My silly littles


New member
Jun 18, 2013
Glendale, AZ
My beautiful SI Eclectus Zephyr and my handsome B&G macaw Vandal, daughter's Sun Conure Loki and son's GCC Blaze
That's what we call the conures when taken together -- "the littles". Anyway, it was cage cleaning day today so hubby had theirs outside powerwashing and all the birds were supposed to be chilling on the playstand while I got Zephyr's (the eclectus) cage disassembled, but Loki (the sun) decided he wanted to check out Zephyr's cage while he had the chance.

Guess he got sick of eyeballing all those toys and not being able to play with them. Then, of course, Blaze (GCC) couldn't be left out.. and I guess Zephyr wanted to supervise and make sure they didn't break his things :p


Anyway, I had to snap a picture because they were cute. Of course, Loki stopped playing with his toy (which you really can't see, it's dangling behind one of the bars -- just a bunch of plastic tubes on a string) because I pulled the camera out.

I was surprised at Zephyr. I thought he might have minded them going into his cage, but he really didn't. He's always desperate to try to make friends with them, though, and they want none of it.. so he was probably telling them to help themselves to whatever they wanted :D
The conures are so colorful! When you have your new baby, you'll really have a rainbow of color with all 4 together :)
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Yes! When we first saw the little green cheek in person I thought she looked so drab compared to the sun, but I hadn't seen her belly yet. And all of her belly feathers have a black tick right through the middle. It really makes her look quite striking.. or at least I think so. Now if only I could convince Zephyr to put those pretty wings up for a picture..
What a fantastic picture of your babies!
Poor Zephyr, he looks like he just wants to join in the fun:)
Hopefully since he has been generous enough to share, they will let him in their inner circle.
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The inner circle of their beaks... on his toes...
How adorable! Zephyr is so sweet to let the little guys explore his cage:) What a beautiful flock you have!
Zephyr is just supervising, he's just letting them get a taste of the "goods", because he knows that they will be jealous.
When he is in there, it's ALL his!:p
Very sweet flock photo, your birds are so pretty. Poor Zephyr, I hope the little guys give him a break and let him join their elite group.

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