Hi All,
Please check out: Moluccan Cockatoo Care and Conservation
It’s not easy to stand-out among such spectacular birds as the cockatoos, but the Moluccan Cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis) does so admirably. In size, color, trainability, and many other ways, it is in a class by itself. This adds to the species’ allure, but there is a downside…wild populations are plummeting, and their needs, as pets, are beyond the capabilities of many owners. Read article here: The Moluccan (Salmon-Crested) Cockatoo - Captive Care and Conservation | That Bird Blog
Comments and questions appreciated,
Thanks, Frank
Frank Indiviglio | Facebook
Bio: That Pet Place welcomes Zoologist/Herpetologist Frank Indiviglio to That Reptile Blog | That Reptile Blog
Please check out: Moluccan Cockatoo Care and Conservation
It’s not easy to stand-out among such spectacular birds as the cockatoos, but the Moluccan Cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis) does so admirably. In size, color, trainability, and many other ways, it is in a class by itself. This adds to the species’ allure, but there is a downside…wild populations are plummeting, and their needs, as pets, are beyond the capabilities of many owners. Read article here: The Moluccan (Salmon-Crested) Cockatoo - Captive Care and Conservation | That Bird Blog
Comments and questions appreciated,
Thanks, Frank
Frank Indiviglio | Facebook
Bio: That Pet Place welcomes Zoologist/Herpetologist Frank Indiviglio to That Reptile Blog | That Reptile Blog