My conures love danger


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2022
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Crimson bellied conure- Tequila
Greencheek conure- Sierra
Pearled cockatiel- Malibu
Cockatiel- Volkan
Yellow budgies- Pina Colada and Houdini
Blue budgie- Lightning
White and blue budgie- Ciroc
So my two conures have always tried to make friends with the crows outside, to the point that I have a vidoe of a crow trying to come in the window because Tequila was talking to it. So I know they like to live on the edge a bit.

Well this morning they both started making their really happy, purring noises and were getting excited at the window. So I look outside and there's a huge red kite flying around and they're just really happy to see him. I know kites are generally carrion feeders and don't really hunt but they don't know that! I don't want them trying to make friends with birds of prey now :ROFLMAO:
So my two conures have always tried to make friends with the crows outside, to the point that I have a vidoe of a crow trying to come in the window because Tequila was talking to it. So I know they like to live on the edge a bit.

Well this morning they both started making their really happy, purring noises and were getting excited at the window. So I look outside and there's a huge red kite flying around and they're just really happy to see him. I know kites are generally carrion feeders and don't really hunt but they don't know that! I don't want them trying to make friends with birds of prey now :ROFLMAO:
Haha! This reminds me of Ona! She purrs at the outside birds too!

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