young...Either way, we need to find him!
I've followed her a bit ...

(stopped watching because she doesn't stop collecting birds, not sure anymore if it is about the parrots or just gathering followers, just like that awfull she-person and her hopieie )

poor picasso.

Didn't she lose het macaw earlier as well?
(He was returned)
I've followed her a bit ...

(stopped watching because she doesn't stop collecting birds, not sure anymore if it is about the parrots or just gathering followers, just like that awfull she-person and her hopieie )

poor picasso.

Didn't she lose het macaw earlier as well?
(He was returned)

Yeah, Rocky (the macaws) was lost but they were able to find him within a day despite him being (at the time) not very human friendly (he's a rescue) this was a year or so ago I think though

And yeah.. I've been a bit iffy on her since she just keeps getting them but she seems to take good care of them so yeah.. just a bit hesitant and skeptical on her intentions.
Please help bring Picasso home!

Lao he is not just a baby... he's like 7 years old.

I didn't realize this, I thought he was young...Either way, we need to find him!

Yes I hopev he is found too. She was the reason I started getting interested bin parrots and learned the proper care for them before i got Ollie. She even gave us some shout outs (Ollie and I) in some of her videos because she also has an Instagram with the hashtag #engagednotcahed that I post on with my birds and she reshares those posts.
Also, just so everyone knows...her cackatoo (Jersey) has always been a plucker and through the years has nearly plucked herself clean so it's not because of Picasso that she started plucking. There was even a YouTube video on how to make a shirt for your plucking birds. I just wanted the right information out there.
Please help bring Picasso home!

Lao he is not just a baby... he's like 7 years old.

I didn't realize this, I thought he was young...Either way, we need to find him!

Yes I hopev he is found too. She was the reason I started getting interested bin parrots and learned the proper care for them before i got Ollie. She even gave us some shout outs (Ollie and I) in some of her videos because she also has an Instagram with the hashtag #engagednotcahed that I post on with my birds and she reshares those posts.
Also, just so everyone knows...her cackatoo (Jersey) has always been a plucker and through the years has nearly plucked herself clean so it's not because of Picasso that she started plucking. There was even a YouTube video on how to make a shirt for your plucking birds. I just wanted the right information out there.

I don't think anyone implied that Picasso missing is the reason but it's definitely encouraged it. If you saw her earlier videos vs now Jersey has been doing a lot better with her picking problem and it's sad to hear it's worsened bc her friend is missing.
Right. I just didn't want people think she plucked her entire body because of this is all.

[ame="https://youtu.be/xwY3dkDCJuA"]HELP! MY BIRD, PICASSO FLEW AWAY | Mustache Parakeet | Ringneck Parakeet - YouTube[/ame]

She said to share this video.
He's been out for a while now according to youtube -> "Picasso belongs to Marlene mc'cohen he went missing jul 3rd 2018 in Los Angeles "

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaa-_2jm-yk"]My Parrots Are Having Relationship Issues | JERSEY AND PICASSO - YouTube[/ame]

they do look fun together
(Picassso and Jersey)

and oops... more publicity (again)


ah thank you Sunnyclover/ couldn't find it, you did!
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Thanks, members, for following up, and focusing on the bird. No matter what the circumstances, finding him is the important thing! :)
It was the news, abc7 news.
I hope that he returns home safely.
I follow her on Instagram, and have been keeping up to date on this.

Sent from my Galaxy s8
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Hey guys...I'm well-aware of the "issues" surrounding several parrot YouTube "Vloggers", trust me, sometimes I have to literally force myself not to PM these people or go nuts in the comments-section (not with this OP though, as she really does seem to take the best care of all her birds)...There are a couple of other YouTube parrot-people that I just want to smack sometimes, a lot of times actually...But this OP isn't one of them, yes she has a lot of birds, but they are all in extremely good health, they all get proper vet care, and she spends ample time with all of them every single day...

HOWEVER, it must be said that I'm not writing the above paragraph in-defense of anyone, or to slam anyone else, as this is not the place for that...I don't care who it is that has lost their bird, the bird is lost and needs to be found and reunited with their owner, as they are obviously bonded, and who knows where Picasso might end-up or with you...So it doesn't matter who the owner of a lost bird is or whether or not you agree with her parrot-care/living situation, her tame, bonded parrot is lost and she is obviously devastated and ready to give-up, based on that video she posted...She stated multiple times that "She doesn't know what else she can do to find him", yet she hadn't at that point, anyway, contacted any local Vet Offices, Rescues, Shelters, or Pet/Bird Stores/Shops to alert them, and this is one of the very first things she needs to do along with posting on Parrot911, ParrotAlert, Craigslist, Facebook, etc...So many "found" birds are brought into Vet Offices and Pet Shops because people don't know how to care for a bird, they are scared of birds, etc. and they just want rid of them...And especially Pet Shops and Rescues, as they will only hold-them for a short period of time and then re-home/sell them...

So let's keep it positive and try to find this bird and get him home to her, as they are both no-doubt missing each other terribly...
Still keeping my fingers crossed!
oh no not picasso! I'm hoping she does find him, little Picasso loves her so much

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