my sun conure female tried to eat her egg and now its got a hole in it but the albumen isn't cracked. I put sticky tape over the hole to stop infection but i need a long term solution.
Eclectus, CAG, BH Pionus, Maximilian’s Pionus, Quakers, Indian Ringnecks, Green Cheeked Conures, Black Capped Conures, Cockatiels, Lovebirds, Budgies, Canaries, Diamond Doves, Zebra Finches, Society F
Hello, it was actually the male AND female who were cracking it. If I put it in the incubator will it live and how do I stop them from doing this again? The egg is a day old
Eclectus, CAG, BH Pionus, Maximilian’s Pionus, Quakers, Indian Ringnecks, Green Cheeked Conures, Black Capped Conures, Cockatiels, Lovebirds, Budgies, Canaries, Diamond Doves, Zebra Finches, Society F
Incubation of a parrot egg is a fine art even if the egg is damaged, and especially if the egg is under two weeks old, so I would say no, it will not survive. In order to help try to determine why it happened we would need to know a lot about your set up.
Put a non-toxic gum type glue over the tape/crack before you incubate it. Make sure you don't get too much glue on the rest of the egg, or it will affect the rate of respiration in the egg.
If you need any help with incubation, let me know. Do you have an incubator?
I don't have an incubator and I removed the normal tape and put micro-pore paper tape instead. The egg is currently in a cool dark place.
I have put fake eggs in place of the real ones.
Shes now stopped laying and we were only able to save the one cracked one from being totally destroyed. Should I put it back in the box since its only one(we don't even know if its fertile).