Major milestone- pigpen showered!!!!!!


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
I am shocked! We got home and Buddy is super affectionate. He came out of his mansion to ride my shoulder. I folded clothes and wanted to take my shower but he didn't want off my shoulder. OK then, let's see what you'll do. I take a perch in the bathroom and put it on the sink, make sure the shower perch is secure, and not right in line of the spray, turn the water on, test the temp and start disrobing. I tried to put him on hype perch on the sink. My plan let him watch, no. I walked in the shower with him on my shoulder and had him away from the water and put my head under the water waiting for to bolt. No. I kept letting the water hit me and it was misting him, he didn't move, I guess we are both on fire in his brain. Now I had make up on my face and the mascara started running so I had to wash my face. As I'm washing my face, guess who runs up to the shower and spreads his wings and starts singing, whistling, screaming, shimming and shaking. Then the game started, I move him away from the water, he runs to the other shoulder and repeat. Wings held out, super fluffy, fan tail and shake a tail feather, sing some more. He got SOAKED!!!

So I got a rinse, I have to jump back in to finish. I didn't want to shampoo, condition and soap him up but boy does he stink. There's wet dog and now I know what wet bird smells like now. Peeeyeeeeew!


Wow that's wonderful! I'm glad to here! And he looks beautiful!

Yes! Wet bird is horrible !! My sprite (conure) likes to cuddle with me after he baths, so I get a nose full of it.
All right, Buddy! Applause for the clean bird! He looks so pretty and proud of himself. I'm glad he overcame his fear of bathing.
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I am so proud of him, I don't have the smelly kid anymore, even though he's a little pungent wet. We keep our house pretty cool so I turned a little heater on I have close to his cage for cold days. I was surprised but got a kick out of watching him spread his wings all the way out and move under the water. I think tonight was inspired by Kiwi, lol.
Both my zons and both my macs love water, and will stay in for as long as I let them...

My CAG however, becomes the anti-christ on bath day.
My CAG however, becomes the anti-christ on bath day.

Mark, can you give us the details and tell us how you bathe the anti-christ?
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How about a video, lol.
GO BUDDY! Glad he finally decided to clean up his act;) You may have found a daily shower companion though:D Kiwi likes sitting up on the shower door (and when we had one, the shower curtain rod). He only comes in after we've done everything we need too, that way we can also wash and use shampoo and soap and stuff without worrying.

I guess you got your first whiff of wet parrot then (boy are they stinky things!):) Amazons especially, since they naturally have a 'musty' odor, it is amplified a million fold when they become wet. Hope Buddy has realized water is not boiling acid, and that there are more fun shower times with Buddy to follow.
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That's great! Maybe someday I can get Sassy in the have A LONG way to go before that though! Chico will take a "shower" in the sink with water running but I tried to take him in the shower and he totally freaked! So happy for you and Buddy!
Amazons especially, since they naturally have a 'musty' odor

So that's the "Sassy smell" I had never heard about this before so it is good to know! I thought it was just her because she doesn't like
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I've seen people post about the zon smell and they love it. I've smelt something and thought it was because he hadn't bathed, lol. Here's how I picture it.

[ame=]Ice Age 4 - First Bath In Decades - YouTube[/ame]
Amazons especially, since they naturally have a 'musty' odor

So that's the "Sassy smell" I had never heard about this before so it is good to know! I thought it was just her because she doesn't like

Yup, amazons are just big stinky beasts by nature;) Actually their scent is not bad at all (from my experience at least). Not much is really known about the zon musk, but they do seem to make more of the scent when they are happy:) But when you get them out (more, plug your nose;)):52::09:
Amazons especially, since they naturally have a 'musty' odor

Since Pionus are close cousins of Amazons, they have the same 'musty' odor. I don't like the smell, and sometimes maybe upon excitement it seems like he puffs it out of his facial area (maybe from the nares?) so it gets even stronger. I've heard people call it 'musky', but I'd say 'musty'! Kind of sourish :( Don calls him 'Stinky'.

Tracy, the video when she first jumps in the water LOL!! Too funny. Somehow I doubt Buddy was THAT bad :)
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Buddy showered again today, he wasn't as stinky after but I had to take him in the shower, and he was under the water singing and whistling all kinds of sounds. He wouldn't sit on the shower perch or the curtain rod, upon exiting he looked like a drowned rat. I put him in his cage and turned the little heater fan on for him and he was drying himself, spreading his wings and all. Cracked me up up because he was all into it even turning to catch the warm air. I tried to take pics but he saw the phone and stopped, lol. I love that he's enjoying it so much, great bonding too.
Buddy showered again today, he wasn't as stinky after but I had to take him in the shower, and he was under the water singing and whistling all kinds of sounds. He wouldn't sit on the shower perch or the curtain rod, upon exiting he looked like a drowned rat. I put him in his cage and turned the little heater fan on for him and he was drying himself, spreading his wings and all. Cracked me up up because he was all into it even turning to catch the warm air. I tried to take pics but he saw the phone and stopped, lol. I love that he's enjoying it so much, great bonding too.

My red lored amazon used to get a blow dry (lowest setting, and arms length from the bird) in the wintertime, same deal. Happy flappy in the shower, and the "vampire dance" with the blow drier. (she would hold her wings open, and then use them to cup the warm air and draw it in to her face. Looked like a vampire cape...
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Mark that is awesome! I keep the house cold, plus he's by a window so he can see outside. I put that fan there when I got him in March and we were still getting cold snaps. But today was hilarious watching him get into the warm air but I really wanted to snap a pic of him with his wings spread.
Adorable!!! Yesterday i gave our yna what i think was her first bath by using a mister connected to the garden hose. She didnt enjoy it but didnt act like she hated it either. Our ringneck would love nothing more than for me to stand over his cage. Misting him all day long so hopefully yours will learn to love it to :) the smell on the other hand, im not sure ill ever get used to that but its a smell i noticed the first day we had her and read somewhere on the internet that amazons have a natural " respiratory odor" dont know if thats accurate though

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