Neon trying to mate... Help plz??!


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Nov 12, 2013
my darling lovebird
i have a peach faced lovie called neon guava, probably around 1 year old aannd shes been trying to mate with any possible person. Im freaking out cause im really afraid that she may start laying infertile eggs. She keeps making clicking sounds whenever shes around me, and the other day she even started throwing up food for me.thats when i realised that she might be a he? Ive never heard of females throwing up seeds? She sits on my shoulder and opens her wings flat and starts shaking her tail (disgustiing!!!) I try to leave her alone whenever she starts behaving like that. What do i do?? I dont want to get another bird unless its ABSOLUTLEY necessary. Please help!! :confused::confused::eek:


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Nov 24, 2010
Nanday, suns, parrotlet, Patagonian
Hello, While 3 lovebird species are dimorphic, your Neon Guava is not one of them, so, there are only two ways I know of to determine the sex of a monomorphic bird is either when a hen might lay an egg or to have it DNA tested. Also, although you may not have heard of it, but both male and female lovebirds can and do regurgitate for their favorite item, whether it is a toy or human.

I would suggest that you read up on the best diets for increasing a bird's calcium intake through foods and find out where you might obtain powdered calcium locally, because if you do have a hen and she does lay eggs for you, she is going to need increased calcium, because producing the eggs draws on a hen's calcium reserves and if her calcium level is low, her body could start drawing calcium from other part of her body.

If you have the ability and a veterinarian who can take blood samples and do the different tests necessary, you might want to think of having the tests done.

Now, as far as getting your feathered friend to quit regurgitating or displaying its feathers, I don't know of anything or any way to stop them from this because it is part of their natural reproduction roles.....


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May 8, 2013
1 green cheek conure (Kumar)
2 male budgies (Charlie and Diego)
The part where you say "she" opens her wings, grinds and rattles her tail on your shoulder is something my males occaisionally do. Not saying that females are incapable of it. Next time "she" does it, have your mom (or you) peek under the tail. When males get excited like that, the penis comes out.
Or when "she" does it, and she's getting really into it, pick her up, flip her over and take a look....part the feathers if necessary. If you see it then you have a boy, and egg laying won't be an issue.
The best way I've dealt with this behavior is to distract them with a toy, or somehow completely change the subject....leading them into play. Don't distract with food, or you'll be rewarding him/her for it. And it's best to not react to it other than either ignoring it or distracting with another activity.
The bird is hormonal, it's normal, it happens. Nothing to be alarmed about. I'll bet you 10 bucks you got a boy :)
Just be aware that you have to look very quickly, as it disappears back into the vent very quickly. Or you could just do a DNA test. But with no avian vets in your area you would have to do it thru the mail.
With Kumar I was sure he was a girl, and got a DNA test and found out he was a boy. Then a few weeks after the test, he started doing exactly what Neon is doing, and I saw his penis. If only I had waited lol!
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May 18, 2013
Don't be to worried if she starts laying infertile eggs, my cockatiel used to do that, she'd sit on them for a while then just leave them.
As has been said I don't think you'll stop him/her from bringing food up for you, just appreciate the compliment haha. If he/she is on your shoulder just be aware that during such displays sometimes birds can get nippy.


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Nov 12, 2013
my darling lovebird
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Ohhh kay. I dont know from where i got this wierd idea that every bird who lays infertile eggs dies. ;) Pheww!!
@kalidasa: Smart idea!! Ill watch out now :)
and well i got her clipped yesterday and shes very sad and quiet. I feel guilty! :(


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Oct 24, 2011
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Basically don't feed into the behaviors. Nothing under the wings, down the back or on the belly. Rub her head, touch her feet. And don't allow her to nest. Meaning nothing where she can be isolated enough where she can begin the process of reproductive behaviors, such as under towels or sheets.


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Nov 12, 2013
my darling lovebird
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Yeah she never goes inder bedsheets and their is no nesty area in her cage. I try to stay away from her back and tail but its not working. She just got clipped so for the last few Days shes too upset to be trying to mate


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Sep 7, 2013
I have one umbrella cockatoo. A female 3 years old named Mina.
Laying infertile eggs can be very dangerous. Hens can become egg bound or as discussed before they can suffer from low calcium which is not like with humans it's life threatening. You want to avoid this at all costs. I have a female U2 that thinks I'm her mate and gets a little frisky. I either change what she is doing by moving her off me,or if she won't sot I put her in her cage for about 10 min and leave the room that usually breaks the behavior.


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When males get excited like that, the penis comes out.

REALLY?! I believe you, but wow I have never heard of that! Obviously it has to come out when birds are really mating, so it does stand to reason that this can happen, but I'm assuming it's rare for a bird owner to see a bird penis?? :52:

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