mistyque wondering around


Dec 14, 2011
York pa
Cherry head conure
today i let mistyque out of the cage to go to playgym on top, then i went upstairs to see the wife, she fell down the stairs and broke her pelvic bone december 14th so is confined to bed most of the time and up stairs. mistyque got down off her playgym and i guess was looking for us lol. she was at the bottom of the stairs when i came down with the dog. good thing they get along the dog is faster at the stairs then i am. i had her step up on my finger and returned her to the playgym.

for the first 5 days owning mistyque she wanted out and to sit on my finger and have her head rubbed she loved it. on the 6th day when offering her my finger she bit me,. and has tried to nip me every day since so far. she will even run around the playgym and take a swing at biting me very aggrasive. except when she finds her self off the playgym and onto the floor them my finger is good enough any port in a storm i guess lol. and while on my finger i can rub her head. after getting back on the playgym right back to trying to nip me. hoping she comes around some time. not really sure she is a she or a he
Oh, trust me, they will come looking for if you leave the room!

I'm sorry about your wife's accident. That must be so painful! I hope she recovers soon.
If I leave the room and have my birds out they will roam around the room getting into everything. To me they remind me of little kids looking for their parent after they leave the room.

I hope your wife makes a speedy recovery. That sounds horribly painful :(
How high is the play gym? Could be that when she is on the play gym and above you she feels superior.
Keen tries to follow me too.
I hope your wife gets better soon!! Such a terrible ordeal to endure!
Birds can be hard to figure out. Maybe Mystyque needs more space when she's being bitey. That's what seems to help the most with Puck.

Your poor wife! I'm a massage therapist and I regularly work with people who have gone through what she is going through. Last year I discovered some amazing exercises from an amazing woman that could help speed up her recovery. Seriously, buy one of her videos (at LEAST one) and read her blog. It's entertaining and informative. I've heard a lot about the effectiveness of her work, and experienced some myself. Her website is: Welcome to Well Balanced Media
That link looks weird when I posted it, but it's AlignedAndWell.com by Katy Bowman.

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