Need help.. (night frights)


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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South Africa
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This. All this. Lost from a night fright

I woke up to the sound of Pippen flying around her cage(or having a night fright). I jumped out of bed immediately and ran to see what was wrong. I saw some bleeding under her wings, but it wasn't so bad that it concerned me(it was around 12am and I was too tired to do anything)
Just when I got back in bed, she started again. I got up, checked on her, held her for a bit so she could calm down, and left the lights on for her. I wasn't worried because she has night frights often and she's usually uninjured.

Checked up this morning, she looked fine. Checked again now(12pm), and noticed a ton of feathers at the bottom of the cage...
She lost ALL her pprimary flight feathers on her right wing, and a bunch of other wing and tail feathers. She can't fly either.
She looks okay, but I'm a bit concerned. Should I be worried? And is there anything I can do in the future to help her?

Any advice would be appreciated 🫶

Also, a pic of her wings:
Oh poor Pippen, and poor you, @BirdyBee! Night frights are scary as they can do some real damage if they keep thrashing around and don't calm down. Provided there's no active bleeding though, Pippen should be fine. My 'tiels Fang and Jem are prone to night frights too so I never cover their cage all the way, probably only about two thirds. My bird room adjoins my living room, so I always leave the light on in the living room so they're never in total darkness. I also find toys with bells are very helpful, I'm a light sleeper so when I hear those bells go off in the night I come a-runnin' before too much damage can be done. In fact I just bought a bunch more stainless steel bells to add to their toys or replace existing ones that are made of "mystery metal". 'Tiels seem to be more likely to have night frights than most other species, but all of this has reduced the incidence from oh it used to be something like once a week right down to once every few months or so.

Hoping Pippen will be ok 🙏, and I hope this helps! :)
Oh poor Pippen, and poor you, @BirdyBee! Night frights are scary as they can do some real damage if they keep thrashing around and don't calm down. Provided there's no active bleeding though, Pippen should be fine. My 'tiels Fang and Jem are prone to night frights too so I never cover their cage all the way, probably only about two thirds. My bird room adjoins my living room, so I always leave the light on in the living room so they're never in total darkness. I also find toys with bells are very helpful, I'm a light sleeper so when I hear those bells go off in the night I come a-runnin' before too much damage can be done. In fact I just bought a bunch more stainless steel bells to add to their toys or replace existing ones that are made of "mystery metal". 'Tiels seem to be more likely to have night frights than most other species, but all of this has reduced the incidence from oh it used to be something like once a week right down to once every few months or so.

Hoping Pippen will be ok 🙏, and I hope this helps! :)
Thank you so much! :)
Pipp seems to be better now, probably a bit sad that she can't fly, but she looks happy so I think she's okay. I'll try the advice you gave 🙏

She's eating some veggies now so I think she's good lol
Thank you so much! :)
Pipp seems to be better now, probably a bit sad that she can't fly, but she looks happy so I think she's okay. I'll try the advice you gave 🙏

She's eating some veggies now so I think she's good lol
Oh I'm glad she's eating, that's great news! I've read a theory about night frights that suggests if the room is TOO dark and TOO quiet, it's kinda like the way prey animals in the wild can sense a predator in their midst, they all go very quiet so as hopefully not to be detected by the predator and it sets everyone's nerves on edge. Whether that's what's going on with 'tiels I really don't know, but it could be a factor. Good to know that Pippen is a happier girl this morning and I hope those flight feathers don't take too long to grow back :)
Oh I'm glad she's eating, that's great news! I've read a theory about night frights that suggests if the room is TOO dark and TOO quiet, it's kinda like the way prey animals in the wild can sense a predator in their midst, they all go very quiet so as hopefully not to be detected by the predator and it sets everyone's nerves on edge. Whether that's what's going on with 'tiels I really don't know, but it could be a factor. Good to know that Pippen is a happier girl this morning and I hope those flight feathers don't take too long to grow back :)
That could be the case. I also think cockatiels are just fearful birds. Pippen is scared of almost everything for no reason at all. Sometimes even my hands.. until she realises it's just me. Then she bows her head for scritches lmaoo
Or maybe they just see non-existent creatures we can't see, and just freak out? I'm not so sure, but I wouldn't be surpised lol. Cockatiels are strange animals..
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Aww my tiels have night fright too but ONLy if I changed something in the environment

When I got a new bird they had frights for two nights
Furniture moved? Same thing

Always scares the bejesus outta me . When they have frights I leave a nightlight on for them it

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