My Conure will not step up with me anymore.


New member
Jul 12, 2022
I have had my conure for 2 months. She would step up first when I got her but now she won't but will get up with my boyfriend. It's been a month now that she has been like this with me. She will eat fruits and veggies from me while she is in the cage but will not come up with me.
And......I can say your conure is probably a female. Well I see you did call her a "she" so yeah.

You say you've had her for two months, did you get it as a baby or could it be maybe uhm I dunno around two years old?

Basically your boyfriend looks hella sexy is the basic takeaway.

But this is not a game changer.

Send him to the movies or whatever and spend time with the bird with him not around. Or when he's at work, it's boredom or play with you.

Also....get his gym bag and get some man smell on your hands...It won't hurt.

Also TREATS, tell bf he can't give treats, you are the treat giver from now on, stomach will balance out the power a little bit.
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And......I can say your conure is probably a female. Well I see you did call her a "she" so yeah.

You say you've had her for two months, did you get it as a baby or could it be maybe uhm I dunno around two years old?

Basically your boyfriend looks hella sexy is the basic takeaway.

But this is not a game changer.

Send him to the movies or whatever and spend time with the bird with him not around. Or when he's at work, it's boredom or play with you.

Also....get his gym bag and get some man smell on your hands...It won't hurt.

Also TREATS, tell bf he can't give treats, you are the treat giver from now on, stomach will balance out the power a little bit.
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And......I can say your conure is probably a female. Well I see you did call her a "she" so yeah.

You say you've had her for two months, did you get it as a baby or could it be maybe uhm I dunno around two years old?

Basically your boyfriend looks hella sexy is the basic takeaway.

But this is not a game changer.

Send him to the movies or whatever and spend time with the bird with him not around. Or when he's at work, it's boredom or play with you.

Also....get his gym bag and get some man smell on your hands...It won't hurt.

Also TREATS, tell bf he can't give treats, you are the treat giver from now on, stomach will balance out the power a little bit.
So yes her name is Rosie. I got her from a baby. She was fine in the beginning. Would she be scared of my nails? I will definitely get his scent on my hands and try that!
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So yes her name is Rosie. I got her from a baby. She was fine in the beginning. Would she be scared of my nails? I will definitely get his scent on my hands and try that!
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Also I give her mostly all the treats during the day, and communicate as much as I can, but the only time she will get up with me is when he gives her to me. Then she is right back to him. She will not step up with me if he isn't around
Hi there! I went through a similar issue with Maddox. He was great with stepping up for me, but then began to favor my mom and kind of gave me the cold shoulder for a few days. The best thing to do is to get your conure to associate you with food. I began hand feeding Maddox and giving him treats which helped a ton. I also would place my left hand in front of him with a treat behind in my right hand so he would have to step up to get the treat. Once he stepped up he got the treat. Try giving this a shot. Conures bond well with their people but it is very possible for them to have more than one bond. Maddox is now the family bird and steps up for everyone. Good luck!
Also....get his gym bag and get some man smell on your hands...It won't hurt.
Well, it won't help either. Birds actually have a horrible sense of smell, despite the "if you touch a baby bird the mother will smell you on it and abandon it" myth. Spare yourself the sweaty cloths, and work on building trust with the bird. Give treats, associate yourself with fun things, etc.

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