Making my own bird food..


New member
Jun 18, 2007
Blue & Gold Macaw, Madison;
Yellow Naped Amazon, Rocky;
Timneh African Grey, Tyler
Well the birds have again decided to refuse pellets. They are just not going to eat this stuff as they spent too many years enjoying seeds/human food. I've decided to do some research and do a more natural food like the zoos do. Anyone else do anything similar or have any good info? I'll be searching the internet for stuff and post what I'm doing.
I have the same problem, except neither of my guys will eat human food either.
I need to get them off a seed diet and the froot loop things don't work either.
I am no help at this stage.
persistence is the key, as we all know...those little buggas can be really stubborn at times, but really, are they going to let themselves starve? I wouldn't think so
My guys eat pellets but that is not their main diet.

My guys get 3 meals a day

Breakfast - bean, pasta,veggie mix and sometimes pieces of muffins. with a few pellets and seeds mixed in and almonds.

Lunch - veggies with pellets and a few seeds mixed in and sometimes fruit along with NUTS (almonds, pine nuts, pistachios for the little guys and brazil, pecan, walnut, hazelnuts and almonds for the big guys.

Dinner - veggies (different from lunch) with pellets and a few seeds mixed in. Sometimes they get what we are eating if it's healthy.

They usually snack on nuts and pellets in their cage when I put them in there for bed time. I also occasionaly make them birdie breads and what not.

I keep a pellet with a few seeds mix in their cage at all times for when they have to be in there and I'm gone.

My guys eat breakfast and dinner outside of their cage on playsyands and lunch in their cage for a couple of hours so they can have a break and rest time while I'm away.
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hey guys, sorry for the lack of response but I learned an important lesson: Check your computer fans/vents regularly when your macaw is molting. I blew my power supply and took my mouse with my vents were 100% full of down feathers from Madison. I am so lucky the whole thing didn't go.
I'm also pretty sick again :(

Anyway, Rocky really feels as though he's lost weight to me and it just makes me nervous. I have read about birds making themselves ill over not eating or not eating properly.
I'm going to be doing something similar to what rockinseattle has listed, I found a posting on a website and so far they are eating the mash decently.. (had to remake it because it turns out they can not stand apple cider vinegar)

I'm going to be making my own seed mixture like they have listed and I think I'll be using only unhulled seeds. I just can't find seed around here with the shell that doesn't immediately go buggy (even after being frozen!)

Not going to go on a rant about pellets, I wish mine would eat them! Jealous of those of you with cooperative birds.
May be gone for awhile so I'll seeya all later.
You know, with all the time you are sick, I would go to the good Lord and ask him for a refund on the defective human body that he gave you.


No, Red, you can't get one too, you're old and are supposed to start degrading ... Flyte on the other hand is young and this shouldn't be happening to her!
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I know.. I'm handling this well though trying to see stuff as a minor setback instead of my normal, "oh god I'm sick again everyone go away and find a healthy friend/daughter/girlfriend and let me wallow and die" In other words I'm not depressed this time, which I think will really help. (not depressed YET anyways) A bit sad but dealing ok. When I complain to myself Tyler tells me to 'shut up, don't like it" lol.

You know how in the restaurant they won't give you your money back if you've eaten a certain amount of the rotten food in question? I think that lord guy you were talking about would probably take a peek at all my missing parts and talk to his lawyers about getting the case thrown out:)

Maybe if Red and I team up we can get a good lawsuit going against him. Or maybe our parents? Or monkeys? I heard monkeys have crap lawyers..
Glad to see you back around here Flyte. Thought you left us forever. Hope you start feeling better soon. How are the fids and Roy of course? :p

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