My baby can't fly anymore


Oct 7, 2011
LaGrange, Il
Baby Blue Budgie, Indy, Tic Tac, Freeway, Misty, Nipper, Kiwi, Evan, Sidney, 4 new ones not yet named, RIP Elbee, the lovebird
My youngest parakeet isn't able to get any lift when he flies anymore. This just started yesterday. He was born not being able to walk very well and has a weird hump on his back by his right wing. It hasn't affected him thus far, but maybe that's what's causing his flight problems? I feel bad for him, he wants to play with the big birds, lol.:greenyellow:
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Does anyone know what could be wrong with him?
I'm so very sorry to hear about your youngest parakeet. If I were you I'd take him to an avian vet ASAP, especially because whatever ailment(s) he has, seem to be hindering him progressively.

Could it be his spine? Do you have any photos of the 'hump you describe?
I'm sorry your little budgie is having problems.

As much as we would like to answer, I'm afraid we would only be guessing. It sounds like your little one may have some serious health problems that seem to be getting worse. I think the best advice is to make an appointment with an Avian Veterinarian for a thorough exam.

Best of luck. Please keep us updated, won't you?
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Tis is very weird, but he's fine again. Flying around like nothing was wrong. I'm stumped. I don't have a picture of his hump. It's not as bad as it sounds, lol, but it's right by his left wing. I will try to get him to pose for a picture and will be keeping an eye on him to make sure he's ok. I might email my vet, see what he thinks.
I'm very happy to hear he's flying and feeling better. Under the circumstances, I would still suggest a vet check, especially since he's been having problems walking and then flying, it may be neurological. Birds are very good at hiding their illnesses or injuries, it's possible your little one may be in pain even if he doesn't appear to be. Good luck, I hope he continues to improve.
I agree with Allee 110%! take him to his doctor asap!

My Timneh Grey passed away a couple weeks ago from an enlarged heart and liver.
She seemed perfect the night before,eating,drinking and carrying on.

The vet told me that birds,in general,have a keen way of masking their health problems,untill they CANT anymore,then it is usually too late to help them :-((
That's what happened to Smokey.

My suggestion is: Get him to the Vet!!

I am sorry,but this attitude bothers me deeply,so I AM going to vent here:

" He has a hump on his back and can't fly anymore"... "I MIGHT email the vet and see what he thinks"

" He has trouble walking"

What if YOUR PARENTS said " oh you have a hump on your back and you can't walk?" "We MIGHT call the doctor to see what he thinks"..

First thing I would do is...disown those parents! I'm sure you are thinking, "oh he's JUST a parakeet" That poor creature is depending on YOU to take care of HIM...
Too upset to continue..

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