Need some advice on adding variety to my budgie's diet. They only want to eat eggs and seeds.


Well-known member
2x Parrot of the Month πŸ†
May 2, 2021
Vermont, USA
Stormy(M): blue Australian budgie
Picasso(F): green Australian budgie
Apollo(F): sky blue dominant pied Australian budgie
I mean, I'm glad they'll eat something other than seeds, but I'm still struggling to get them to eat anything else. I can't put veggies in the eggs, as I make larger batches and save them in the fridge (I have school really early, can't make them new eggs every day). Maybe chop up some veggies and mix them in with the eggs? But will they even eat them or just pick the eggs out? I don't know, but any suggestions are welcome.

Edit: I am also worried their diet will cause poor health. Eating 1-2 things all day every day isn't good at all. I love them and want them to have good health with their diet. Unfortunately it's hard for me to weigh them every day as I have to get up extremely early for school, but I hope that by giving them a better diet they will stay healthier.
I mean, I'm glad they'll eat something other than seeds, but I'm still struggling to get them to eat anything else. I can't put veggies in the eggs, as I make larger batches and save them in the fridge (I have school really early, can't make them new eggs every day). Maybe chop up some veggies and mix them in with the eggs? But will they even eat them or just pick the eggs out? I don't know, but any suggestions are welcome.
Your budgies like eggs too? My Rocky LOVES scrambled eggs (no grease). She practically attacked me this morning as I was trying to chop her portion up on the kitchen counter to put in her bowl. Ate them like she was starving. She eats anything, which is good but I thought she was the only budgie that loved eggs. I probably give her eggs too often (almost every day) but she loves them and seems very healthy. She gets a lot of exercise flying around for a few hours every day. Have you tried chopping up steamed broccoli very fine and mixing with her eggs? My budgies like broccoli raw or steamed. I would only use the florets (flowers) not the stems as they are easier to get into tiny pieces. Rocky also loves corn kernels, fresh, frozen or canned. She holds the kernel in her beak and removes the stuff inside tossing the empty shell when finished. I think Rocky is the only budgie that doesn't care much for millet. I fed her such a varied diet when I was weaning her that she accepts new foods easily especially if we are eating it. I find that all my budgies love oats groats, dry or cooked in chop more than millet. Rocky's new favorite foods are popcicles and SkinnyPop unflavored popcorn.
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Your budgies like eggs too? My Rocky LOVES scrambled eggs (no grease).
I thought they would never want to eat anything but seed... until I tired scrambled eggs. They are obsessed! They will eat all their egg in one sitting so I make sure not to give them too much.
Have you tried chopping up steamed broccoli very fine and mixing with her eggs? My budgies like broccoli raw or steamed. I would only use the florets (flowers) not the stems as they are easier to get into tiny pieces.
I will try that and the other things you recommended, thanks.
I mean, I'm glad they'll eat something other than seeds, but I'm still struggling to get them to eat anything else. I can't put veggies in the eggs, as I make larger batches and save them in the fridge (I have school really early, can't make them new eggs every day). Maybe chop up some veggies and mix them in with the eggs? But will they even eat them or just pick the eggs out? I don't know, but any suggestions are welcome.

Edit: I am also worried their diet will cause poor health. Eating 1-2 things all day every day isn't good at all. I love them and want them to have good health with their diet. Unfortunately it's hard for me to weigh them every day as I have to get up extremely early for school, but I hope that by giving them a better diet they will stay healthier.
You have made a good start with egg. I only have one bird. I boil one egg a week. I put the egg in a small pan, bring water to a boil (make note of the time it takes to get to a boil so thereafter you can use a timer). Boil for 8 minutes then pour off boiling water and put egg in a bowl of cold water to cool).

I cut the egg longways into 4 sections then cut those in half. Now I have 8 pieces. It will last 8 days in a small sealed baggie in the fridge.

I use a 'knee-high' (like panty hose material) to sprout 2 tablespoons of seed. I've explained how in a different post. Look up my posts, or let me know and I'll find it for you. This will last as long as the egg. Here is a picture after 4 days. I'll store it in the fridge to keep it at this stage longer.

Give them some of each daily. I warm the 1/8 egg and cold sprouts for 7 seconds in the microwave to take the chill off.

I chop up veggies once a week and keep them in a tiny bowl covered in Saran wrap.

You are doing great! You'll get there! How many budgies do you have?
I thought they would never want to eat anything but seed... until I tired scrambled eggs. They are obsessed! They will eat all their egg in one sitting so I make sure not to give them too much.

I will try that and the other things you recommended, thanks.
Eggs are rich in so many nutrients including protein, vitamin A and vitamin D and so many birds don't get enough of these nutrients on a seed diet. Birds are literally made from eggs so it must be good for them as long as they get enough exercise and don't get fat on them.
Your budgies like eggs too? My Rocky LOVES scrambled eggs (no grease). She practically attacked me this morning as I was trying to chop her portion up on the kitchen counter to put in her bowl. Ate them like she was starving. She eats anything, which is good but I thought she was the only budgie that loved eggs. I probably give her eggs too often (almost every day) but she loves them and seems very healthy. She gets a lot of exercise flying around for a few hours every day. Have you tried chopping up steamed broccoli very fine and mixing with her eggs? My budgies like broccoli raw or steamed. I would only use the florets (flowers) not the stems as they are easier to get into tiny pieces. Rocky also loves corn kernels, fresh, frozen or canned. She holds the kernel in her beak and removes the stuff inside tossing the empty shell when finished. I think Rocky is the only budgie that doesn't care much for millet. I fed her such a varied diet when I was weaning her that she accepts new foods easily especially if we are eating it. I find that all my budgies love oats groats, dry or cooked in chop more than millet. Rocky's new favorite foods are popcicles and SkinnyPop unflavored popcorn.
Donna, I was typing before your post hit the forum. I'm so slow, (one letter at a time with one finger, 🫀 because I'm using my phone).

I am going to cook Byrdie's vegetables next time. I think he would eat more that way. He eats a little, but I throw away the majority of it. And Byrdie won't eat alone. I have to hold his 'buffet' up near my face and both my dog and I have to eat along. He's almost two years old, but I'm having to go through this ritual as if he is a baby. I don't mind except the other two of us are trying to eat less, not more, as we are 'spreading out'.πŸ˜‚
Donna, I was typing before your post hit the forum. I'm so slow, (one letter at a time with one finger, 🫀 because I'm using my phone).

I am going to cook Byrdie's vegetables next time. I think he would eat more that way. He eats a little, but I throw away the majority of it. And Byrdie won't eat alone. I have to hold his 'buffet' up near my face and both my dog and I have to eat along. He's almost two years old, but I'm having to go through this ritual as if he is a baby. I don't mind except the other two of us are trying to eat less, not more, as we are 'spreading out'.πŸ˜‚
Bird owners always end up throwing out more than they actually eat but that's okay! Eating is a very social occasion for birds as you can see. It's much easier to get them to eat new foods of their flock members are eating it.
Feeding eggs daily seems like too much to me. But I don't feed egg so I don't 100% know.
Firstly what have you tried?
If they like the softness of the egg have you tried cooked sweet potato? If they like that you can use it to introduce other veggies.
Have you tried "Not chop"? For my budgies that looks like big chunks of veggies instead of fine chop, for bigger birds it can start to look like entire halves or whole vegetables. Some budgies love whole leafy greens, hang them up wet and they double as a bath.
Have you tried dried or freeze dried veggies? Some birds love the crunch!
Have you tried birdie bread? Lots of the recipes I've seen include eggs.
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Have you tried "Not chop"? For my budgies that looks like big chunks of veggies instead of fine chop, for bigger birds it can start to look like entire halves or whole vegetables. Some budgies love whole leafy greens, hang them up wet and they double as a bath.
Yes, and hanging stuff up is hard because they aren't cage bound... ever.
Have you tried dried or freeze dried veggies? Some birds love the crunch!
I'm a broke teenager, I can't afford that unfortunately.
Have you tried birdie bread? Lots of the recipes I've seen include eggs.
Yes, they have no interest.

I've tried all types of chop, all sorts of ingredients, cooked ingredients included.
If they like the softness of the egg have you tried cooked sweet potato?
No, I hope to try it in the future though.
Yes, and hanging stuff up is hard because they aren't cage bound... ever.
Do they still have a cage? Can hangs things on the outside. Play stands? Hanging chunks using SS skewers is pretty easy.
I'm a broke teenager, I can't afford that unfortunately.
Understandable. I've not been able to try FD due to price, but do have a dehydrator so have tried my own dehydrated greens before.

What specific veggies have you tried? Sometimes it can take finding that one thing they love to get them started trying other things. For my budgies that was carrot, for my Galah kale (if I'm remembering correctly), for my slaty it was capsicum (bell peppers). None of my budgies have refused fresh corn or (defrosted) frozen peas!

Have you looked into making (or even buying) some kind of "dry mix" to add variety? Something that has seeds, nuts, a bit of dried veggies and fruit, herbs, spices etc.

Also forgot to quote it, but sweet potato is really easy to quickly cook in the microwave, though I have been told that gives a different texture than baked and some birds will only like one method or the other.
Hi Ollie,
I had basically the same issue with Kai after I first brought him home. He would only eat seed and pellets, and when I offered him some eggs, he was addicted, but still would not touch a vegetable with a ten-foot pole. So, great.

Here's what I did:
  • Bought some random vegetables. Broccoli was definitely the easiest, but I managed to do this with carrots, lettuce, etc. Then cut them into tiny pieces. And I mean TINY. Not like the pieces you'd find in chop-- even smaller than that. I used a cheese grater (albeit not the best tool, but it worked lol-- I used the side with the tiny tiny holes) and then kinda just ripped the pieces apart even more with my (CLEAN) hands. Then I just mixed them in with his seed. When the pieces are small enough, they're barely visible, but I imagine this would only work if your birds don't pick the things they like out of the seed mix and leave the rest. Still, it's worth a try, probably.
    • This didn't work for me when I mixed the veggies with his eggs, but you could probably try that anyway. You never know.
  • Ate vegetables with eggs in front of him. It's the oldest trick in the book, but it worked pretty well. It also helped that he was bonded with Ziggy, who happily ate veggies. I know you don't have a healthily-eating bird to use as a role model, but a human works as a close second.
  • Showed him YouTube videos of budgies eating veggies... it sounds completely stupid, but somehow it helped?? Having a bird learn that the healthy foods are edible and that other birds and people like to eat them is a HUGE step in the right direction.
Bear in mind that this is not a quick process and since some of your birds have been with you for years (iirc), it'll probably take a while-- it took me almost 10 months with Kai. If there's one thing I've learned from budgie ownership, it's that they're stubborn as hell when it comes to trying new things. Just apply yourself, be patient, and welcome all progress. Their willingness to eat healthy can only increase, really, so just try everything, and you'll get there. Best of luck to you and your flock!!

Foxxy Cleopatra
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Do they still have a cage? Can hangs things on the outside. Play stands? Hanging chunks using SS skewers is pretty easy.
Yeah, I do have all that stuff. But the nuggets would rather be chaotic than eat.
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I got some sweet potato, anything you guys recommend in terms of preparing or ingredients to add?
Re sweet potatoes, I zap them in the microwave on the 'tater setting. Cut into quarters, Let cool until 105 degrees F, and serve. Salty LOVES his sweet taters.

Re Eggs - While Salty does eat them, conventional knowledge says they should only be served occasionally, as there is a LOT of protein in them. I save them for when Salty is molting. Same reason that chicken bones should be served occasionally, the marrow is high protein food!
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Re sweet potatoes, I zap them in the microwave on the 'tater setting. Cut into quarters, Let cool until 105 degrees F, and serve. Salty LOVES his sweet taters.

Re Eggs - While Salty does eat them, conventional knowledge says they should only be served occasionally, as there is a LOT of protein in them. I save them for when Salty is molting. Same reason that chicken bones should be served occasionally, the marrow is high protein food!
Thanks for the info.

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