Macaw Beak Chip/Crack


Oct 29, 2010
Tucson, AZ
Blue & Gold Macaw
My wife and i are new to the forum and also new to owning a 7 to 8 month old B&G Macaw.

"Mac" slipped off his play perch this evening and hit the floor kind of hard. Was quieter than usual for a bit. Ate dinner fine (sweet potatoes and a tiny bit of broccoli).

My wife was holding him and said she saw a crack at the very tip of his upper beak. I think I see a tiny line but can't say for sure it is a crack. No blood or anything like that. The mark runs across the beak about 1/16" from the very tip.

My wife wants to rush "her baby" to the vet but I think it may be a bit of over reaction at this point.

I've read some posts and articles on line but most mention bleeding etc.

I'd appreciate the input of the more experience bird folks here.

It would help if you could post a pic or two, many times people think that there are actual cracks in the beak when many times it is a natural occurance known as sloughing, a birds beak is much like a human fingernail in its makeup, as the beak grows it flakes off the old to be replaced with the new sometimes giving the appearence of a crack or break, if it is an actual crack though it may very well need the attention of an avian vet, depending on location and severity.
Definitely an avian vet check is in order. Cracks or broken tips of the beak can be extremely painful! Also, the keel bone can break easily if baby hits hard. I would definitey take him in.
I am sorry to hear about this.:( I have learned that overreacting when it comes to birds/animals have saved a lot of lives.

If you are in doubt - then it is a good enough reason to go to the vet. If your wives instinct tells her to go to a vet then listen to it.

The vet visit will not be a waist either because all new birds need to see a vet for a general checkup.;)
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Thanks for the input. Will see if I can find an Avian Vet open this morning and take Mac for a ride.

Will keep all posted.
last week my bird broke 1mm off the top of its sharp little beak whilst chomping on my coffee cup
it was on my hand and just kinda playin when i hear a "tink" like sound :p
i didnt know for sure what it was but it stopped biting the cup
well at the bottom of the coffee cup, there it was at the bottom, 1mm of the beak, lol.
i simply took the bird to get groomed the next day and the groomer dremmel'ed the beak even more.
All in all, the bird was perfectly fine and has since resumed biting my coffee cup every morning.
my bird is not a baby tho so i could not say about the resilience of a younger beak.

best to err on the side of caution tho if there is concern, however, im sure everything will be fine especially if you take it to an avian vet
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Sorry for the delay in posting, it has been a heck of a weekend.

First Mac and his beak incident and then my main home computer crashed.

We took Mac to an Avian Vet an, as several have posted, the vet dremeled a small portion of the beak and gave a medication to be taken for 4 days.

We also had the vet do a wing trim and touch up the nails. A regular spa treatment.:D

Mac is doing good. Will not climb with his beak yet and we have to help him with the eating process. The beak is still tender and the vet advised it will be for several days.

I appreciate the input from all, it moved me in the right direction.

I'll post some pictures once I get the computer situation ironed out. Went and purchased an iMac last night so have a learning curve to go through. I've always been an IBM person. :blue1:
That is great news! The vet sounds as if he was on top of things! Don't worry, baby will be climbing around soon.
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Mac is much improved. Beginning to use his beak for a little climbing.

He wouldn't drink water from a dish. I think when his beak hit the water it hurt, like cold on a bad tooth. We were getting water in to him by hand. Today he drank from a plastic bowl.

The picture is from before his incident. He's not so brazen yet. Give him a few more days.

Thanks for all the input!!

Aww what a happy little guy! He looks like he's in very good health... his beak (other than the crack that the picture doesn't show :p) looks like it's in excellent condition and the feathers look very healthy as well... I'm sure he's glad to live with people who care about him so much!
Hi there, they are just like kids, hurting themselves
My AG Mishka chipped her beak a while back, Just like your wife, wanting to rush the bird to the vet, I posted asked for advise and took it from there AND after all the advise I still took Mishka for peace of mind.
I have attached the link below, I learnt a lot, by some members replies. Mishka's beak was quite badly chipped, photo's attached. The vet said it was not bad, will repair itself. It was one day short of a month, I posted another pic, where her beak was almost totally self repaired.

Mishka African grey : Chipped beak

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