Mealy and Panama


New member
Feb 24, 2012
Non at the moment...but have experience owning and caring for a cockatiel, CAG, and male and female Eclectus
I was just curious as to peoples experiences with these two wonderful Amazons. I've read a lot on them but was wondering about peoples personal experiences. And don't hesitate to throw your 2 cents in about other Amazon species too!
I've heard good things about both. I only have experience with my rather old Yellow Crown though. He is a very sweet guy though.
I've dealt with lots of different zons over the years.Panamas are hands down the best,YNA are a little more "opinionated" but my next favorite,OWAs are a different bird altogether and great companion zons for a family. Unfortunately i don't have much history with Mealies and can't fairly compare them.
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I've always read about the Mealys being the "gentle giants" of the Amazon world. I had totally bypassed the Panama until I read about them on the forum. They sound absolutely fantastic too! I love hearing about people's experience with their Zon's behavior and personality. Thank you!
My dream bird is a Panama followed by a YNA. I haven't had hands on experience with either, however, just research and other peoples opinions.

In my research Panama's are the most gentle and easy going along with an excellent speaking ability, followed by the YNA's that are a close second in terms of temperment.
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I've always read that YNA are one of the "hot three" but I don't have any personal experience with one so I don't actually know. Yes I've heard that about the Panama also. I've also read that the Panama are quite a bit more energetic than the Mealy. I have heard on the forum that sometimes breeders who may or may not know will sell a Panama that is actually a full or part Yellow Crown. I don't know too much about the YC though.
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Yep, I've heard the same thing. I guess it's quite difficult to find a true Panama. I believe the real differences are in the coloring of the feet and beak.
IMO,YCs are great birds but more similar,,,too birds that are "rowdier",is that a good word ? I've heard lots of great things about mealys but don't think they are "high up" on the talking thing,sweet,well behaved,etc. If i was choosing a mealy , i might go for a male ,where as if i was choosing a YN/DYH i might look for a hen. Panama ,any one is a good one.IMO the most adaptive birds are OWAs and Pans,they seem to get along with most any situation, in short they seem to do better in rehome situations,a plus for them.
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Great info henpecked! I shouldn't have said I bypassed the Panama, as I haven't bypassed any of the Zons, but the Panama just hadn't "grabbed me." Now, on the other hand, it has! I love this firsthand info!
They'll all have such unique personalities that you really need to meet lots of zons and find the one that "clicks"with you.
Yes, when I looked at pictures of Pans, I wondered if Pete was really a Pan. I think he really is a YC though based on his beak coloration.

He is a decent talker and has learned new words since coming here despite his age. So I think living with me he will learn more. I admit I talk to my birds a lot, lol! My conure can say rather long, complete sentences.

He is not very active, and I'm trying to encourage him to be more active. He is a little overweight as well.

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