My new theory,...


New member
Dec 24, 2006
A bird talks to get your attention.
If your bird gets lots of attention, he doesn't need to talk.
If you want a chatty bird, you should ignore it.
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Thats hard to argue with.
But if you smother him with attention, will he be in any hurry to talk and entertain me in my dotage? Skippah says squat unless he is screaming for your presence in his native tongue.
He just stares at me like I'm an idiot as I whistle at him, and now I find myself whistling at him when he cant hear me (like when I am down the shops on my own).
My new theory,...
has many many flaws. If all you want a bird for is just for talking purposes get a T.V. or a radio.

If we were to ignore a bird it would be inhumane. Why have a bird just to ignore him/her?

I find that birds will talk when we talk with them and have conversations. Also if we point out things like want some water and offer them water, or dinner and offer them dinner. Regular communication like what we would have with a toddler or adult usually gets the birds interested in talking with us. HOWEVER some birds just simply can not speak our language but do communicate in other ways. We just need to pay closer attention to them:}
Popsicle is my only bird that does talk but she loves to talk at the same time as me rather then when I'm not talking.
That's so weird, Red. here in Pennsylvania the only day we have to wear pants is Thursday.. and teeth only on Sunday.

Tyler talks more now than ever before since he was moved to a busier part of the house. He also seems to understand more. He will just comment on things we are doing.. or tell us what we are doing. Like recently 'walk to bathroom' when I was on my way into the bathroom.
He makes it pretty impossible to ignore him.. He'll say hello when you walk by and if someone doesn't say hello back he'll say it again in a louder more questioning voice.. and then he'll usually say something to try to make you feel guilty like 'pooooor tyler' or a dramatic sigh or something.
I'm trying to work with him now to communicate more when he wants something. He's at the point where I can ask him if he wants something and he will usually either stay silent or whistle his yes noise. (Don't know why he decided to have a certain whistle for 'yes' instead of just saying it but he uses the whistle often)
Sometimes he'll say no as well.

Madison doesn't talk much at all, just uses the same words with different tones to tell me what she wants along with a lot of body language.
Rocky talks like crazy and is the only one of my three that doesn't seem to really want to actually communicate with me vocally very often.
They all get tons of attention though.

I'm sure if you think about it, Skippah probably communicates with you with body language. Certain movements he makes.. the crest going up.. those eyes flashing. Maybe your just used to it and don't realize.
has many many flaws. If all you want a bird for is just for talking purposes get a T.V. or a radio.

If we were to ignore a bird it would be inhumane. Why have a bird just to ignore him/her?

I find that birds will talk when we talk with them and have conversations. Also if we point out things like want some water and offer them water, or dinner and offer them dinner. Regular communication like what we would have with a toddler or adult usually gets the birds interested in talking with us. HOWEVER some birds just simply can not speak our language but do communicate in other ways. We just need to pay closer attention to them:}
I totally agree with everything that he said here. Birds will talk when they feel like it if we talk to them and give them attention. If you don't give your RB2 attention what you will get is a naked unsocial cockatoo.
Mac and Hamlet are two completely different birds, Mac will talk, if only to mimic (which I think is great for a GCC) and Hamlet, well, Hamlet I don't think CAN actually vocalize too well.

Mac's vocabulary is growing, I think we are up to 7 - 10 words now including "gimme a kiss" "Hammie" "Thank you", "Good Bird" and "night night" which are used on a regular basis ... night time roll is great fun with Mac ...

Hamlet on the other hand, doesn't talk ... we have to watch body language and squeaks and sqwaks to figure out what he wants ... 9 times out of 10 it is pretty easy to figure ...

Now, here is something else interesting that will, HOPEFULLY, spawn more discussion ... Hamlet and Mac are treated the same way here, cuddled the same amount, exposed to the same environment and given the same amount of attention. Now, why is it that Mac will vocalize and Hamlet will not ... could it be a "Nature" thing or could it be that Mac was given more handling, interaction, attention as a baby/fledgling than Hamlet was?
I talk much more than my brother does and we were raised the same. I believe it just comes down to individuality.
My blue-crown was my first parrot, it was just him and I for quite awhile so he certainly got tons of attention yet he spoke the least out of any bird that has ever lived with me. I don't think it has much to do with how you raise them, they may just not be interested in mimicry/talking.
Ok I meant that, excusing my excess girl-speak I still talk more than he does.


What are you, one of the fantastic four? I agree, we talk too much!
Deal with it or we won't take our shirts off :p
What are you, one of the fantastic four? I agree, we talk too much!
Deal with it or we won't take our shirts off :p

Wow, a Fantastic Four reference AND a boob reference in the same post ... :32::32:

OK, I agree that you talk too much, and I CAN DEAL WITH IT ... now, I just have to see if Christy will handle the last part of that post for me ... :eek:
Family - YES, friendly, well, some would argue that we wouldn't be all that friendly! :p Ah, screw 'em ... they don't matter anyhow!

Besides, I don't need darling husband perving around here and getting ideas :O

Oh, I am 100% sure that he has his own ideas ... ;) ...

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