My social butterfly


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
We took a trip to the garden store today (2 actually) to get some flowers and whatnot to (finally) get the patio setup. As per usual, Kiwi was super happy to be out and got lots of attention. He is getting much more relaxed around strangers too, which I can only imagine is because of his frequent trips out. He was also SUPER excited about the plants. I had his backpack in the cart, so each time I put a plant in the cart he gave a happy tail shake. He must've thought he was surrounded by 'friends' with all the greenery and colors lol :cool:.

He really pulled a very sweet boy move out of his hat though, and I was thoroughly impressed. A mentally challenged man came up and was very interested about him. I think Kiwi must have sensed that and put on this whole happy-bird display for him (which he has NEVER done for a stranger before). He was fluffing, shaking his tail, doing spins and making all kinds of nice vocalizations for the man:) I was so happy with my good boy, he really was a model bird and ambassador for parrots today:D :green:
Wonderful !!! He sounds so happy :)
Oh that is awesome April! I mean Kiwi :D! Good boy :). He is such a pc and thoughtful parrot lol, I think it's absolutely sweet and heartwarming to hear that. Proof that animals can sense a lot more than we realize.
i'm so happy to hear kiwi is getting out and about. that will really make a happy amazon. Socialize,socialize ,socialize. of course keep all the photos and stories coming,,, we love it.
That's so nice that you take your baby out with you. And I love that he was extra sweet with the mentally challenged person. Like RavensGryf said, I think animals are more intuitive than we give them credit for!
What a nice outing! I love taking both fids out. I love how you take Kiwi out so much.
The parrot community is fortunate to have Kiwi as an ambassador! What a fun outing for both of you. Did Kiwi assist with flower planting, too?
I love this story, April!

The thought that Kiwi sensed somehow that this man was mentally challenged and sought to reach out to him warms my heart. One of my brothers is mentally challenged, and I know it would have meant the world to me if Kiwi had done such a thing for him.

Thank you for sharing.
What a fabulous, joyful day! I bet that man talks about Kiwi for a long time to come! Animals are so great when it comes to humans with different needs! i soooo wanna see the "happy tail shake!"
This week a nephew has been staying with us, he's 17 but has mental issues. I've never asked his diagnosis but I do know he tested at a 5th grade mental capacity. His father was very abusive to he and his sister so they were both taken from him and he lives with his aunt and uncle. Last year was rough for him because they found he has epilepsy and diabetes. He's very quiet and shy, fearful of getting in trouble or dangerous situations. He is deathly afraid of Buddy because Buddy can fly. He's ok with Buddy as long as Buddy is in his cage and he does interact with him but from afar.

Well today, he surprised me, he's fearful of Venus BUT he reached out and touched her, she didn't flinch so he is now interacting with her more! He even let her sit on the arm of the couch next to him so I've been working with him today and with Venus. I'm hoping before he goes home tomorrow that he will let her perch on his hand, baby steps though! But like you said I think she senses he's different and that he's gentle so she's giving him special treatment. And she stole his spoon which he keeps talking and laughing about.
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This is a lovely story.
You said bag in the car, you took him out in a travel cage/bag?

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