Mishka's attempt to be in the Guinness Book Of World Records

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  • #21
Wow ! Good luck ! I finally got a iPad so I can watch everybody's videos !
I will be watching Mishka's now and I'm sure after my husband will want a
Grey :). You and Mishka's must be so proud :)
We are all very proud of you and it will be a real pleasure to say " I know Mishka and you" When we see you guys on TV !
Amazing !!!!

Thanks luvmytooo, enjoy your iPad
I am very very proud of Mishka, my little "Mishi". He amazes me each and everyday, always coming up with something new.

Let's not jump the gun here, sure they have had lots of "attempts" pertaining to birds talking.

Here is what they e-mailed me, and requested.

Just to confirm that we have a category which can be linked to your claim which is:

The most intelligent parrot is Alex, an African Grey who knows words for over 35 objects and seven colors. Alex also has a functional use of phrases and a distinction between three, four, five and six sided shapes. His accuracy has averaged 80% when tested on these abilities.

What we will require from you is video evidence which clearly shows the full ranges of vocabulary which if it betters our current record we can verify. We will also require picture(s) and any other supporting information which is relevant and could support your claim.

I did my best, forwarding them video's, Mishka's album and a list of words and sentences, he is saying.
Lets cross fingers and hope Mishka talks his way into the Guinness Book Of World Records.


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  • #22
:-O WOOOOOOW!!! Way to go Mishka!! And it is nice to meet you too :) Hope my Bongo grows up with that kind of vocabulary!

LoL when Mishka does something cool I say it's Mishka Magic

It is simple to teach a bird to talk, start off with baby steps, small words etc. Talk slowly and clearly, making sure Bongo understands what each word means. Let Bongo progress at a pace he is comfortable with, remembering that repetitiveness is so important.

Sure you will be interested in the link below, how I taught Mishka to talk

Teach Your Bird To Talk

Interesting how they said Alex was the smartest parrot. He just may have been the only one someone taught all those things to for 30 years. Ok, not the only one as Dr. Pepperberg has other Greys as well, but rather the first. One of the funniest parts of his whole story was how she got him. He just happened to be the easiest one to catch in a net:)

Anybody else here try to teach or test their birds on any of the same things as Alex knew? I admit I tried the nut tied to a string test with Pete and Rowdy. Pete also pulled it up and got it. Rowdy chose instead to climb down the string to the nut:D I did not test Merlin thinking it wasn't really fair if she couldn't see it.
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  • #24
Interesting how they said Alex was the smartest parrot. He just may have been the only one someone taught all those things to for 30 years. Ok, not the only one as Dr. Pepperberg has other Greys as well, but rather the first. One of the funniest parts of his whole story was how she got him. He just happened to be the easiest one to catch in a net:)

Anybody else here try to teach or test their birds on any of the same things as Alex knew? I admit I tried the nut tied to a string test with Pete and Rowdy. Pete also pulled it up and got it. Rowdy chose instead to climb down the string to the nut:D I did not test Merlin thinking it wasn't really fair if she couldn't see it.

I had only seen video's of Alex on youtube. He was an amazing bird, in many ways. I knew he was trained by Dr Pepperberg. I just Google up Dr Pepperberg. Apparently Dr Pepperberg bought Alex in a regular pet shop when he was about one year old.
The link below is all about Alex, his training, his http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_(parrot)#Accomplishmentsaccomplishments etc (including his sad and sudden death)
What a sad loss to the bird world............

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  • #26
I think Mishka is a very special bird with a very special owner to bring that talent out in him:)
I agree!!!!

Actually Mishka brings the best out of me. He helps me to forget when things are really going bad. He relaxes me totally, and always makes me laugh each and every day.

Antoinette, Read The Alex Studies if you like scientific stuff, and read Alex and Me if you just prefer a nice story (although this one will make you cry a couple of times). Reading Alex and Me was what got me to try the nut on the string test, lol! I decided both Rowdy and Pete passed even if Rowdy chose a method I wasn't expecting.
congratulations! i really hope miksha gets it! either way, you and her deserve an award of some sort!
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  • #30
congratulations! i really hope miksha gets it! either way, you and her deserve an award of some sort!

Mishka deserves an award, he practices each and every day, never missing an opportunity to talk

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I almost PM'd you as well but I think I did leave you a visitor note, was wondering where you vanished to and hoped all was well.

That is super duper wow news! Mishka is brilliant and I would love to see him get in the Guinness book! I'll be cheering for you both!
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  • #33
I almost PM'd you as well but I think I did leave you a visitor note, was wondering where you vanished to and hoped all was well.

That is super duper wow news! Mishka is brilliant and I would love to see him get in the Guinness book! I'll be cheering for you both!

Thanks for caring Wulfgeist.......... I have not even read visitor's messages yet sorry X X

Thanks for all the cheering !!!!!!!!

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  • #34
What a proud mama you must be! That's awesome! Sounds like you put your all into this, good luck!

I am a proud mama.... Mishka has so many fans and supporters, it's amazing.

Mishka sure did his part well, when placing the camera in front of him, 99% of the time he spoke beautifully, asking and answering questions.
I do house work, while he sits in the kitchen talking away.

I think I struggled more to get him used to the camera than to actually teach him to talk, jokes aside.

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I think Mishka is a very special bird with a very special owner to bring that talent out in him:)
I agree!!!!

I agree as well ! Mishka is simply amazing , and so is Antoinette for bringing out the best in him , a very special mommy :).
I just had the pleasure of watching Mishka's videos and I am utterly speechless , unlike Mishka , lolol.
Everyone knows how I feel about Greys. And Antoinette knows how I feel about Mishka. Alex was different because Dr. Pepperburg didn't treat Alex as a pet. He was an experiment subject. And talked because he was taught to talk and think. Mishka is a pet. And talks because he loves Antoinette, and wants to be her flockmate. He talks to identify with her. I feel that puts him in a different class. But, then, I'm not an impartial witness.
Best of luck to you and Mishka! That's quite the vocabulary indeed; I cant imagine how long it must have taken to count up everything he can say. I love how well greys can pick up not just speech but accents.
Please let us know... Mishka is so clever, and deserves some reward, and what better than Guinness Book of Records...

Good luck to both of you..
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  • #39
Best of luck to you and Mishka! That's quite the vocabulary indeed; I cant imagine how long it must have taken to count up everything he can say. I love how well greys can pick up not just speech but accents.

Thanks HalfInsane love you user name LoL

I honestly did not know Mishka new so many words, but over the last three weeks, he has come out with the most amazing words.... I have given you an example below how he mixes and matches words adding in peoples names.

Hey listen to me
Listen to mommy's car
Guys mommy's calling listen to me do you want coffee
Mommy do you want to clean your car with water and bubbles
Mommy Stevie boy is quickly cleaning your car with water
Come lets go quickly in mommy's car
Lets go clean the bathroom to poopie quickly
Do you want me to go shower
Are you going to the bathroom to clean
Mommy why did the birdies poop in your car
Why did you go poopie in your car
Mommy's gone to hospital
I want to go to hospital
It's cold I want some popcorn
Here come eat your popcorn
Bill did you hear the boom booms
Bill I missed you today

Easy to count the words
, there is a word count in Word....... click into Spelling on the top right hand side of the page, scroll down then click into word count

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"Mommy why did the birdies poop in your car?"

LOL! Mishka just reminded me I need to clean the birdie poop out of mine. I noticed the last time I went grocery shopping there is poop on the passenger seat and center console!

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