Mimsy has gotten out!


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Merlin & Charlie (Senegals)
mellykyitus 's Lesser Sulphur Too has escaped from her home in Wales. She is banded so Mel can ID her with no worries if that band remains.

Mimsy is well loved by Mel as I'm sure you all know;



A link to a picture of Mimsy. Please please if any of you have friends in/around that area, or social media, facebook, twitter etc. Please help spread the word. I know she has putten it on Parrotalert, and I'm doing the best I can on my side too.

I know the horror of having a bird gotten away - and I'm sure a few of you do too, lets try and help her get her baby back. It is COLD in the UK at the moment and I'm extremely worried about how she'll cope throughout the night if she is not home soon. Sunset is also in around an hour... so please please please, let people know about Mimsy.
Oh that is so scary I hope she gets back to her home and family. Fingers crossed
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Mimsys home and safe! She ended up on her neighbours roof and after 20 mins or so of speaking to her, they got her down. She's home now, safe and being cuddled and spoiled I'm sure.

Thanks for the well wishes. x
So so glad to hear she is back home!! Thank goodness!

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