My GC is Biting - Hard!


New member
Aug 31, 2024
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Green Cheek Conure
Hi Everyone-

I am a newish owner of a GC conure. I've had a conure before and he was very friendly and sweet and, unfortunately, passed away several years ago. I recently got a new bird Mushu who is about 8 months old.

I am having two issues with him right now:

1. I can't get him off of his cage when he is out. He will fly too me on his own - for example if I am on the couch or working, but I cannot get him on my finger to get him off the cage. He actually lays on my finger!

2. He has become really bitey lately and it hurts. When he does bite I tell him "gentle" and he stops, but as you would expect, it doesn't always work and sometimes he's down right naughty. He has lots of toys and is in a really large cage. Currently he is on Nutri-An cakes which I get from my vet though I am switching him over to pellets right now.

Suggestions welcome!
I don't know much about GCC but your bird may be becoming hormonal. I would put him to sleep earlier.
I would say the more sleep the better.
It could also be just that he isn't used to you. It takes birds different times to get used to their owner.

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